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Posts posted by Matheren

  1. Same issue here. Was logged in fine about 4 hours ago, but now trying to get through the patcher I'm getting the same generic "this application has encountered an unspecified error" message after it sits "initializing" for a bit.


    Can't do a repair because it has to connect to verify files. Deleting the .xlr and config folder from BitRaider also doesn't work, apparently for the same reason.

  2. 1) Faction Changes - It's not as simple as it is in <OTHERPOPULARMMOS> due to the vast differences in playstyle/attacks/etc between faction. Playing a Sniper really doesn't directly compare to playing a Commando.


    Well you certainly lived up to your name.


    There's no "vast difference" in playstyle between the factions. Aside from a couple animation differences favoring Empire on a couple classes, the playstyle is EXACTLY THE SAME.


    And as someone else pointed out, of course playing a Sniper doesn't compare to playing a Commando - THEY'RE NOT MIRRORS.


    Playing a Sniper does, however, directly compare to playing a Gunslinger - the *only* difference between the two is one uses a rifle and one uses two pistols, but their attacks/damage/range/everything is the same otherwise.

  3. Except that this character isn't you, and has never encountered that NPC before. I play the convos *very* differently on alt trips through (as I have done in other BW games) and doing it how you describe would completely ruin this for me and many other players.


    You realize they're talking about things like dailies and such, right?


    There's a rather large difference between talking to the same NPC on two different characters, and talking to the same NPC with the same character day after day.

  4. I clicked Mercenary, because it sounded interesting, and the abilities / role was neat. When I hit level 40, I realized all I do as a Mercenary is use Tracer Missile, HS Missile, and Railshot. The class was really boring. I'm now Level 50 with this character, and it's still really boring. Why should I have to level up another bounty hunter to level 50, just to enjoy the game, when only 14 of my abilities would actually change? My story line won't change, my armour won't change (Aside from one stat, and MAYBE the colour), the majority of my abilities won't change, and one of my talent trees doesn't even change. The way I see it, ACs are specializations, and there's absolutely no reason I should have to spend 50+ hours on the same class to use it's other spec. That's just ridiculous.


    You have two other specs to play with, how about trying one of them?


    You're going to have the same complaint going Ptech, so it's really pretty pointless.

  5. Well its especially weird when your chest caves in dramatically like you have no internal organs besides PECS!


    Then you keep going down and suddenly the *** shoots out aggressively. It makes for...an uh...interesting body type. Kind of makes you think who designed these character models? And more so...who approved them for final release?


    Who needs to approve character models when we have VOICE ACTING?!

  6. I do about 60-70% of the bonus missions and typically always do all the side missions and very rarely do I do heroic missions and flashpoint missions.


    Do you really need to ask us when you've answered your own question?


    You don't even do 75% of the bonus missions. You don't do any heroic missions or flashpoints, both of which give huge xp gains.



  7. The Smuggler is NOT identical to the Agent other than the fact that they both operate primarily from cover. Sniper rifle vs. blaster pistol(s)? Seriously, even the skillset is different.


    The smuggler is absolutely identical mechanically, and yes that means their skillsets. Aside from a couple known bugged discrepancies, they're absolutely the same classes.


    Yes, one uses a sniper rifle and one uses two pistols, but guess what? They do it from the same range, with the same abilities, doing the same damage. They're different thematically, but that's it.

  8. The republic troopers is not a special forces! You on drugs or something, there the default trooper. And imperial troopers are no less than republic troopers. And plus as the imperial trooper you'll be trying not to get on the sith warriors bad side, while also trying to help the empire in battles.


    What the hell are you smoking? They tell you you're special forces (havoc squad) in the first 2 minutes of gameplay.


    Maybe you should actually try playing the class?

  9. I agree, it's SO UNFAIR for other people to play with their friends and guildmates when you're somehow physically prevented from doing the same thing, and are apparently the only person in the game with that "no friends or guild" affliction.


    It's too bad you couldn't solve the problem by doing something as simple as getting friends or a guild yourself, because that would make things much easier for you. My condolences.

  10. Even if the stories branched at only one spot halfway into the game, that would add another 20 hours of content for each class. It's not really feasible.


    Sure it would. It would mean your class quests might become more than a single blip per quest hub, meaning you had to spend less time doing the stupid "kill x pick up y" side quests in the game.

  11. While that does sound disheartening and I wish the OP all the best in sifting through that dreck, I'm actually very curious about how the OP goes about role playing an LFG for Heroic scenario.


    Like how do you pull that off in the chat channel in character? I'm intrigued by this, as I've not really tried RP servers before.


    Well if he's trying to do it in character in general chat, he'd probably have to say something like..


    "Greetings everyone on this planet. My name is Bob, and I've somehow gained a psychic connection to every single one of you, so you have to listen to what I say. I seek companions to kill some guy or pick up 5 items from the ground. Please psychically reply back to me through our psychic web that doesn't actually exist. Thanks."

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