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Posts posted by Tinkerizmo

  1. I've gotten to the last stage of Shroud's Last Stand and was fairly frustrated that I couldn't do it solo. Is there a place to create custom groups that don't fit into any of the premade queue's to get bodies for doing different kinds of group content? Or is the only recourse to spam general or trade chat and hope for help?
  2. In PUGs, everyone rolls need on everything. That's seems to just be the culture.

    Really? I'm a new player and the only other mmo I've played that had a need-greed roll system (world of warcraft, but its removed and went to personal loot) it was considered very bad form to roll need on multiple items and would result in an insta-kick. I've only rolled greed on items and didn't care if I got anything or not. I'm going to start paying more attention to the need/greed rolls and if everyone is rolling need then that's what I'm going to do too.


    As far as why do people roll on stuff they may not need? Pug Flashpoints are all go-go-go, when I click greed I don't even bother looking at the item, I'm clicking an option just to clear the popup off my screen.

  3. Besides the collections, which seems to be oriented solely for purchased outfits, is there a way to save cool armor/weapon appearances? As I was leveling up I ran across a lot of armor that I thought looked cool but didn't see a way of saving them short of creating an Outfit through the Character Screen, but this wouldn't allow me to use them in different/new outfit tabs if I no longer had the item.


    Is there a way to save gear solely for its appearance so I could use it at a later time when creating a new outfit?

  4. Just tried another Veteran FP, but this time I deselected HS in my list and

    1. instead of an instant pop in the queue, it took about 2 min to get a group. I think Erevan's observation about 90% of folks queuing for HS for speed runs is probably accurate

    2. I hit level 75 during the run (Yea me! BEHOLD MY SITHY POWAH!!)

    3. And now I got credit for the Weekly 5 Veteran FP mission, but not for the "Weekly Searching for Allies" mission. The fine print for that mission basically says "don't filter" so maybe that's the reason.


    Then I turned around and did another veteran FP one but this time I didn't filter/exclude anything aaaaannnnnddd still no credit for "Weekly searching for alies" and also no credit for the Weekly 5 veteran FP either.



    I'll just open a ticket.

  5. EDIT: I eventually found the solution and I decided to put it here in case anyone else googles this thread looking for answers.


    JediQuacker gave me a big hint (thanks dude), which I missed in my hasty reading

    Go to the "Mission Departure" area on the fleet (east elevator?) and check if there's a 'green' 'mission turn-in' triangle symbol on one of the terminals.


    To get credit for "searching for allies", you have to go back to fleet and somewhere on the main deck there will be a turn in box, click that and you finally get credit.


    To get credit for each flashpoint for the weekly 5, it was a little different than what JediQuacker but he was mostly right. All flashpoints gave you a "flashpoint done" popup at the end (the one where it shows rewards and you could add friends) but that does not give you credit to the Weekly 5 Veteran Flashpoint mission. You need to click accept on additional "Flashpoint Quest Completion" popup. Now some flashpoints would give that to you automatically immediately after the "flashpoint done" but *SOME* required you to go back to fleet, find the deck with bunches of holoterminals for quest turn ins. Click one, go through the role play stuff, and finally you get the Quest Completion popup, and then it would count to the Weekly 5.


    EDIT: Original post below.

    I have 2 issues:

    1. I keep getting Hammerpoint Station over and over again with the "random" group finder. I've done 10-15 flashpoints and seen only 2 or 3 different ones and nearly all of them are Hammerpoint Station.

    2. I don't get credit towards the weekly missions.


    I'm level 73 at this point and have been slowly progressing through the original story line for sith inquisitor. I'm just now almost finished with Alderaan and haven't gotten back to Dromund Kaas to do Darth/Lady Zash's ritual (no spoilers please, but I'm pretty sure I know what's coming). Is it just that I haven't done enough of the full story yet to "unlock" the other flashpoints? Or is RNGesus deciding to f--- with me?


    Somewhere on the imperial fleet I picked up missions for the "searching for allies (do a random flashpoint)" and "weekly veteran flashpoint (complete 5 for the week)" and I've done like 10+ veteran flashpoints and gotten no progress for either of these. FYI: Hammerpoint is specifically mentioned as eligible for the weekly 5.


    I click the minimap icon for group finder

    Verteran Flashpoints is selected and if I look at the filter all 23 of 23 possible ones are checked (and all of those are listed as eligible for the weekly do 5.

    The group starts, I enter, we punch dudes in the face, I get the "Mission Complete" popup at the end and click Accept

    Then I either click the Exit Area on above the minimap or if there is an obvious door I exit through that


    And no credit to these weeklies. Am I doing it wrong?

    I just now, dropped both, and picked them back up again from the fleet priority mission box, did a random mission and no credit.


    I do notice that often when I leave I'm still in the group and need to right-click my portrait and quit the group from that.

  6. According to some website I read, I have to right-click the quick travel point boxes to unlock them, but that doesn't seem correct or at least not 100% correct since I know I have automatically unlocked many by getting exploration credit for the area its in, although ones inside buildings require me to enter the building/room its in.


    But it seems that 1 or 2 didn't unlock for me that way.


    So what is the correct expectation?

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