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Posts posted by mirellha

  1. Well thanks to all

    During this fight, i was under the feeling that i was may be really too old for all that kind..... though i did not die i was fighting but doing anything to survive, including yelling at home with a unique thought : you are really too old.

    Well i guess i am not too old :P:P  (70+ and can go on after reading all the comments)

    • Like 2
  2. so i tried the new hood. Some are  bad, i would say pict 1 and 2, for the very bad we have the 3rd one

    The 4th picture is with the new hair style for woman, its almost good, but still not really figuring reality

    The last one is perfect

    I know you said there is no bug on this, but .... well i doubt even your team will laugh and comment at the 3 first pictures.

    May be just rework a little the hood, at least you could make it to not be so sticky to the uper head, as you know there will be some hairs below






    • Confused 1
  3. You completely misunderstand the thread. Not trying to ban players out of GF, only out of Master mode FP if they don't meet certain peresquites. It is also the players fault for beginning at master mode instead of veteran, you cannot simply blame everything on developers. People often admit it's their first run in a FP - but yet they still queued for master mode. That is the real issue.



    So you condamn them to just go FP Vet for months of grinding to get the good gear that the devs just implemented ?


    Honnestly, if the devs did this, they probably thought that it was good enough. (not saying it is)


    Stop thinking at what was the game. Its nothing alike. Everyone is at the same level with their thinking

  4. I see all the complaints, but I, for one, like freshness in an mmo every so often. Things are different, I like some things, dislike others, but over all I'm happy. Been playing since headstart.


    Honnestly ?? no keybinding, swapping resetting skills, Visual bugs (hairs, beards), character panel mixed with the map, inventory does not show currencies, .... and i could add so more.


    My problem is not the Gear, and even the combat, my problem is that all those were clearly posted in the pts forum, and clearly they ignored them,


    Why asking for a delay, if this is to release such a patch ?


    I would have give such work, i would have been fired in the hour.

  5. I really love the game. Between husband and myself we own 10 accounts. We made 2 Light guilds and 1 dark.


    We enjoyed every moment, every story. We met wonderful people and were ready to meet new ones.


    But too much is too much.

    Come on Devs, be honest, for each line of bug for this patch, you had a report on PTS.

    Myself, i alerted with Keybinding, Hairs, Beards, switch bar resetting, i posted screenshots even. For what ? to see that you were so proud of yourselves to listen and just postpone for good.


    The game was in its maturity, with some flow i agree, but it was a real fun. Now every basic is broken. The fun is over.

    I can only hope that in one year, you will have swallow your pride and come back to your senses.


    We had our 10 accounts subs. Not anymore. Until you do something.


    Good luck all! and thank you for those fantactic years. See you in 2023.

  6. they wont! they knew in advance that the changes made would push away some players, reason why the new pack is under sub gating. They think they will attract new players with that formula.


    Though, if actually its true that the game is seeing a lot of arrivals, the complaints even within the new comers are legion.


    As us they complain on basic bugs never corrected since 10 years, as well as the perspective of grinding. The story is not enough to keep them


    EA is bidding on that xpack, hoping for the best. This is not the first game to close because of a sudden loss of subs.


    I do not wish to leave, i love it, but my heart is really sad seeing what is becoming.

  7. Really I wish they would fix the current hairstyles (the bald look when you bend over with Ramos' hairstyle, for example) before giving us new buggy ones...


    same here. I made the mistake to think they corrected it, and when i got my new account, i bought those again ..... well for nothing as i cant use them.


    Way to sell a product non finished ....

  8. What i would like presently : story, fp, new cosmetics (hairs, beard etc or


    more even :

    - correction of the bugs hairs we paid so long ago from the market and we can not use)

    - correction of all the clippings (10 years of bugs, that would have been an achievement from Bioware)

    - New mounts, pets, not a copy of the copy of the copy but different colors : imagination, creativity

    - new race

    - new stronghold with more liberty to build and create


    - equilibrate the actual combat before changing it like they want

    - give some more love to pvp for our friends pvpers

    - and while doing all this DO NOT TOUCH THE SETS GEAR. Please give us a break with this stupid gear change.


    - review some old area, change some graphics, there is so much to do before crashing the game as you do now

  9. ONLY women?


    Its a bug in the creation :) but still, as of today the bug is still there. I created 2 on pts today and still there.


    Cosmetic and complexions put to 0 or 1 remove the beard on women lol


    They introduced new hairs too, but 2 new ones are wrongly done.




    I tested them with body 1 , 2, 3 and 4. THe result is the same. Having this after going to the hair dresser, i would really be bad :mad: - I do not know if those are meant to be paid though


    But i think personally that for a new player, having this bug even before starting the game, is not a good image of the game.

  10. The scalaing and balance is not final on all content, so I can only hope they make changes. Make sure you put your feedback in the appropriate feedback thread about game scaling so they know this is a problem.


    I don't know if story mode flashpoints will drop any gear, but veteran mode has a chance to drop gear and typically you will get at least 1 piece for every 3 bosses, and with luck 3 for 3. You will only ever have a single piece drop from an enemy and it will never exceed your current item rating equipped.


    Unfortunatly thinking of grouping in 7.0 is more a nightmare for me.

    Considering they raised the difficutly of all FP, if i do a vet mode with a group and follow their path of quickness, then i will be lay down with my breather for hours. And i certainly will not ask anyone to go slowly because of me. So what i was able to do before 7.0 will be part of sweet memories i guess.


    I so do not understand why they changed that much the game. May be they want to get rid of old people

  11. So, after reading the full report you did, Gran'Ma wanted to test if she would be able to play as before.


    I tested with a lv 80 geared 318 a first time, then with a lv 80 still wearing a full 306, augmented with 286 augments. -1 companion for the first atttempt influence 1, then 50 for the second attempt

    i am really not as good as you all so i went to test some FP story mode i am used to do for fun, Copero and Nathema and test oneSM FP not known: Nul (for the first time).


    Copero and Nathema SM, with my shadow infiltration with the 318 gear was really long. Each fight was boring. I did not stealth inside i fought my way. The companion of course died alot, but way alot even as healer. I died 5 times when usually in SM mode i do not die unless i am very tired.


    Nul - with a companion influence 1 : the adds were not that hard. The first boss was very very long to kill. I was under the feeling that i was fighting with a butter knife. But i killed if finally. The second boss was way hard. I did catch the how to after my 6 deaths for this boss. The adds respawning was so fast, at a time i had about 15 robot on me. So to be honnest, as i wanted to test with the influence 50 comp, i gave up at this boss, knowing that i understood the mechs.


    Nul with a lv 50 comp and gear 306, was way easier. Some robots are quite hards, and without companion i would die i am sur. First boss was quite easy, but long long enough though. But this time i was under the feeling of a fight not just tickling it.

    Second boss, knowing the fight was easier but NOT EASY. WAY NOT.

    I am certain a lot of player doing SM will have trouble. Too much adds with the laser. Then it was quite difficult, more than any of the story we have actually, and we need to give our full attention to the fight.

    The last boss though was a full deception. For this last fight i would have expect the same kind of difficulty that the second boss, even higher. But no. It was quite fast, no risk, some blabla, and he was dead. What ? really ? usually a last boss in the final fight and is harder, in this case its a pity. Yes even for a gran'Ma (70).


    Will i do this often, NO. Story mode went from fun to ennoying long and difficult for nothing. i had 2 identical drops of decoration. And that's all. Usually i had some legacy gear dropping, not this time. And some purple mods to decon. Not this time either.


    I wont say anymore because you all know better than me what to think of this. I dont like though the fact that knowing that all this is a fiasco, they kept tempting us with CM. Something wrong.

  12. Beards for women and clipping hair!

    This goes to show when being too inclusive starts to look like the piss.


    Ooops! Hopefully I don't get reported for saying 'Piss'by someone from a neutral country!!


    This is a very familiar word, present in the *Larousse*, not even quoted as vulgar. Our ancestors used it without schocking.

  13. i am probably part of the oldest (70). i heard a lot, saw a lot and endure a lot even in gaming (personal harassment, hacking, and more. I was way younger and was reacting immediatly (south character and french :p)


    Since, i realised that unfortunatly they do this to provoke us, to get attention, repeating often what was in some disturbing movie, or unfortunatly in family, to shock us and if they succeed by having only 1 answer they are happy.


    We all, i imagine, have an old grump who likes from time to time to go swearing and yell insanities. I had one (that was enough) and i put things in place. But i can not do that for others. And you can not.


    As you i was mad to have to close my chat, but i went to it.

    And if the harassment comes to me in whisper, usually i ignore. I had some contacting me via some of their friends to apologize because they were drunk, but that was not a good excuse for me. So to this day they are still ignored.


    I do not feel that i am accepting them, or even tolering them. This is not my game, this is not my life its theirs. One day they will meet someone who will jump at their throat because of words they pronunced, and that day they will think, may be. And its not my problem. Its theirs.


    My sons were never allowed to speak this way, and they understood the meaning of respect. And it is now the turn of my gran'son. He learns. He comes back to school some days with some nasty vocabulary. We explain. talk, and if necessary enforce. And no, do not think that we speak a pure langage :p I am from Corsica and south france, and our vocabulary sometimes would make a saint turn red. But we are in our homes. Or some very dear friends homes. And this is privacy.


    Gaming is not privacy. For some its liberty to be anything because no one can see you. JUST IGNORE THEM


    IGNORE THEM, dont wait to see if the chat will stop. IGNORE.

  14. I probably should not read the forums, but as i went on PTS, i had to read and sometimes answers. The result is as of today, that i am in panic mode. I played SWTOR for 9 years, and own 6 accounts, and i never felt so lost toward the game and me.


    This game means a lot to me, first as a game, story, but also in my realiy, it helps me enduring pain and health problems. The reason i dont group a lot (beside veteran FP and some actually easy ops, is that i have to stop in emergency at any time to put myself under breather, or in the worst case to go lay down for hours to get my breath and heart good again. Its not that i dont like the community. Its that i deal with what i can. And gran'ma near 70 does not help either to avoid panic mode.


    So with a companion actually, i am able to solo some vet mods, with no rush and no spacebars :p

    But today while reading the forums, i did read something that really stressed me, so if you can may be explain me better that would be very kind of you.


    - 7.0 remove alts ? (i love having 1 character of each class and live their stories mixed with a bit of my character story). I do conquests on each, crafting, i outfit them of course, and i learn the how to do for the time i will be in group. : so no more alts for me ?


    - Flashpoints limited by level or gear ? I can understand the reasoning, but will i be able to still go solo in some vet mode ? (not using GF of course) and as for the GF it will be gated by the armor ?


    - Conquest ? i am in my own little guild, rank 46, and i love doing the conquest (until now i never attempted any invasion but since one month i have opened almost all the wings of my guild ship, so i was thinking may be for the fun to try at least one time. But i read or understood wrongly, that only 1 character can now do the conquest ?


    - Now i was wondering, i am sub, so when 7.0 will launch i will be proposed to choose a second combat if this is for a higher character or i can level again a new one. What if i only want the story and want to keep my unique combat ?


    Personally i would prefer because one of the basic things i tested on the PTS, does not work, and i dont want to spend 3 hours + for nothing and not be able to play correctly.

    The Loadout will be for everyone or only those with the new combat ?

    for me, it never worked. The skills does not keep any of MY keybindings and go back to default. (And even without loadout, all my keybindins are systematicall reverted to default.) (posted in PTS forums with movie)


    Sorry for the long post. And thank you if you can answer to even one things :)

  15. I am not sur if this is me or if this is the new system, but i can not after 3 hours of attempts keep the keybindings i use to play with since 10 years.


    I did apply all the keybindings i want. I saved them in Preferences, Keybinding-Expert-Import as i do since lots of years. But as soon as i log off, travel, the keybindings are lost again and i am back with the default ones.


    I even made a short movie in case you notice that i do wrong.



    THis character for test purpose, does not have launched the quest to choose another style combat.

    She is lv 75 (pts) - copy from live - i did not place correctly the abilities as for now my major problem is the fact that the keybinding do not save.


    I tried to use the loadout, BUT this is even worst. The keybindings are saved on the profil BUT they does not load at all.

    Main Bar abilities keybindings are correct

    Quickslot bar 2 : I tried to use the 4 last slots to have my pet, my mount, my regen and 1 skill special for me

    Those slots do not keep the keybindings at all. I tried to get those on the bar 3, 4, 5, and that does not work either


    Are we limited now to use only 1 bar for the abilities and nothing more ?



  16. Personally PTS chat was definitly the *be ignored by others*.


    That was my first experience again since long years, spent the first day totally lost, no one answered, and at the end of the day i felt that was my worst day of gaming.


    Probably the reason i do not feel attracted but more pushed away from pts. I did try to test but definitly no joy to do so. Created several new characters, made some copy from lives. Never succeeded to go pass 10 on the new ones because that was sad and lonely to play there. On the copy i admit i never tried to group because i am not a end gamer and would have been more a bother for groups than a helper to test.


    I think you are a whole community used to be together on PTS and to be more vocals also on general chat live. And that is understandable that you stay that tight community on PTS.


    I just wished that you were not so hermetics sometimes. But again i totally understand.


    I stand corrected today, as i was helped by testers, at least they tried to help me :) thanks all

  17. Of course you are right but there is also some mentality.


    Some decide to sell an item at very high price. Some will join, and put the same item at a lower price but sill very high. No one will feel the urge to cut them for a lot, seeing that the product value is totally wrong.


    Of course the value each estimate is personal but well lets take an example from last night :


    - Ttile Bounty collector

    I had myself one to sell. As everyone i check if there is some and the range of price.

    it was going from 900m to 400m ..... Honestly, for a title ? yes its a purple, but i have yet to see one wearing this title.

    I could not sell it at all at those range of prices. I felt bad. Something was wrong

    And as usual when i go mad, i do silly stuff : sent mine for 1 credit. (YEah i know one of those fool may have bought it and will make a huge profit, but at least i will not make a huge profit for something that is not deserving it.

    And after that, i sold about 60 items (weapons, armot set, crystals, emotes and toys at 1 credit too). Those where on my accounts since very long and some from recently, but usually i was keeping them to offering them at new area, until i was harassed by someone who was mad at me for giving away items with for some great value)


    So until you will have some who wants to profit from others, no matter if the items value they gave it is totally wrong, the economy will be altered.

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