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Posts posted by ManiacSL

  1. They need to add the option to buy battlemaster bags with tokens, I'm constantly sitting at 1000 merc and warzone commendations with nothing useful to spend them on. I basically just log on now do the dailies and maybe a couple extra WZ's for fun but really there is nothing to work toward. Hell maybe if I could buy Champion gear for my other companions it would be mildly worth worth while but currently with 4 full sets of champion gear I have 0 use for these champion tokens. And yes the % chance to get BM tokens sucks, but given the fact that PvP in this game is getting boring as hell with long que times and no enemy players in Ilum I guess they have to keep people playing, getting 20 bags with nothing in them is one way.
  2. After doing the dailies for a while now I can safely say this region is one of the most annoying things I have encountered in an MMO. At least before on my server things were civil, Imperials were so happy to have Republic out there to flip points they were never killed, people finished their dailies quickly and everyone went on their merry way.


    Now it just feels like an experiment by Bioware to see how long people will go around in circles for. Everyone loses in this setup, Imperials constantly going around and getting nothing because of the amount of people, and with the imbalances republic have no chance to get it done. I really hope Bioware just scraps this idea of open pvp and moves onto a different idea.

  3. Just feels like there is no way true open pvp will work in this game. With faction imbalances, and the game engine running at a crawl they should stick with what they did with the rest of their game which is to focus on instanced content. Change Ilum to a more focused 16vs16 warzone if they still want something like it but today really made me question the developers of this game.
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