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Posts posted by Zaxi_Etonia

  1. When running the Watchdog encounter on veteran mode (unconfirmed if in story mode as well), the orange and blue circles initially appear as meant to, but as soon as the first missile cast from the boss goes off after being given colour circles, they turn invisible for all players. We still have the correct debuffs and the sphere indicator above players heads is visible, but the ground AoE cirlce beneath players is not visible.

    image 1: during missile cast AoE player circles disappear from view


    image 2: several players in view still with circle debuffs, but no AoE showing.


  2. Where are you pulling some of these taxes from? My understanding is you wish to fix the economy of the game...not punish those actually playing it and raiding and doing content. It's very common for an ops leader to hand out medpacks and adrenals for a fight...are they going to be charged to do so now? This game has never been pay to win, only pay to look good, and now you would be turning it into pay to win.

    As some people have brought up...the NECESSARY items to play the game should not be taxed. Medpacs, Stimpacks, Adrenals- you need these to play. Only luxury items should be taxed, and that is where most of the inflation is anyway. If you look on the GTN...Medpacs can be bought on average for 1-1.5mill credits each. Player crafted items shouldn't be taxed, only cartel market 'cosmetic' items, if you want to retain subscribers who raid in SWTOR.

    Not to mention, the tax changes would also be punishing to guilds. As it stands already, many guilds are giving away credits to brand new players as they cannot afford quick travel costs up front. Many guilds (not to mention content creators) also hold giveaways, items intended to be given FOR FREE, and now they are going to be charged for the privilege of giving away items? There has to be a better and more nuanced way of fixing inflation than slapping absurd amounts of tax on basic game functionality. Give us cosmetic items we can buy for 50mil, or 100mil. We would buy them.


  3. Hi there. Are there any active aussie/early morning US raiding guilds on star forge? Not looking to move server's except as last resort - all my toon's are on SF + am in an active US conquest guild with friends. BUT, I would like to find a raiding guild who runs on evenings AEST time (6pm onwards AEST/ 4am onwards EST) - any of you out there?
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