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Posts posted by DanielBrinkmann

  1. Let's be honest here - A "We heard you, we're working on it" is not enough to fix the mess that 7.0 is. More and more bugs are occuring every single day and there isn't even a temporary workaround for a lot of them.


    Some decisions that are made by CHOICE are literally making the entire playerbase speak up in unity, like the UI changes or the decision to make it impossible for us to use our skins that we PAID actual money for. Those things have not been addressed a single time since 7.0 launched. Not by the community team and not by the devs either.


    I have played MMOs for 18 years now. I've played WoW, Guild Wars, FFXIV, SWTOR, TESO, LotRO, New World.. And not once in all those 18 years have I seen the playerbase so united in speaking up against actual "design" choices and the devs not giving a flying f*ck about it.


    If this game wouldn't wear the "Star Wars" cloak, but was instead a no-name IP that noone cares about.. it would be dead after 7.0. The fact that it is not dead shows how deeply the fans care about the game and what happens to it. And 7.0 and the lack of communication following it is basically the devs spitting in the faces of the fans showing their love and support, despite the obvious game flaws.


    Please, change your support and communication policy. For once, take a page out of Blizzard's playbook, re-vamp the entire communication structure between Devs and players and TALK to us. Giving us the silent treatment after releasing such a mess hurts, both you and us.


    I really hope that anyone reads this and cares, and that the future will be better.

  2. I thought there was going to be a weapon slot in the outfit designer, but now that the expansion is live I can't find it. I have most of the CM weapons and not being able to use them without going back to lvl 75 gear is messed up. Am I missing something?


    The weapon outfit designer was delayed until 7.1 because they didn't get it to work. So that means at least another few months without being able to use our own weapon skins that BioWare recieved a LOT of money for.

    And not even an alternative where it would have been SO easy to just implement a vendor that sells weapon modifications for medals of commendation, so you could continue to use your own weapons.

  3. So, I have "finished" 7.0 now. I am done with the story, I tortured myself through the bugged Elom Flashpoint, and now I reached endgame, after 4 hours, yet again.


    Leaving all the obvious flaws and bugs aside, I am asking myself the question - Is there anyone at BioWare that cares about the state of the game?


    BioWare releases a Collector's Edition for 40 bucks that features a new weapon, simultaneously releases 3 additional weapons into the cartel market. Cool. Not my style, but someone will surely like them. It only sucks that 7.0 was entirely designed with the outfitter being able to change the looks of weapons in mind. There is no modifiable gear at the moment, hence there are no modifications at the moment.


    So we are stuck with the choice of using the new green weapons for higher itemlevel, or sticking to 306 weapons to use the shiny weapons that BioWare wants our hard earned money for. If we want to use the shiny, expensive skins, we have to actively take a disadvantage into account, or we have to entirely stop using our cool weapons until 7.1 - If the weapon outfitter actually gets released by then.


    Is that how it is right now or am I *massively* overlooking anything?

    It would be really nice to have that issue addressed from the actual devs / community managers because it is a huge issue if you release new IRL Money content that we can't even properly use without being at a disadvantage.

  4. I have been playing this game ever since it got released, with some on-and-off every now and then.

    Huttball has, if memory serves correctly, in the game ever since the beginning. And ever since the beginning of Huttball, the game mode has - at times - been absolutely unplayable. It's the 10 year anniversary now and this issue has STILL not been fixed. Enemies are still teleporting all over the map whenever they use a movement ability. Ball passes can still sometimes be caught up to 2-3 seconds after they reached the ground. Hit registration of abilities like Overload or other Pushbacks are still an absolute mess and all over the place.


    It would be very nice to hear the developer team actually address those issues. There is 3 Huttball maps in the game which means that you have a near-50% chance to get Huttball whenever you queue for a Warzone. Especially during the day, when Arena matches are rarer. And you have an absolute and undeniable advantage by queueing Huttball as a class with an instant movement (like Holotraverse, Exfiltrate, the likes) ability.


    How stuff like this can remain in the game and not get fixed for 10 years is absolutely beyond me, but it is time to fix them and to actually invest some resources into it.

  5. I have been playing this game ever since it got released, with some on-and-off every now and then.

    Huttball has, if memory serves correctly, in the game ever since the beginning. And ever since the beginning of Huttball, the game mode has - at times - been absolutely unplayable. It's the 10 year anniversary now and this issue has STILL not been fixed. Enemies are still teleporting all over the map whenever they use a movement ability. Ball passes can still sometimes be caught up to 2-3 seconds after they reached the ground. Hit registration of abilities like Overload or other Pushbacks are still an absolute mess and all over the place.


    It would be very nice to hear the developer team actually address those issues. There is 3 Huttball maps in the game which means that you have a near-50% chance to get Huttball whenever you queue for a Warzone. Especially during the day, when Arena matches are rarer. And you have an absolute and undeniable advantage by queueing Huttball as a class with an instant movement (like Holotraverse, Exfiltrate, the likes) ability.


    How stuff like this can remain in the game and not get fixed for 10 years is absolutely beyond me, but it is time to fix them and to actually invest some resources into it.

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