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Posts posted by swtormisthios

  1. 1) Yes, yes it is


    2) Thanks CPT Obvious?


    3) Not true. In certain MMOs (BDO, EQ certain servers), PvP was the world. You died in EQ in PvP? You could lose: an item, ALL your items, money.


    4) Re-read those two sentences. I'm sure they made sense to you when you wrote them, but combined with what else you wrote, they make no sense.


    They ESPECIALLY make no sense because at this time, there is NO new PvP specific gear (well, maybe 7.1), which means if your suggestion of PvErs getting the best PvE gear, AND can do well in PvP...well...you see the problem with that? Right?


    Look, I get it, raiders want to be special snowflakes, and of course they want the best gear so they can sell carries. A simple compromise is to put the best gear behind crafting, and call it a day.


    I have not played EQ, I should edit my post to say it's like this in most or some MMOs then as most of my suggestions were based of my own experiences with World of Warcraft and Star Wars: The Old Republic. Also when I wrote this I did not realize that SWTOR had no pvp gear of its own that wasn't different from pve gear.(I'm still fairly new to the game). Someone mentioned that it used to have it's own stat called expertise, and they had changed it, probably due to people complaining about gear.


    I agree with some gear being behind crafting, or maybe just have some gear sets be made from crafting, some be received from Operations, so people can have the best of both worlds. Then for PVP idk, if people want PVP gear strictly for PVP again maybe bring back expertise. I'm not really big into PVP so it wouldn't do anything for me. I do enjoy it every now and then. The only thing I'm kinda sad about is that I'm a huge achievement grinder and it's impossible to get the open area PVP achievements.

  2. It's hard to find a group for the harder Ops because there's little trust for random people when actual mechanics come into play. Did a 16m SM ToS This morning, and you could clearly tell there were folks that were hm/nim raiders and that there were others who struggled with BASIC STORY CONTENT -- and mind you this operation was nerfed heavily compared to when I learned it as back then people generally wanted to see your achievement for completion before inviting you into the group.


    Back "then" we had separate pve and pvp gear. You know what the complaint was? That their hard earned op gear was effectively meaningless in pvp.


    Right now we're getting another grind but not a lot of incentive to do it all over again. I think the best part was reading about the "gearing philosophy" since years ago we did express that the rng and gearing system would be bad and they chose to ignore the feedback.


    That's interesting. I didn't know that the pvp gear was just similar pve gear now. Unfortunately people are always going to commend or complain. You can't please everyone, but imo going back to expertise gear would be nice for pvp, especially if they are going to put the best gear in operations. OPS aren't for everybody, people think that are simple until they get into it. Then it makes the vets annoyed, but yeah, you really have to pay attention to mechanics, fights, positioning, and have patience. Not everything is just a dps check.

  3. I started playing November 6 and I'm 306 now, tech fragments made that super easy. It's hard to find a solid group for HM or NIM OPS with the expansion coming, most people are waiting or doing the quick SM OPS. I'm not going to bother spending a bunch of credits and tech fragments on gear sets that can be augmented with the expansion coming so soon. The content that I'm at right now, I don't need high end gear or even 306... you don't need the best gear to do those things, that's my point.


    I don't know the gear requirement for NIM OPS, but it makes sense to put the end game content with the best gear. If it didn't have it, people wouldn't do it or do it once for content. Raids or Operations have always been the end, you go through the Story, FPs, and then Operations. If you don't plan on doing the NIM OPS, you don't really need the best gear. People Raid for two things, gear and content. If you're wanting to see the content, by all means SM is for you. You can do it without having the best gear, but if you want the best gear you got to work for it. In my opinion, it shouldn't be given so freely through other means. Best gear should be a challenge.


    PvP is a completely different thing. That's why you have PVE content and PVP content. It's like that in any MMO. A good player can have PVE gear in PVP and do well and vice versa. Ultimately, if you want PVP gear, you PVP, and if you want PVE gear ,you PVE, simple as that.

  4. You can't please everyone, simple fact. I personally have plenty to do before expansion. I'm still new, so I'm fine with having more time to complete things and get caught up. I also would rather them release it when they know they can fix it, rather than release it, and leave it in shambles for the holidays. Even if they won't have time to work on it that much while they are gone, small fixes are better than no fixes.


    Name one MMO that hasn't had issues or made changes on a whim that impacted our hobby that is gaming. I'm sorry for the folks that only came back for this sole purpose, just hold out a little longer and enjoy those cartel coins, and take advantage of that extra time to get ready for the expansion.


    No one reads the agreements or terms of sale. I won't post it all but let this sink in:


    4. Availability of EA Services and Updates

    🛈 Our games and services may not always be available or operate on all devices. We also may make updates or changes to our games and services, which might impact your use or game progress.


    We do not guarantee that any EA Service, Content or Entitlement will be available at all times, in all locations, or at any given time or that we will continue to offer a particular EA Service, Content or Entitlements for any particular length of time. EA does not guarantee that EA Services can be accessed on all devices, by means of a specific Internet or connection provider, or in all geographic locations.


    From time to time, EA may update, change or modify an EA Service, Content or Entitlements, without notice to you. These updates and modifications may be required in order to continue to use EA Services.


    EA may need to update, or reset certain parameters to balance game play and usage of EA Services. These updates or "resets" may cause you setbacks within the relevant game world and may affect characters, games, groups or other Entitlements under your control.


    EA may also take actions on your EA Account and Entitlements without notice to you to protect you or EA, such as preventing unauthorized access, resetting EA Account passwords, suspending EA Account access, deleting data or removing EA Accounts from EA Services. Your availability to EA Services may also be affected in response to actual or suspected Rules of Conduct violations, as further described in Section 6.

  5. I too just bought a two month subscription so I could return to the game specifically for this expansion. So now I'm expected to spend those two months playing the same version of the game that made me quit in the first place? They really need to do something as a gesture of good will. Maybe not a refund but at least some sort of special event like bonus xp or something.


    This is from the developer tracker forum:


    What’s happening with events and their rewards? Any chance for double XP or something extra?


    All of the planned new rewards will not be released as they are tied into 7.0. With that in mind here is the plan for each event:

    Life Day will run from December 14, 2021 to January 11, 2022 with current rewards.

    The 10-Year Anniversary event will be running for a full year! From December 14, 2021 to January, 2023.

    All existing anniversary rewards will be available on the vendor.

    The new planned rewards will be added to the vendor in February with 7.0, including the contest winning decos!

    We will inform players when new rewards will be added.

    Additional events?!

    Our Double XP event (which also includes Renown, Requisition, and Valor) will return from December 20, 2021 - January 4, 2022.

    All 3 weeks of Feast of Prosperity will return at the following cadence:

    Week 1: January 11, 2022 – January 18, 2022

    Week 2: January 18, 2022 - January 25, 2022

    Week 3: January 25, 2022 - February 1, 2022

    What’s happening with PTS?


    We’re opening PTS back up this week! 7.0’s features will be present to test during this PTS cycle, with the exception of any that would spoil the story content, of course. This upcoming phase will include Loadouts and Character Creation and also all recent updates we have made since the close of the previous phase.


    What’s the PTS schedule?


    We will be updating our Public Test Server forum with updates as they happen. PTS will remain open until approximately mid-January as needed.


    What does this mean for Galactic Seasons 2?


    As Galactic Season 2 is tied to 7.0, it will not be available until Legacy of the Sith launches. However, it will be available on the PTS in the coming weeks.

  6. I'm a completely new player, I started Nov 2nd. I've done every single quest, (including the dailies, the exploration, and heroics) on every single planet, and completed one class story. I'm currently on KOTFE and I am truly enjoying the content. I've played Final Fantasy and WoW. I raided for years, done mythics, pvp, all of it, and I can say I understand the frustration of a veteran player. It's why I quit Wow. It's in a terrible state right now, and I needed to be enthralled again. SWTOR did that for me, I haven't had this much fun in a long time. I subbed and even though the content is incredibly easy (aside from master mode, and operations), the story is holding it all together. This is why I don't think this is the end. Combining the classes is an incredible idea, the thought of being able to do literally all the roles on one toon is just refreshing. Going through the expansions I can see the updates to adhere to the solo players. I still need to do that operation from Oricon, and I was so, so happy they didn't lock the end of Shadow of Revan with an OP. I'm a huge KOTOR fan so that was the best for me so far. I'm sure you guys have heard this all before ,so I'll keep it simple, and say I am new, and because I haven't been through the changes of what was good or bad like a vet, I see SWTOR in a different light. The light that all devs focus on it seems, in any game. If people like me keep coming, they won't stop and now with the combination of classes, they have the potential for new classes, new stories and so much more. WoW is on the back burner or completely off the stove, and if we didn't flock to Final Fantasy, we got to flock somewhere. The devs would be a fool not to do some grand updates and changes. They want to entice the new. I hate to say it, but years on a MMO will make anyone tired, doesn't matter what MMO it is.


    This is just my opinion, hope everyone has a great day and may the force be with you :)


    I read above that people were upset about the changes with the combat styles. It's unfortunate, but the technical side of completely changing thousands of toons is no simple task, so I'm not surprised that the primary style is staying in place. I wasn't even going to change my main combat style anyway. I only have one toon, so making another for a different combat style will be fine, again adhering to new players. It sucks I know, but I can't even count on one hand how many times Blizzard changed their mind. It's no surprise, just annoying and I get that. lol As far as bugs and issues with loadouts, I don't think any MMO has had a perfect expansion launch, people can't even log into Final Fantasy right now because of the influx of players.. trial and error folks. Ok, I've said my piece. I'm not going to edit this anymore. aha.

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