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Posts posted by Asomaka

  1. where you chatting in general, or advertising a guild? Looking for a group? Van you remember what you were saying when you noticed you could chat anymore?

    i got squlech for no freak reason trying ask someone to erp or rp with me

  2. Not really, it depends on how much they are doing it. If someone is following you around and constantly throwing them, maybe you could, but if it's just someone on fleet randomly throwing them, probably not.


    Few player were follow me on the game but did report them


    you've done the right thing, best you can do now, is keep him on ignore, and then when the legacy ignore kicks in he/she should be gone from your sights forever ;)

    Hopeful guy get banned for while or maybe he get perm banned for good people like him that make want quit this game i have on ignore now

  4. /snip/QUOTE]


    A lot of it depends on how you report it, if you are beside the person, you get a lot more options, and they save the chat logs, etc. If not, then all you can do is report them as spam, and hope it gets seen. Not sure if they keep chat logs then.

    Another is to mail them with screen shots, but not sure if they use them, as they can be faked. So it would depend on how much they can check themselves.

    i email them and give screenshot plus I also contact them ingame also

  5. Let me give you reality....


    Your report hasn't been seen and won't be seen. Nothing was done to this player. Nothing will be done to you. Put him on ignore and move on. At best, he gets a warning. If he's a sub, they'll send him 100 cc (just kidding on that one :D).


    Don't mean to sound blunt and non-understanding.... just the way reality is.

    i just got a email in game by bioware and say going to deal with this player

    HEy man I jsut got a ingame messege say going to check thisout

  6. They don't tell us, best thing to do is report and then put the person on ignore. When you respond to trolls, in any way, it just encourages them to keep going. Once legacy ignore hits, hopefully a lot of trolls will start disappearing.
    . Maybe you right i just wonder if they going be a legacy ignore will be coming
  7. You will find a lot of people had probably reported the person and ignored him. They just didn't say anything. :rolleyes: It happens a lot on fleet. That or he was "trolling" trying to find people to argue with. Your report has probably been seen and been dealt with, they just don't tell us. :) They tend to be pretty good at it.


    Do you think they banned him for do this stuff not me i did kind say lucky i did not hurt myself over this game i was kind upset

  8. hi this guy on my imperial fleet was abuse another player and I step in and he told me go f myself. So I said was going to report that person and he say he going to report me. he be abuse and say whole fleet going to report me. I have all ready send report to EA should send another report in.
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