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Posts posted by CommanderSkirata

  1. Welcome to the one setback for SWTOR. Space has always been the main issue for this game. Even back during beta testing we used to bash Bioware of how bad space flight and combat was due to originally only space missions were available. Finally they put in Star Fighter and it was also pretty bad because people wanted space to be more like Star Wars Galaxies space system. However the pleas of the testers fell upon deaf ears at Bioware and EA. I told them in a post during closed beta that SWTOR wouldn't last as a subscriber only game a whole year and I was correct.


    Rumor is though now that exclusivity has ended with EA, Disney/Lucasarts are thinking about making another Star Wars Galaxies because it's more iconic and gives players the true Star Wars Experience. The problem comes down to Bioware/EA mismanaging the IP and the players and investors were not happy.


    There are a lot of things that were better in Galaxies until they brought out the NGE. PvP, Cratfing, Classes and the Ship Selection top my list. So it doesn't surprise me that the space combat system was better.

  2. Got tired of bouncing back and forth between various webpages for characters so I setup my own spreadsheet with what I consider the important in game data for each crew NPC.


    • Crew names, weapons, armor, stats, role, crafting bonuses. 90% confidence all correct.
    • Relative appreciation of gifts per crew member. 98% confidence all correct.
    • Gift Quality/Rank/Affection level -> Affection gain chart
    • Gift Grinding- The most cost efficient way to use vendor purchased gifts to obtain 8000+ affection, with pricing/item number break downs for all gift appreciation ranks.
    • Crew skill synergies and mission results.


    Very helpful, but I think Aric Jorgan may be Rifle only. He came with a rifle for me at least. He may be able to use the cannon as well though.

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