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Posts posted by TyboyTheSpartan

  1. (I posted this in the communtiy content section oops disregard that one ) Hello there i'm a very avid Swtor player i truly love playing the game not that this will ever reach a developer but there is always a chance anyways i have quite a few ideas of quality of life updates that i think would be beneficial to the swtor community. The First idea i had which i'm sure many other people have had but i feel as though in a cut scene when lets say your sith or jedi takes out there light saber its only one but i mean there are some of us that play the marauder or sentinel which have two.


    What i'm saying is i think it would be cool if your character who is either of these sub classes in the cut scene instead of taking out just one saber they take out both of them another idea kinda is a branch off of my first idea i feel as well with the Sith assassin and jedi shadow i feel they should have like a special animation when taking out there duel saber i feel this would make having a duel saber feel unique if that makes any sense.


    Another Idea i had is one i think would be a bit more difficult i know alot of people in the swtor community have armor sets with helmets i know (SPOILER FOR THE SITH WARRIOR CLASS STORY!) when you fight darth barras in the second phase he takes and throws his helmet off i feel it would be cool if maybe in lets say a Cut Scene fight if your character has a helmet he would throw it off that idea might be a little bit harder to implement but a second idea is that maybe when we are on our ship and we are talking on holo call our character would be holding his or her helmet for example if you guys remember when Captain Rex would be talking he would have his helmet under his arm then as they were about to enter combat he would put on now the reason i bring that up is because this gives you guys an idea of how the animation would look. Now for the trooper and bounty hunter this would be even more perfect for them but a sith or jedi or really any other class for that matter it would work perfect for everyone and it might help more people such as myself all most connect more with the armor we choose for our character.


    Now my final Idea is the legacy system is a really interesting system especially with the whole family tree it truly helps you to immerse yourself in your own story now for this idea i think it would be cool if lets say you make a jedi and with your other Character which is a sith be brothers or brother and sister it would be cool if you would possibly have an interaction with your own character whether that be via another character just sort of mentioning it being like " So your the Brother of that sith lord" or something like that it would even be cooler if you saw them during a mission you wouldn't fight them obviously but maybe during a mission in future Expansion you see your family member from a far or maybe even engage them but not kill them because they are family now if both characters on the same faction i could see them doing something like just mentioning them or even serving along side them in a battle this would make the in my personal option the legacy and the family tree dynamic much more rewarding and it would be cool to see your other characters while playing a new character thank you for staying and reading this far i hope you guys like my ideas if you do let me know in a response down below May the Force Give You Strength.

  2. Hello there i'm a very avid Swtor player i truly love playing the game not that this will ever reach a developer but there is always a chance anyways i have quite a few ideas of quality of life updates that i think would be beneficial to the swtor community. The First idea i had which i'm sure many other people have had but i feel as though in a cut scene when lets say your sith or jedi takes out there light saber its only one but i mean there are some of us that play the marauder or sentinel which have two.


    What i'm saying is i think it would be cool if your character who is either of these sub classes in the cut scene instead of taking out just one saber they take out both of them another idea kinda is a branch off of my first idea i feel as well with the Sith assassin and jedi shadow i feel they should have like a special animation when taking out there duel saber i feel this would make having a duel saber feel unique if that makes any sense.


    Another Idea i had is one i think would be a bit more difficult i know alot of people in the swtor community have armor sets with helmets i know (SPOILER FOR THE SITH WARRIOR CLASS STORY!) when you fight darth barras in the second phase he takes and throws his helmet off i feel it would be cool if maybe in lets say a Cut Scene fight if your character has a helmet he would throw it off that idea might be a little bit harder to implement but a second idea is that maybe when we are on our ship and we are talking on holo call our character would be holding his or her helmet for example if you guys remember when Captain Rex would be talking he would have his helmet under his arm then as they were about to enter combat he would put on now the reason i bring that up is because this gives you guys an idea of how the animation would look. Now for the trooper and bounty hunter this would be even more perfect for them but a sith or jedi or really any other class for that matter it would work perfect for everyone and it might help more people such as myself all most connect more with the armor we choose for our character.


    Now my final Idea is the legacy system is a really interesting system especially with the whole family tree it truly helps you to immerse yourself in your own story now for this idea i think it would be cool if lets say you make a jedi and with your other Character which is a sith be brothers or brother and sister it would be cool if you would possibly have an interaction with your own character whether that be via another character just sort of mentioning it being like " So your the Brother of that sith lord" or something like that it would even be cooler if you saw them during a mission you wouldn't fight them obviously but maybe during a mission in future Expansion you see your family member from a far or maybe even engage them but not kill them because they are family now if both characters on the same faction i could see them doing something like just mentioning them or even serving along side them in a battle this would make the in my personal option the legacy and the family tree dynamic much more rewarding and it would be cool to see your other characters while playing a new character thank you for staying and reading this far i hope you guys like my ideas if you do let me know in a response down below May the Force Give You Strength.

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