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Posts posted by Omnious

  1. As someone who played WoW since December of 2004, I can surely tell you that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, thus you're lying.


    Half of the things that you put in that list has nothing to do with leveling let alone the leveling experience. The other half is you talking about being hellbent on hitting level 50 so fast that you skip the rest of the game entirely.


    Leveling in WoW back in Legacy, which if you truly played even Burning Crusade and to an extent Wrath of the Lich King, was like how this game is now. It wasn't about "hitting the level cap fast". You didn't have a mount back then until you were 40, and it was like hell just getting to another level without one let alone with the time it took to get to 60.


    -Your paragraph about getting from point A to point B shows that you didn't play WoW in 2005. Burning Crusade came out in '06, and unless you were simply leveling to cap, you missed out on Land Mounts only going to those who were rich (because unlike the spoiled bunch, 600g was hard to come by unlike in Vanilla). Most people got around the World on flight paths.


    -Most people leveled 1 or 2 characters during Legacy, and were extremely deterred leveling another due to the amount of time it took, which means at the very minimum you either didn't play the game or you spent a majority of your time between 2005-2007 leveling alts.



    Seriously. Just go back to WoW.


    I deem this thread a trolling thread because literally none of the points has anything to do with the leveling experience. You're not playing the game to experience it for what it is, you simply just want to get to 50 first. You're essentially what's destroying WoW at the moment.

  2. Easy fix, continously run Flashpoints and choose light side or dark side in group communications.


    It's really not that hard >.> I got Dark II from just running Black Talon multiple times.


    It's really cosmetic but at the same time these things should also be important; that's why they're implemented.


    When it comes to being level 50, I'm sure that by that time you should be some awesome Dark Sith Lord (because really, how many caring Sith are there) or some Jedi who follows the light. While I agree that I'm not a maniac that simply chooses Dark or Light all the time, understand that it's there as a gate. Those who choose will simply have a longer time obtaining alignment gear and vice versa.


    There shouldn't be any straight shots to gear (as there should be many paths and personally this is another path) and I like it like that. Plus it makes you pay attention to your actions so I think Bioware's doing fine.


    Really, don't complain about this, it's fine.

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