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Posts posted by Manulli_SW

  1. 16 hours ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

    You can make that argument for force users, but not for the tech classes.   This game is half non-force users even if kotfe/et pretends otherwise.

    Ye, you are right. Not sure if Aligment should affect on non-force-users. But   Dev can allow changing weapons and changing animations along with weapons.

    Sniper rifle - sniper animation.

    Dual pistol - gunslinger animation. 

    Two type of weapons for every tech classes. 

    15 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

    Unless I'm misunderstanding you (which If I am, my apologies):

    * Combat style, nor class, have anything to do with alignment (Dark Side/Light Side), they should in the case of combat styles for Force users, but they don't.

    Lightning Sorcs can be lightsided even though they are constantly throwing around Force Lightning which is an inherently Dark Sided force ability. It's using the Force for attack.

    A Jedi Knight origin story player can take Sith combat styles, be using the Force for attack, using Force lighting and Force Choke, stealing the life essence from others and the Jedi Order is fine with it and they not at all tainted by the Dark Side at all, which is silly.

    Players who level characters choose what alignment they are by their choices, irrespective of class or combat style.

    * In the case of Character boost tokens at character creation, wherein the player isn't playing all the story line's and thus is not able to make any choices, that is an exception and is merely a game mechanic.

    Yes,  that's exactly what I'm talking about. It must be difficult for someone who follows the light side to use lightning or another dark sided techniques and vice versa. So it was in the original KOTOR. 

    On the other hand, the faction, unlike the Aligment, should not affect the style of combat in any case. 

    • Like 1
  2. 43 minutes ago, SteveTheCynic said:

    Understood, and sorry for the misunderstanding.

    As I wrote better is negative (In a mathematical sense (; ) reply then ignoring, I'am glad you answer) 

    And our dialog makes it clear for every one)

  3. 9 hours ago, Balameb said:


    Now, back to the subject. If you need 300 mill in SF, then i can help. You can pay me in any one of the others 300+trade tax (in advance), your choice witch server(s).

    Thank you, kind man. I really appreciate the help. 


    Write here or *edited* on republic side (Star Forge) when you're online, I'll check the gtn for item I wish to buy and we make a trade. 

  4. 6 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

    Nobody is willing to help, because it costs *someone* 1000 Cartel Coins (for doing SS<=>SF) or 1800 CCs (for doing DM<=>SF)

    I am not an experienced enough player to understand what is encrypted in this sentence. If you're writing about transferring a character, then I don't understand what this has to do with it, because I didn't ask about it.

    That was just simple ask for exchange - I give you 300mil credits on one server, you return this amount to me on another. (Leviathan and Tulak Hord revelant too, but both in one time - I have only 150 mil on each)

    6 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

    And in any event, complaining about how nobody responded after just one hour is entirely unreasonable.

    Аctually, most of the views occur in the first hour.  Аfter your answer disappears from the last messages of the forum, only SteveTheCynic can answer you. Anyway I'm grateful for the answer, because a negative result is also a result.


    But for me the forum has shown its complete uselessness. Flipping through the topics, I see how people ask questions and make suggestions, but in response they receive only a ton of bile and sarcasm from the forum regulars - professional bureaucrats that live here will find a thousand reasons why you are wrong.

    No help here.


  5. Did you get out of the bed at the wrong side or something? One reply that doesn't agree with you and this is how you react?

    This is not first reply:

    First part of thread (wrong directory)






    Right now you can already use your Legacy name as your last name if you so choose or you can put it under your nick, so the option for a Legacy name to be part of you nick is already there, but it is indeed optional.

    Legacy name is useless. It's a title or something like this but it's not part of the nickname, because

    Make legacy name as full-fledged part of the nickname:

    make it findable in search and displayed in player status frame.

    it is displayed only above the player's head


    Although, maybe I'm the stupid who doesn't understand something important.

    But I'm tired of fighting with idiocy and repeat the same things over and over again.

    Anyway, I give up and I don't want to answer in this suggestion anymore.

  6. It seems to me that the cost of unlocking emotions for the entire account is greatly overstated. Emotions have a bronze label and this means that the cost of unlocking for the entire account will be 60cc (if the emotion has already been purchased on one of the characters). This is almost equal to the cost of buying the emotion itself.

    Maybe you should equate them to promotional items with 10cc?

  7. When I and some of my real friends who plays SWTOR type Legacy name, we thought that you need to enter your nickname. This led to nicknames like "Manulli Manulli" and so on. Ok, we'll change it, but what should we enter? another useless title, when the area above the character's head is already overloaded with unnecessary information?

    How many accounts are there in this game? how many characters are there on each account?

    A huge number of nicknames are already occupied, and instead of unloading some of the nicknames, making them common to the account and giving people the opportunity to call themselves as they want, we will yell about privacy.

    Who needs you? What the hell is privacy?


    Ok, I give up

    I do not know what kind of Black Mesa research you are all around and who dammed needs you, that you need privacy so much, but I give up.


    p.s. read about Windows telemetry, Google, Apple, Twitter and etc. spying. Good night to you.

  8. Making Legacy names widely visible can lead to loss of privacy. Which is a reason it is not possible to befriend an entire legacy even though it is possible to ignore an entire legacy. So, searching by a legacy name is not a benign idea.

    Just keep the option to enable/disable legacy name


    <first name><space><last name>


    <title><space><first name><space><last name><space><legacy name>


    And legacy title, and guild name.

  9. Legacy. Names. Are. Not. Unique.


    And so? I don't understand what you're trying to achieve with this debate. Not unique? I can make right now a character with the nickname Robin Williams, and you can make a character with the nickname Robin Hood, and our nicknames will only be half unique, and if I enter Robin in the search, both of our characters will appear there, but one will be Robin Williams and the other Robin Hood.


    Finally it possible to make legacy names unique again, if you are so worried about it.


    "One who wants to do something will find a way;

    One who doesn't will find an excuse."

  10. "Manulli'shad Manulli" or "Theron Manulli Manulli" this is lame.


    So don't show your legacy name on the character.

    I'm not suggest replacing character name by legacy name, i suggest use them both in search panel and character status frame, because in the current situation legacy name is useless.

    And keep the option to disable showing the legacy name.

  11. "Manulli'shad Manulli" or "Theron Manulli Manulli" this is lame. There's nothing wrong to include something practical in RP stuff and save people from headaches "how to use 100500 kind of A character - a,ä,ā and so on, in your nickname and how will your nickname be searched later".

    Anyway I don't understand why this could be a bad idea.

  12. I think it would be nice if it would be possible to use legacy name as the main nickname and make it possible to search peoples by legacy name. I used to play WoW and every time I created a character I went through the hell of inventing a nickname.


    I don't understand what the purpose of legacy name is now.

    Many players dream of being able to use one nickname for all their characters, and this feature is implemented here, but only halfimplemented, because legacy name is not displayed either in the character status frame or in the name search


    I apologize for my English and thank you for reading

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