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Posts posted by VanuGreg

  1. The same happens on Rishi with a lot of decorations. Probably doesn't matter on a top-of-the-line gaming computer, but on my low-end PC it's noticeably slower. There isn't anything they can really do. The game engine can't be optimized any more. The only thing they can do is make a new engine, but too expensive for a game that's getting towards the end of its life.


    Certain areas are worse than others such as inside the Starport. To me this is not acceptable to ignore. One minute my FPS is 100+ and then the next it's in the 30's then the next minute it's back into the 100's (and it keeps doing this over and over). I have monitored what is occurring with the windows task manager and it appears to be related to the GPU usage (somehow caused by SWTOR Tatooine Strongholds - possible memory leak).

  2. The level scaling needs to stay in order to make the game playable. We had a time when people were level 60 and were oneshoting world bosses and even soloing or duoing old NiM operations. This game has so little content being added that it really needs level scaling or otherwise the players will not have anything to do!


    Imagine how easy heroics would be, the old story stuff like Star Fortress or the KOTFE and KOTET (which is level 60 content) at level 75. Everything would become irrelevant. The achievements would become pointless (like doing KOTFE at Master level would be no problem since its level 60 and you would be level 75). So the game cannot go without this.


    You are wrong when saying WoW does not have this. I am not a WoW player, but we did start playing WoW when Legion came out and Swtor was in maintanance mode, but we have witnessed level sync even there. They have started implementing it into new content.


    I would love to see footage of a solo player taking on a world boss. Everything you just said I disagree 100%. The system needs to go back to the way it was in 6.0

  3. Additional Info:


    This is a public cross factional event so anyone is welcome to attend. If you plan to come on a republic toon, please message Chris Sanders or Lissaha for an invite. If you plan to come on an imperial toon, you can message Marr’den for an invite or go to the Imperial Fleet and search for “Marr’den’s Marketplace Cantina” in the Tatooine public listings directory in the stronghold section.

  4. Event Poster:



    Event Details:


    Event Name: Club Starport Grand Opening Party Night

    Event Date: Saturday, January 8, 2022

    Event Time: Doors Open 8 PM EST / Music @ 9

    Event Location: Marr'dens Tatooine Stronghold (Imperial)


    This is an official invitation to attend a role-playing & casual party event


    After months of public anticipation, the Sand Beachless Resort on Tatooine is ready to open. Within the resort, you will find a nightclub conveniently named Club Starport located in the once used starport section of the facility. Adjacent to Club Starport is a bar and lounge area. The resort also has a luxury spa, a business center and luxurious hotel rooms.


    Please forward this to anyone who may want to participate in this event. If you plan to come on a republic toon, please contact me prior to get a key to my stronghold.


    -Marr’den (Imperial character) / Marrden (Republic character)

  5. I am currently experiencing random FPS spikes in both my Tatooine Stronghold as well as others. One minute my FPS is 100+ and then the next it's in the 30's then the next minute it's back into the 100's. Several other players have experienced the same issue. Not sure if there is a bug with the Tatooine SH in general or maybe certain decorations are causing this,


    I implore people to go to a Tatooine stronghold with a lot of decorations to verify this is happening to you as well. Just stay for a few minutes to see if you ​get random FPS spikes as well.


    Here are two (2) screen shots taken just a minute apart while not moving. Look at the FPS difference (bottom left).




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