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Posts posted by Sixxelaa

  1. Honestly I understand why these changes were made and to a certain point I agree. However I think you did it wrongly. How is it more fair that someone gets all the barnacles or all the wings in a 16m or all the masks when defeating dreadtooth ? (I got 2 masks when I actually didn’t need them at all...). So now people’s inventories fill with stuff they don’t necessarily need and it just really annoying. Why didn’t you make it so that it can’t be changed to master loot when entering an instanced area ? Then the issue would be solved while also keeping the need/Greed/pass system that was just so nice before. Now I can’t even pass for stuff I don’t need.
  2. I have to say Quinn is also a slow burn type of romance because of all his rejections of the Sith warrior too, but I have to say I never tried Aric because he’s a cat person and it made me a bit uncomfortable ? I sound racist as well but you guys made me want to try it out so I will soon :)

    When it comes to Theron I have to say it kinda hurt like Quinn when he did what he did to my agent (because my agent is the one that romances him they go very well together especially since she’s a double agent anyway :p) it felt better after but I only wish we would see him as much as Lana in Onslaught. It felt weird for me to wake up with Lana instead of Theron especially since he wanted to come so vehemently. There’s also something I always wondered. In the books Theron seemed Caucasian right? Kinda like Bastila and Revan seemed to be but now he’s more Asian? I don’t want to define him completely but I’m kinda curious because my agent and him have a daughter and I kinda struggled with character creation on her if anyone knew that would be nice because I just don’t know if I like her face or not xD

  3. It’s truly beyond me why they decide to change something that worked perfectly fine before. Now we see even less stats and tbh, I play on a 15’ inch laptop I can’t even have my inventory and character sheet open comfortably. If you want to force us to use that please give us the option to use the old one or to make amplifiers list collapsible because it’s so out of place and really badly designed. Please BioWare, revert the changes make the game great again :)
  4. Well you can recreate the set pretty much easily at least it looks a lot like it but I agree. I wish we could get the top part it looks sooo freaking good. My hope is that they make it available especially the tattoos as well. Basically on a male toon you can use resort swimwear top + Karness Muur bottoms and the rest as much as I see isn’t available
  5. Do you guys think there will be a chance the devs will remove vote kick? Because honestly, I’ve been doing a lot of pvp in regs but I’m so damn afraid to queue ranked for that very simple reason. I don’t want to fight and end up being vote kicked by people and not getting any reward just because it was decided «*oh we don’t like you, we kick you out*» that’s what I was told this vote kick is abused for.
  6. Honestly I’ve been super disappointed by the fact we got so much swoop and Rakghoul rather than Gree. I really hope we get Gree again on October. I miss Xenoanalyst it’s such a fun fight compared to Eyeless at least in hard mode. :) I’m crossing my fingers for October 🤞🏼
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