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Posts posted by coffeepyromaniac

  1. We keep getting this as well.


    - Do all group members see the same player as dead/in that same state?

    No, some people are seeing someone as dead, while others are seeing someone else as dead. Meanwhile another groupmember may see everyone alive. So far it seems to be random.


    - How did the player/affected player die?

    Usually after a wipe. We noticed that if an affected player dies to gravity, it's usually fixed (at least until the next death).

  2. Wanted to craft some GSI Triangulation Enhancer Mark II on my cybertech, noticed the schematic was suddenly gone from my available list (first time I checked since 7.0). Didn't remember anything about it in the patchnotes, so went to the vendor, got and learned it again, queued up some of them. Logged back later and I have the materials that should have been used in my inventory and the schematic is gone again...

    Would be nice to know this is only temporary, since getting the seeker droid sets without them is basically impossible.

  3. Plenty of first timers in vet and mm fps after the update, so I expect this thread will expand a bit shortly.


    Lost Island mm, me on a sin tank, an oper heal and 2 sorc dps. H asked if people did it before, 1 sorc says no, so h and me explain about the flying lesson on SavRak. First smash, both dps die....

    H somehow manages to target 1 of them, throws a res. Sorc manages to die to gravity again. We stuck it cause there's no point to go on till the inevitable enrage.

    2nd dps suddenly writes they haven't done it before either, like we hadn't guessed that at this point (they were the one to die twice). Luckily no one had short enough patience to quit after 1 wipe, and next try was successful. H and me agreed we'd not risk the bonus boss in this group.


    2) Actually a positive one for a change, but it was rather messed up.

    Nathema vet, day of the update so everyone ungeared, squishier than we're used to and missing some abilities / setbonus. Went on my lethality oper(80), got a merc dps(75), jugg dps(73) and an oper h(78). Since it's my first vet after the update I think "how bad can it be" and don't ask if everyone knows it...

    I should have grown suspicious when I asked if people wanted to use the skip, and the jugg answered "I'm not stealth, can't skip", but at this point thought maybe they just want the exp, so ok.

    First boss the jugg dps thinks they're a tank and taunt whenever I "steal" aggro. That wouldn't be an issue, they were decently geared for their level and the heal didn't struggle to keep them up.

    It wouldn't be an issue... if only they didn't keep the boss in the middle of the clearing, far from any towers, while it happily does its invincible burrowing. Tank markers on the tower do nothing. Finally the heal can't keep up anymore with healing a dps that happily stands in the big red circle. Jugg dies, I grab aggro and move it where I want it, we kill the boss. I type a few instructions in chat on how to deal with this boss "for next time".

    By now I was a bit suspicious and checked achievments (since no one mentioned being new there, even after the first boss). Well, what do I see? H actually did it before, but neither jugg nor merc have been here before, and from the look of it are rather new to group content in general.

    So before the next boss I actually tell them to stop a bit outside, type some explanations and ask the jugg to not taunt and let me "tank" it, since I know where to stand and for the rest of the group to follow me, get the probe to 50%, the usual.

    First time we wiped cause the probes kept getting killed by aoe / someone used a knockback directly before the spinning phase. Functioning learning curve, 2nd try did it.

    Then came the last boss, a rather chaotic encounter at the best of times. Told our rdps to deal with the adds, forbid the jugg to use any taunt skill on the boss, everyone to stay out of all that stupid there as far as possible, the usual.

    They did try to follow those instructions, unfortunately I forgot to warn them about a certain knockback...

    2 tries later we got past the first part, revived someone, healed up, explained the next part. Now we had again a rather steep learning curve, cause apparently it wasn't clear enough that "stay close together when linked" means "stay close enough that it remains green, not yellow or red", and people were a bit slow to get out of the circle, which of course healed the boss. Turns out, at least vet doesn't have an enrage on this part, cause we stayed on this part for about 10min, the boss at one point going down to 30%, then back up to 80%...

    Called it a stuck and explained the "boss heals if you are too slow on moving, don't try to get that extra attack in"-part again and with a bit more emphasis.

    We got it that time, made the timer on the last part with no issues. And after about 1h finished that fp :cool:

    Just want to add, congratulations to newbies willing to learn, and to that heal patient enough to stick through the wipes and my typing :D

  4. Hi all,


    Can you confirm the following:


    • If at any time you minimized or tabbed out of the window
    • How long you have been in this state
    • If the loading icon in the corner is spinning



    1: yes

    2: 5-10 min

    3: it is spinning


    Immediately after the servers were back up it worked, only encountered this issue after restarting a bit later.

  5. Dumb question #82864398. I want to skip straight to Jedi under Siege after finishing SoR and then just play the two needed chapters instead of every effin chapter which are even spacebarring take a long time. Can I actually do that or will the game say, hey, technically you didn't run a single chapter so no chance to "redo" anything you didn't do.


    Not sure how it works with skipping, but if you port a character that has chapters unlocked to the pts, it works just fine to only do the last 2 with that char.

  6. There's definitely a bug with the "Underword Aspirant I-V" achievments, since I got all of them, while being on tier 3 1/2 on the reward track. The timing I got them each of them seems to correlate to finishing the last class story mission on a planet, at least that's when they popped up for me (while I wasn't even doing anything remotely related to galactic seasons).
  7. An issue I noticed on life, that apparently made it to PTs as well: Depending on your mouse, it is easy to accidentally dislodge your chat tabs while switching between them. That by itself wouldn't be much of an issue, but it also prevents scrolling within the affected chat tab until you relog / reset UI. With the new, much larger character and skills windows, accidentally messing that up has become much more likely. Perhaps it would be possible to implement an option to lock your chat-window / -tabs in place?
  8. What I'm saying is that the option to have the launcher launch the game in PTS mode is missing. Even when the PTS is down, I could still patch for it, launch the game, and see the empty server select screen. Now I can't even do that, which makes me worry that the next time the PTS is available, I will have no way to switch to it using the Steam version of the launcher, and I'd rather not have to swap back to the non-Steam version.


    The area of the launcher where you used to be able to set the language and switch to the PTS has been removed from the Steam launcher, and that's what I think is wrong.


    If someone still / again has this problem, there is a workaround:

    Go to where you installed the PTS via steam, the file path should look something like this

    D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Star Wars - The Old Republic - PTS

    There's an .exe called "launcher" in there, open it - you're on the PTS. From then on Steam should save it under "last played" for easier access too.

  9. While quite a few of these changes make sense (especially outfits for weapons, but also normal enemies in daily areas counting regardless of group), I have certain concerns regarding faction shared credit/loot for world bosses.


    What, for example, if you're doing a guild group for dreadtooth 10 stacks, to get the amulet for dreadful entity and perhaps some missing masks for the group that is going for it. If someone not in group attacks it too and happens to win the random roll for those items, the whole point of it is gone.

    I don't mind everyone getting the achievment / xp / regular loot, but maybe tag those limited items to be rolled among the group that started it only.

  10. Feel free to answer in as much detail as possible to help us understand your thought process and line of thinking. Please include the specific Discipline and ability path you chose.

    Personally the Skill Paths and Utility Points should stay what they are for each class discipline. Do not try to reinvent the wheel. Most people thought combat style would literally be the base stuff stayed. If you decided to play as a shadow in Jedi Knight storyline it would be Shadow Skill Tree and utilities but Jedi Knight Storyline. This here is making me thing this is possible to be 10x worse than thought. Please don't mess with the current paths, skills, utilities, and basic abilities of the Discipline that we choose. This setup will not make it easier for new players. It will not balance out disciplines. It will make it more confusing.

    this sums it up quite accurately and probably better than I could of the top of my head

  11. But I was on my Marauder who die in a light breeze without optimal healing, which I did not have, and whose DPS output is trash without speccing full DPS utility.

    understandable, and I truly dreaded doing this fight on my more squishy characters (at least before I knew about that)

  12. I disliked the final boss fight. The god-mode "keep you alive no matter what because he basically one-shots you" just felt like I was being led through the action, not me leading the action.


    I didn't know I had godmode... So I tried (successfully, all those ops-mechanics training is paying off) to stay alive and got a fight that felt positively challenging (as opposed to the usual "it's a story quest, so all enemy bosses are pushovers).

  13. I have found though even though the original mission quest used to finish Loremaster of Makeb is gone, I can verify that completing the current Makeb weekly on the Republic side will award you the "Makeb’s Mysterious Survival (Republic only)" Codex needed to complete Loremaster of Makeb. I recently just completed it.


    I can confirm that this still works up to now in 2020

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