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Posts posted by PossiblyRandom

  1. Hey there!

    Me and a friend on the republic side are looking to make an RP guild on the Star Forge server. We have been having a lot of fun developing characters just bouncing off each other and rping between us, but more is always better!


    Bit about us - We have both been doing rp stuff for a while, started off on quotev back around 2013, played some DnD, and played a ton of other MMOs before landing on SWTOR as one of our favorites.


    If you are interested or just want to talk more about the topic feel free to add me in game or send mail!

    - Justice Reigns

  2. Hello There!

    Me and a friend have actually been looking for one on Star Forge (Didn't see where your characters are at). And are planning on making a RP guild for peeps that is a little on the smooth side as we don't really go too deep into the lore, and just sort of have fun RPing while doing missions or hanging out.

    We are doing republic stuff currently, but have been playing characters on both sides.


    If you are interested in starting up a group with us feel free to add or send mail in game.

    - Justice Reigns

  3. Hello there~!

    Me and another friend have actually been looking for an RP guild on Star Forge as well, but it is feeling like we may go with the route of finding other players to create a guild with (You need 4).

    If you are interested in talking more about this add or mail me in game

    - Justice Reigns

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