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Posts posted by QitKate

  1. While I love my companions, it gives me the feeling that I'm never alone, I AM SO TIRED of always having to hear the same few sentences over and over. And I love playing with in game sound. In the past I've turned down the sound because I just couldn't keep listening at my companion's nonsense.
    So please think about it, it could be simply solved by adding a tick box under the sound section to mute your companion.
    Thanks for reading

  2. 8 years later...


    Travel to the Lower Prison Magma Transport. Exit out to The Tomb and take the East exit (if you're looking at the map). Take this dotted line of a side road to the main road and head south. take it to the second fork in the road and head north east toward the wall and go under the arch way. Take that side road through the baddies and then trek westward to get Noumeian.


    I spent WAY too long on this stupid mission to not post this, if at least for my future reference. Good luck everyone. This is not straight forward, at least not as of posting this. Do not bother with taking the ancient speeder to Deep Launchpoint Transport. Every way there is blocked, despite the fact that the map makes it look like this is the way. It is not the way. Someone needs to fix this.


    This helped me somewhat. So I thought I should just draw it out on a map.


    link to imgur: https://imgur.com/LbabiS8

  3. Sorry for the late reply!

    I tried what you suggested (thanks for the tip) but it didn't work.


    When I did the quest for the third time I found out my mistake. I tried to use the entrance where the symbol was placed. Turns out the real door I needed was at the back of the building, waiting for me the whole time... :rolleyes:


    Never noticed this in the video because they both look the same (well, except for one being open, the other not). Picture me very embarrassed :o.


    TY TY TY been really wondering *** I was doing wrong

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