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Posts posted by khaleesirules

  1. Im not a guild ive played other games but only star wars for 5 months am looking for a few people who want to get together a couple times a week or so and start unrank pvp and do great and sometimes suck whatever. i know there are alot of seeasoned players but i really want to find some friends who are i guess learning like me. dont care what tune u run how long u have played. just be cool and come to have fun......my game name is Nymmeriah on the imp side and my legacy name is snow find me here or there
  2. Hey i am the GM of this new awesome PVP guild we are wanting to find all kinds of player new player to vet people who rank people who never tried unrank doesnt matter. AND no we will also have other things that arent pvp! what u can get from me and my co gm

    -Help with builds, game questions ect

    -a place to chill no negativity

    -welll since this game is fun fun!!!!! and more we are new but we alreay have a contest for a prize of 30 bill~~~ join only rules no toxic drama! :):)

  3. I bought 100 dollars first through amazon with the code and such and it the cartel coins never showed up. we then bought them through the website itself and still never showed up so right now i should have 28000 coins at least and nothing. i submited tickets and nothing
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