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Posts posted by ThoughtMatrix

  1. Moving characters may not be that easy with legacy between characters. Im also on a dead server with a 50, but if I start a character on another populated one... Will they merge my legacy points? Will I lose my new one if I want to salvage my old?


    Will they even let me transfer from a low to high population server? Or will 10 lows be allowed to transfer to 2 select lows thereby making those more populated?


    Lots of unanswered questions and it gets tricky with legacy.

  2. It would be cool if Bioware gave people a reason to be in Smuggler's Den, aside from either accidentally wandering into it or going there for the two mounts that are sold there.


    True. I occasionally see a merc commendations chest which just reminds me how the token system sucks.


    I think it also exists to be the major ganking area of lowbies by 50's since you are already there...

  3. Ok, offer players money for killing you in Smuggler's Den. You'll be able to advertise this to people from your faction, and they'll be able to kill you on account of the way the Smuggler's Den area works.


    I'm planning on doing this on my server at some point in the near future. And if anyone asks you, you heard it here first.


    That would be cool if every planet had a smugglers den type area.

  4. No kidding. What is this these people speak of? I see people all over playing and playing for long periods at a time. Time to admit that your rig is not up to par if you are having this problems I guess.



    I know I know...."my puters top of the line...blah...blah...blah".


    Ya okie dokie.


    Just because YOU don't experience lag does not mean it does not exist.


    Glad you are having fun "hours at a time"

  5. Sadly I gave them hope, as I saw all these same problems in beta, the lag unbearable. The planets, dreadful colors and representation. The missions; often copied bonus areas in shadowtown, the same type of kill this many, then kill the boss repetition until you lvl to 50, then the same but only harder, i'll definitely have to pass.


    And lets not forget the green forcefields in Tatooine.

  6. Truth.


    Impossible to group, do business, recruit, or do anything when 90% of the time one or all of my chat channels are completely broken.


    Biggest groups I ever see in the game are in the cantina before servers go down.

  7. all we need is the ability to fast travel into our ship


    They will never fix this because some classes have quests on the orbital stations.


    I hate when I get off my ship at new planet and I was supposed to use my ship holoterminal. Imagine if you fast traveled to your ship to discover you actually needed to use the orbital bay but now your coming from the wrong direction cause the story quest had a sith lord who was going to jump you.


    Yeah. This is a story element - not fixable.

  8. Some MMOs use only "sharding" (multiple instances of the same area) and never servers. DDO comes to mind.


    In my opinion, you do not need both servers and sharding. NO idea why both exist in swtor.


    This is correct. Shards can run on multiple hardware servers. A server as you see it is not just one physical server, its several.


    OP mentioned PVP/PVE/RP thats also correct - only differences you need is the server config. Also don't forget East Coast / West Coast / Europe differentiations.


    Otherwise the servers are irrelevant. Only reason I can see why we have them is to make getting character names and guild names easier.

  9. People have said the same about many games. Often such cries are translated into 'I am trying to find some way of justifying my own desire not to play'. I find this very sad - have the courage of your convictions to just say that.


    Then why are you here paying for it now and making thread after thread about how bad the game is? Surely you can wait a year? Surely if you truly believe that there is no value in sticking around?



    He said it would be free to play by end of 2012.


    That doesn't mean he doesn't want to play it now.


    Or that he's not willing to pay $15 a month now.


    Where does him saying it's going to go free to play = him not wanting to play until it does?


    Reading comprehension isn't what it used to be.

  10. There are already bandwidth issues with the huge release spike, trouble ordering and everything else...


    THE LAST thing we need is a forum search feature to allow thousands of people to initiate resource intensive searches through the hundreds of thousands of posts...


    But then again, that is why you are a forumite and Bioware is a professional software company...


    The forums and the game servers and the general website can be in entirely different datacenters across the country.


    They are not related.

  11. In empire strikes back luke almost froze to death on hoth.

    Heres a thought.........What if Han Solo chose the wrong Hoth and went to Hot #3 instead of Hoth #2? Do you think Luke would have froze to death before Han would have realized he was searching on the wrong Hoth?


    Luke would have an icon above his head in all instances and would ask you to kill (as a bonus) 17 snow beasts.


    Love the concept though.

  12. The game IS NOT unplayable. I've been playing, very happily and consistently, with no crashes, DC's or other issues...


    So have many 1000's of others. Perhaps you need to look at your hardware, or maybe your ISP...?


    And role a toon on a less populated server, instead of everyone trying to cram into a server with bursting populations.


    Must be nice.


    Most people don't have the option of changing their ISP on a whim for a Star Wars MMO.


    Secondly, there's a large number of people with these issues. There IS a problem.


    Thirdly, some of us were assigned to a server by Bioware so moving is not an option. How about you move? Thanks in advance.

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