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Posts posted by Jeyyboi

  1. Hello I'm back. Devs please give us spike back. Stun on Maul is pretty bad. I think with assassin, you should be adding more new abilities and making us choose between those rather than taking away old ones and making us choose between them. Think of it like this. Considering our characters are getting stronger (Level 80) we should be gaining new heights (new abilities) rather than losing our old knowledge or power (like spike). I might sound like a broken record but this is how I feel.
  2. Considering now that 7.0 is being delayed. I hope you devs (please Jackie reply or Eric Musco) will consider giving us Spike back if you're gonna make us choose between Force Shroud and Whirlwind. Or I dont know, give us both Whirlwind and Force Shroud if you're taking away Spike forever.


    (Maybe I should do a daily reminder on this thread for these changes that I personally want to see haha. Could be considered spam I know...)


    Anyways just my 2 cents.

  3. Hello Jackie. Im with everyone that says that you shouldn't make your LOYAL SUBSCRIBERS choose between Undying Rage, Mad Rush and Force Choke . Personally, I don't mind not having Mad Rush as I use Force Rush more often, but please please please PLEASE let us have Force Choke and Undying Rage simultaneously. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want people to be flocking over to another class leaving the Marauder player count little to none (maybe a bit dramatic). Anyways, I hope to see this change soon as I am very much looking forward to playing the expansion.


    (Either I stay a Mara or I go play Sin which by the way I wouldn't like because I prefer the voice actor for Sith Warrior haha)


    Anyways heres my 2 cents of a dramatic post.

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