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Posts posted by Atreus_Sunryder

  1. Hello everyone, this is my first time posting a question, hopefully it is in the right spot.
    I have looked up some about the different classes and disciplines and it sounds like they all do a decent job at what they are supposed to do. But most people are playing with a companion or in a group. Be it for personal challenges or when group missions go south and you find yourself the last one standing, which class and discipline is going to take out the most enemies and survive the longest? Or are they all capable if you know what you are doing?

    For example I cleared a Hammer Station on veteran mode with a Vigilance Guardian without a companion except for the bosses. My character was level 80 with 340 green gear, the relics and implants are not the optimal ones, just some random blue ones. My overall gear rating is 338. I used the smash tactical, don't remember the name, the AOE one. The first big pull was a lot easier than I thought. I had my doubts about the two turrets at the bridge, but I destroyed them fairly easy too. I did not get defeated anytime.
    I tried that on a Hatred Assassin once and did not survive long enough to destroy the first big pull. But I did manage to destroy that one turret with the single enemy before the second boss with Hatred. I could not do that on my Fury marauder.
    I have also dabbled with Deception and despite reading on forums how it is supposed to have better survivability than Hatred, I do not know how as I do not see any extra defenses. Maybe I just over looked it. Deception does have abilities that slows down enemies but so does Hatred and what effect does that have against blaster wielding foes?

    I am not the best at this game and I need to improve a lot. Completing the meager challenge of clearing HS does not make me a good player. I recently installed Starparse and in the few Operations I ran there was people with easily double my DPS. While I am hitting around 15k - 17k sometimes nearing 20k there is others who hits 30+k and some even getting over 40k DPS. I find it hard to believe that a few points more in gear rating and a few expensive gold augments will make that much of a difference. Even if I had the Legendary tacticals I doubt it will make me that much better. 

    I am curious about the Assassin. Is it possible to do a lot with it or am I expecting too much? I really like the double bladed saber staff but the survivability of the Jugg / Guardian is hard to beat. And Saber Reflect is fun. But I will appreciate anything anyone has to say about the durability of the various classes even the blaster ones. Also what about a tank with damage mods, will that set up get work done or is the DPS counterparts better?

    I look forward to reading your responses. Hope you all have a good day and take care.


  2. Hello

    This is my first time posting on this site so hopefully I get it right.


    I am relatively new to this game. Having joined about a month ago there is much I don't know about the game, and I have yet to finish a story. I do not know what all the changes are going to be nor how they will affect me. Terms like Ops, Raids, Dungeons, Conquests are all foreign to me as all I have done so far is the main story plus some side missions. I have done the flashpoint Black Talon and Esseles, the Sith Warrior Marauder and Jedi Knight Guardian being the main characters I have been playing.

    This is a fun game, it is beautiful, immersive, and it captivated me. In the short time I have been here I spent around $400 dollars on a two month subscription plus Cartel Coins. Part of that is from my lack of understanding collection, so I ended up buying the same two outfits three times before I realized I didn't have to. I wanted to get as much as I can out of this amazing game while I had some free time. If things goes according to plan I will be quite busy, I want to join the Army. But this game has the potential to draw me back in the future. I would want to come back, finish the stories, and make new characters to try different choices. I get it that it's an MMO but the story and the uniqueness of individual characters is what captivated me most, along with the beautiful scenery and the music, I truly felt immersed in a galaxy far far away.

    But this update is going to change that immersion and that is why I write this.


    As I said, I am new and do not know everything about the game. But I know how the Dark or Light toggle switch works and I positively love that part of the game.


    Please do not remove this gem from the game!


    It is my understanding that the Dark or Light alignment will be decided on a "morality" system based on choices in the story and crew skills diplomacy. Well, I find it hard to believe that kills will no longer be counted. Is there not moral decisions and thoughts involved in killing / defeating foes? Why should this not continue to count towards Light or Dark side points the way it currently is? This is a very big part of the immersion of the game, a part of what makes it real in a sense. Your actions of killing NPCs affect your alignment based on your commitment to the ways of the Light or Dark side. Not to mention the Force is in all living beings in the Star Wars universe, so killing anyone, be it a big end level boss or the minion along the way, it should continue to count toward one's alignment. Like what Satele Shan told the Jedi Knight upon their arrival to the Temple, "Taking a life affects the Living Force and the one that does the killing."

    This very special part of the game is uniquely suited for Star Wars. It contributes to bringing the Force to life in the game and greatly enhances the immersion in the game. Taking away the Light or Dark toggle switch removes a great part of the immersion and reduces the significance of the Force. The path of Light Side or Dark Side does not begin and end with some choices in dialogue or crew skills diplomacy, it is a part of one's entirety. And it is not difficult to compare the Light and Dark way to real life either.

    If I punch someone for looking at me the wrong way, then it could be said I made a Dark side choice. On the flip side if I punch someone attacking a helpless person in an attempt to save that person and protect them it could be said I made a Light side choice. Those might not be the best examples but hopefully anyone gets my meaning.

    The concept of Light Side vs Dark Side is a really interesting part of Star Wars, and a very important one too. Likewise, the Light or Dark toggle switch is so important to the game and contributes much. I ask again, please do not remove it.


    I do not want anyone thinking I am expecting some sort of special treatment because I paid some on this game. But I have read in other spots where people complain about F2P people, and I do not want to be lumped into a category as a complainer who hasn't contributed anything to the game. I also want to say this to any Bioware developer reading this, should you decide to keep the Light or Dark toggle switch, I will subscribe for a year whether I play it or not. This has been a great experience during my short time here and I want others to be able to experience it should they choose to.


    Thank you for this amazing game. Please do not remove the Light or Dark side toggle switch, it's contribution to this game can not be overstated.

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