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Posts posted by Yoshuren

  1. It would be enough if the pet could collect mobs dropped items


    I could agree with this. Pets could loot stuff from defeated foes. I like this idea. A loyal pet can run to foes having loot and can loot for master. Perhaps add a loyalty level with pets that comes with perks on what pets can do.


    I also want more dog/wolf like pets. I would like have interactions like play fetch, Rub belly, etc etc.

  2. Light side - save everyone, dark side - kill everyone. Simple as that. If you want to mix those then you have to play it yourself


    Yeah neutral choices don't make sense here. How do you save everyone yet kill everyone at the same time to cancel each other out? Or do you save everyone first then kill everyone second to cancel things out?


    Being neutral doesn't make a lot of sense to me. And it puts in a lot of hard work to maintain 0/0 all the time. Which I don't know why anyone would want 0/0 neutral. Other then bragging rights is there like achievements or rewards maintaining 0/0?

  3. I was wondering why none of the boots and shoes has treads on them. It's just flat and smooth.


    I'm guessing adding treads to soles would cost too much or take too much time during mass manufacturing? And when do we get new outfits that have treaded boots and shoes?


    Does it make me have increased traction in outdoor environments? Do I get to climb steeper hills?

  4. I happen to really like Hammer station.


    You get 3 bosses and a pair of turrets for main enemies. Easy peezy to run in run out re Q and do it again. It is fast loot. I love how simple it is to storm in storm out and do it again.


    It is fast loot. Just need one salvage to hack the drill and one Slicer to hack the elevator. I just can not see why people would complain about a FP's as simple as Hammer station. Those 3 bosses are pretty simple to take down.


    Hammer station is short and simple. 3 main bosses and a pair of turrets and your done.


    It's not agonizingly long and boring like Kuat Station with only one boss and countless trash mobs.

  5. My UI Hud disappears from time to time when I go places and the only way to get it back that I know of is to relog as in exit the game and relog into the game.


    My hotbar my chat vanishes and I cannot even open my map with it gone. Do you know of this issue?

  6. There *are* dye slots in each piece.(1)(2) Open the outfit tab you want to modify, and Ctrl+RIght-click on the slot you want to change the dye on.


    (1) That's why my original post asked you if you had used them.


    (2) But only if the original armour piece in the outfit slot has a dye slot. Some lowbie world-drop gear doesn't.


    Well my noob moment then. I'm sure 100 more will come on other stuff trying to learn the game. Most of the youtube video's are quite old like 2013 to 2016. So it doesn't teach you the new stuff.

  7. The above is slightly unclear. Where did you put the dye module?

    * If you put the module in your actual armour, then yes, of course it dyes the armour and not the outfit.

    * If you put it in the armour piece that you had previously stamped in the outfit, then no, the outfit doesn't change unless you stamp it again.

    * If you put it in the stamped slot in the outfit, then the outfit piece will colour.


    No. If you want all the outfit pieces to use the same dye colour, put the dye in the chest piece of the real armour that you stamped in the outfit, and press the Unify Colors button at the bottom of the outfit page. That will mirror the chest's colour scheme on all the pieces.


    There's a warning about that, and I think it's even on the tooltip.


    That's a separate question, and one for which we're unlikely to have a satisfactory answer from the studio.


    I would have said "all dyes" rather than just "cartel dyes", but yeah.



    As I said i'm a new player as i'm new to the game. I'm a subscriber. Paying for a armor dye with real life money should be a permanent dye. A indestructible dye you can take out and put back in using credits like you do with color crystals on weapons. I hate learning things the painful way. I wish I would have saw that the cartel dyes would be destroyed before buying it.



    If I saw the consumed at use earlier I would have held off and bought a pet or a mount. I just bought the cartel dye and put it in my armor then went to take it out cause I was try to figure out why it wasn't applying to my outfit then it said it will be destroyed when I took it out. And now the cartel dye is gone. 360 cc for nothing other then a painful lesson having to learn things the hard painful way.


    Then I figured out I had to pull out all my outfit pieces apply the dye then resave it in the outfits to get the dye to apply to the outfits. I wasn't trying to color my equipped armor but my saved outfit. I was trying to get the dye to color my outfit in my outfit page.


    A easier method would be dye slots for each piece in the saved outfit then you can put the dye in then resave it to apply the color to equipped outfit armor set you have chosen.


    == I'm not asking for a refund or to get my cartel market dye back i'm asking that the dye applying be a bit better then it is now. And that cartel bought dyes be indestructible to be used over and over. Cause your using real life money to buy cartel coins then in turn buy cartel items. These cartel market items should be a forever thing unless you destroy it on purpose.

  8. I bought a armor dye off the Cartel shop for 360 CC which I thought would color my outfit directly from the outfit I have saved. But instead it colors my armor but not the saved outfit.


    That would mean I would have to color all my outfit pieces one by one then resave the outfit. Instead of just coloring the outfit in the outfit page. I wish I would have known this before buying a cartel dye. And I wish I would have known that removing the dye would destroy it.


    I'm a sorta new player. I guess I paid 360 cc for a hard lesson.


    Why put destroyable dye on the cartel? My suggestion is dyes off the cartel should not be destroyed when removed from a armor piece. Cause your using real life money to buy it which should never be destroyable unless you destroy it on purpose by dumping it off the inventory screen then hitting yes to delete it.


    I can see craft able dyes being destroyed when removed from a piece of armor but not cartel bought dyes those should be special dyes immune to being destroyed and should be safely removed and kept. That is my suggestion is cartel dyes should be permanent dyes.

  9. You mean the ship with the crazy Gemini droid filling the ship with poison gas? I died so many times from the poison gas it was insane. I had great difficulty with that chapter. I die around 25 to 26 stacks of poison gas. Once my companion healer goes down so do I.


    I remember dying so many times from the poison gas my repair bill was in the 100K plus credits.

  10. Vote kick can get abused too. I died in a boss fight waiting for a resurrection then got kicked out cause they thought I was afk. I was waiting for someone to get me up. But instead they vote kicked me instead of resurrecting me.


    I'm just so sick of dealing with player toxicity. What happened to the old days where people used to help you out? It's like people want and crave and hunger to be the biggest and rudest jerks in the universe and they do this to grief others on purpose.


    I'm new to the game sorta can I get 306 gear solo?


    I just wish there was some sort of anti grief system put in place to make FP's more enjoyable. I know the dev team is busy making new stuff but I would like to see them install tougher restrictions for players wanting to grief other players.

  11. I've been trying to gear up my character but 1 out of 3 FP's ends up people afking and or logging out on purpose to hinder the group then people quit the FP cause the afkers is group leader and the other people cannot request replacements. Cause only the leader can re Queue for replacements. If the leader is afk/disconnected it leaves the group short handed and then people leave cause the fp cannot be continued.


    Is there any set up coming to over haul FP's to make it more player friendly? Will there be a anti Grief system coming? Is there something in the works to discourage griefing with intentional afk or non participation?



    1.) Going afk for more then 2-3 minutes causes a auto kick so you can get a replacement.

    2.) Make it so everyone can open up to request for replacement people not just for the group leader.



    Thank you for hearing me out. Been having a great deal of frustration running FP's. I like to finish my FP's but it is difficult cause people use it to grief others with purpose afk and non participation.

  12. I was kinda surprised gear doesn't matter to companions and that gear is only for looks only. ( A light Suggestion) I kinda feel gear should be somewhat effective. I mean as far as basic damage and armor increase goes but the other stats could just be player only like alacrity and all that could be player only I was just thinking companions could just get the weapon damage and the armor rating for armor. Maby in the future perhaps.


    Kind of silly that a low level gear would be on par with a 306+. Maby something to think about for future expansions that gear on companions would be more then cosmetic.


    Not that i'm complaining just surprised. Cause I was giving my companions purple gear thinking that gear would help them perform better before finding out it was only looks only.

  13. I don't remember any bridge in KDY......




    Would be nice, especially as it can happen in a few FP's.


    Not a bridge you walk across but a command center on a starship. That is called a bridge. Not being able to go back to boss if you die is not good. Your stuck on the bridge where you start on the ship your on and not on the Kuat station.


    Dropped loot should be mailed to you if you die. Not being able to return to the defeated boss is not good cause it makes you lose loot. Reviving from Med Bay causes you to go back to where you start the FP where it locks you there the shuttle doesn't let you return.


    Cause first you need to shuttle to the Kuat then take elevators then walk corridors to get to boss room. The shuttle doesn't let you return so your stuck on the bridge of the ship and what loot from the boss is lost.

  14. This Kuat has got to be the worse Flash point ever. It take so long to complete it. And only one boss. And one time I died and respawn at the bridge of the start and couldn't get back to the boss to loot dropped gear. Losing loot after taking forever to get to boss made it so I never want to do the flash point. At least till they developers look into why it is so bad.


    When you die and you kill a boss the loot from it should be mailed to you if you could not get back to loot it.


    This Flash point is black listed till they overhaul it.

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