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Posts posted by ArrA

  1. Okay so why make another topic related to Combat Styles when there were already several active ones? It was like you didn't want your post to be one of many in another topic where it would get burried and went for the most attention-grabbing thing possible.


    Because my topic is pointing out the mistake SWG made in changing their class makeup and combat styles. Not exactly sure why that's so hard for you to accept or grasp.

  2. What did I say that you said?


    I said you're trying to the two things analogous in ways that they're not which is what you did.


    At no point in what you quoted did I say "you said X" but you're acting like I did because you know you didn't say those specific words and are trying to frame it in a way that doesn't make you look bad, but now drawing attention to you trying to manipulate things that way does.


    I'm simply bringing up a monumental mistake made in a previous Star Wars mmo that a lot of players today might not know of. Broad sweeping class changes are a slippery slope that can outright ruin a game. I've never said Bioware are doing this to the extent of SWG's mess. They are however making big changes to the game with this xpac and I'm putting forward my opinion, and guess what champ, I'm allowed to do that.

  3. Except SWTOR isn't doing the exact same thing SWG did.


    You're trying to make the two games analogous in ways that they aren't.


    You view Combat Styles as a mistake but that doesn't mean Combat Styles are to SWTOR what CU/NGE was to SWG.




    Then you should be discussing that in a different forum section.


    Except I never said that.

  4. CU/NGE did kill SWG, if you think otherwise you didn't play the game previous to the implementation of it.


    I have played PTS for the new patch and have spent a long time playing a Guardian tank in SWTOR, so I have a fair idea on what the current changes are to the class. Which is why I have brought up SWG as example, merely pointing out if you make broad sweeping changes to the way people play their characters you can severely damage your player base. At no point have I said this current direction is going the same way SOE did with SWG.




    Again pointing out some history, not sure why you're getting so personally offended by it.

  5. Not wanting to sound the doomer alarm, but I just want to remind/inform everyone about another certain star wars game that decided to do a complete overhaul of the combat / classes to the live game.


    Star Wars Galaxies had been running along well for 2 years before they decided to "Streamline" the combat system and introduced the *Combat Upgrade to the game, followed closely behind by the *New Game Experience. Both of which weren't ever really requested by the player base and completely blind sided a lot of subscribers. Long story short, it killed SWG. I remember it took less than 2 billing cycles for our guild to reduce from over 100 active players to less than 10 with the common theme that the dev team had killed their character. The game was a ghost town in less than 6 months.


    Just saying...

  6. On a PvP server, PvP gear would be entirely appropriate wear for Open World.


    So you're saying a lvl 65 player such as myself who has full Warzone gear should be able to 1-2 shot a player in openworld just because they have chosen to do the planetary content, rather than lvl to 65 in WZs? I've spent the last week running around Nar, Tat, Cor, Hoth etc trying to help people out who are getting ganked over and over by the new griefing trolls who have a new line of soft targets to pick on. It's seriously a joke when you see people being camped out of the game because of a Warzone stat.


    Warzones have nothing to do with Open world PVP.....

  7. you guys are missing the point.


    It's not about trying to encourage people into world pvp. They are already on a pvp server so they expect it. It's trying to keep people interested in the game. Where is the information for the PVP servers that states to a new player interested in the game that they're going to be obliterated in Open PVP because some griefer who spends 90% of their time lining up for WZs is going to camp them into the ground.


    WZ pvp stats belong in WZs, it's that bloody simple.

  8. There are plenty of new players rolling on PVP servers thinking they are going to be able to actively engage in Open PVP. I for one wan't to keep the new influx of players in the game. More players = more money = more content. Just because you can throw out a "it's their problem rolling on a PVP server L2P" comment, doesn't address what has been a major problem with PVP in the game since the beginning. WZ PVP gear should have no place in World PVP, period.
  9. This is and has been a fundamental flaw to this game since day one. WZ PVP gear should have absolutely no place in World PVP, it has nothing to do with it. There would (IMO) be a lot more pvp on the planets if you stopped driving people from the game because they are getting destroyed by players in WZ gear who head out to the populated quest areas just to gank. You are killing a lot of your new player base by letting this happen. I've been in SWTOR since beta and have seen plenty of threads and comments about this over the years but I fear now it is even worse than ever. There is a whole new influx of players arriving off the back of the new film who I am witnessing drop out of the game because they're constantly getting ganked from WZ geared griefers.


    You might find a lot more people staying on with their subs if you give them a chance to defend themselves in the open against the fleet trolls.


    P.S . If you're on Bastion (Republic) and you're getting ganked over and over there are a few of us who can come help you, just ask in General chat.



  10. After watching a couple of vids from Dulfy and DarthHater I get the impression that the seeker droids part of the xpac is the same as WOW's archeology. Has anyone tried this to confirm ?


    Also, I would be interested to know if this system is going to be sending Empire and Republic to the same areas to scan. This could finally start encouraging some world pvp for those of us on the PVP servers.

  11. This is garbage Bioware. I brought my guild back to the game because of F2P model. Everyone of us subbed again. And now you pull a greedy stunt like this (It is pay 2 win). If your plan was to make a quick last ditched cash grab I guess you have succeeded. You have yet again proven to us your vision for the game is not about the gamers.
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