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Posts posted by achnaatfour

  1. ahhh, I was looking at it wrong, like I said just glanced, scanned for anything about GSF. Not conquest :o


    and another thing I saw was the low reqs I was getting, I remembered getting more, . . then yesterday figured it out

    the account I was playing on was FTP :(


    guess my mind was else where and just didn't see what was in front of me

  2. Hi,


    I think I forgot to complete some of these Vette's side quests in order to get the Legacy Unlock which gives +10 presence in characters after completing all conversations with X companions and stuff, and my guess is that quest autocompleted somehow since its not in my quest log anymore.


    Have I lost the chance forever of getting that bonus, right? Well... I would have to create another Sith Warrior and complete everything again to the point I finish Vette's conversations?


    I am pretty new to the game btw, thanks!


    have you completed all of Vette's achievements ?

  3. Been gone for the past six months, I knew I wasn't getting back where I left at, and new characters (Ships) to mention.

    but my average hit percentage was 40-45, but now like 27%,

    Maybe the low damage is due to unskilled ships, I think my average damage has been 10k like for the past week, far from the 45-65k I used to get.

    Assist don't want to go there, always 17+, now 3 to 8


    Did I get that Bad ? (Probably) or did some numbers been changed to reflect the low damage, assist and percentage. I swear I see more kills over the screen (CHAT) , then what the score card sez.


    I've been gone before but only a few bad scoring matches at the start, Surely not as bad as this tho


    as side note, one thing hasn't changed, I still get on the teams that want to travel across the map and not fly in groups, while the other team does :cool:

  4. I noticed today/yesterday, that I have been slower leveling. I may have to go back and read the notes again. I spend most of my time in GSF, but due to slower leveling, less time in GSF, and I'm normally way above the level I'm playing outside GSF. Until l I read this thread didn't think the xp was lowered in GSF, wasn't paying that much attention.


    was absent for past six months, actually a week before 7 was to to go live, so things were a bit weird and really only scanned real quick over the notes


    any ways thanks , I might not of figured it out, right away

  5. it was a wish, maybe it's possible, but I was thinking more like I'm surrounded ,inside a sphere monitor, where I could look in any direction, VR would be the closet thing, but that's not I wished for..


    A while back I asked why no green arrows, answer made sense, just can't recall what it was.

    I like to stay grouped, sad sometimes i get turned around, no matter how I look at the map, I keep seeing me fly in a direction I don't want to go, so end up flying in circles finding the team's location, cuz The 2d map doesn't help

  6. really need to resolve this problem, was just in a match 3 were afk doing nothing, so who suffers the players that are actually doing something, while the afkers do nothing and reap in the free rewards.

    so if we decide to leave the match, we get punished with a timed penalty , while the afk'ers get to just keep doing what they're doing with no penalty at all.

    something is not right, resolve it please

  7. that's always going to be a problem for players that are very good at what they do. As you say, even with a new legacy name (new account), you're going to be right back in that spot again.

    what you need ,and many others, is more players of same skill level being in the same match, hence as mentioned many times a better match maker .


    not a fan of you leaving, when I last played , I had drak giving me advice on the forums(think it was before your GSF days started), when I returned, there was you.

    those advice's from the past and present helped a ton. and me a better pilot. I'm too old to care about win/loses anymore, but who doesn't like to win all the time. So never really asked for training, just info.

    Have I ever been focused, a couple times, to me it felt good, Thinking, damn I must be a threat, maybe I am good, but probably can count on one hand the amount of times I was generally being focused on.

    I have many alts in GSF,but not hard to figure out it's still me, they all have same second name, not good enough to hide by another name any ways .


    damn forgot where I was going with this,

    point I think I'm trying to say, it was inevitable , if you're good and a lot better then average, this moment was going to happen, no matter what online game you play.


    I for one will miss the commentary videos

    I won't miss some of the silly arguments you had on the forums, heck wouldn't mind never seeing anything like that from anyone on the forums.


    just don't be a stranger, and enjoy what makes you feel good

  8. a fun bomber to play is the Sledgehammer, I tried the heavy lasers, Proton, EMP, to defend sats, but it wasn't my play style like I've seen others use it,

    so now it's LightLaser, Clusters, EMP, basically a slow tanky fighter

    I still use the Rampart four (for hyperspace beacon) and firehauler for repairs.ammo refill ( although, now I use Clarion for repairs/ammo refill more)

    If I can, I'll place the interdiction mines forward and surround the gunships, guessing I'm 5000-10000 m from them, and seerkers not far from the interdictions, more of a distraction, would have loved it if I could use interdiction and railguns at the same time :D


    Ever since saw Luc's

    , I had to get me this, and now I found my gunship,

    the Condor works for me, but I put retros on mine

  9. Thank you Achnaatfour. Good to know. I have been considering making an alt for GSF only. Knowing I can start from level 1 is great. I have no desire to do any quests with it. Still thinking it over. I like my alts I have already. Nobody has a cool pilot name though:cool:


    oh and then there is more, this is something I've been curious about since I first heard you can purchase req's,

    finally went to fleet last week, to look for them, then I noticed they're legacy bound . . "Sweet" I sez

    So did the math, but first a test, . .hmm they will not go into the legacy bank, getting late went to bed, after work did it again, ahh there is a 2 hour timer, they can be sold back, so waited, did other things . . and getting late . . so went to bed


    after work logged in, totaslly forgot, did some matches and mission . . oh yeah lets look and see if I can place them ion the legacy bank . . YES . .to the new Charater creation cave I go


    I had enough Fleet coms (between 5 characters) to purchase -

    4-fleet Req's

    18 - ship req's

    first I did the fleet req's, so I could purchase the ships, all ships bought

    now used the 18 ship req's

    hmm due to some change's, some ships would need 20 no biggie, I'll earn those (when I did the math in my head, I didn't account for the component Changes/Purchases


    now I have a hanger full of mastered ships :D and still level 2, (have no idea how I made level 2), sweet thing as Lvl2 I can chose a discipline, so I was able to open the rewards to grab those

  10. I know it wasn't EMP, the effects that come with that make them obvious, and we're talking 3 beeps then boom,, so pretty sure it was Clusters, Kinda had that part figured, I think I was just used to hearing the Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep , and more, rather then just 3 beeps.

    I should had known, but even with all the buffs, takes me more the 3 beeps with Clusters, (I was guessing 3 beeps was just shy 2 sec time), probably latency on my side. And/or longer beeping from Protons trying to lock on. just not used to 3 beeps


    yeeeah, the Pike/Quell are my Favorites, for that reason, EMP, then Cluster, Formally Protons (due to my latency issues switched back to Clusters), even did the ION for a short time, but they seems to only annoy (with locking beeps) :rolleyes: then do any kind of damage


    Oh my, I think I'm a magnet for sabotage Probe, I can't ever land one, but they sure to get on my *** a lot, but that wasn't happen in this case.

    Also I don't recall which ship they were using, so not sure if they were using possibly concussions , instead of the Clusters like I mentioned a moment ago


    F2, yeah do that a lot myself, normally I press it if I just can't break from their lock, or when I had already used my break (not yet cooled down), but in the moment of these short locks, I didn't react, again just use to hearing a longer getting lock tone, so wait till I am lock then use it, but this was just 3 beeps then poof, and find I've been promoted to selecting a new ship

  11. One thing I never seen mentioned, or maybe I missed reading it

    Is when one can start doing GSF, most think it's not until level 10, but that's just getting the GSF Daily/Weekly missions,

    of course this is not as important as the info already given, and really doesn't help a brand new account (Player).

    you can start Battling at creation, you cannot open the rewards till you choose a discipline,

    on double XP times, takes 5 matches to reach 10 ,if you don't do anything else , but just GSF,

    On no double XP events it's like 7 (I think). might be 8, but I'm also doing missions, so really unsure if it will take 7 or 8 , just doing GSF missions

    if you have any xp booster, you're like level four after first GSF match

    my experience, I'll have a match before I finish dressing up my new creation


    no matter how you reached level 10, to speed things up after and if your in a rush to start GSF with your new creation. grab the quick travel to home world from your legacy, (before leaving from starter planet), grab the heroic-2 mission (this is your quick travel back) or you can just do all that running around in Fleet to get back,

    use the quick travel to home world, get the intro to GSF Battle mission, click launch, click heroic quick travel and continue your missions on starter world.

    Now don't do the heroic, unless you have 2 heroics to click on, because (need 2 heroics at least any ways) because after that first GSF mission, you're going to click the travel to home world to grab the daily and weekly ;)

    having 2 heroics is not possible, if you are starting a Jedi, Tython only has one heroic :eek:


    this has nothing to do getting better in GSF, just info how to get quickly started, or when to start

  12. This ought to be a interesting read to follow,

    Glad you mentioned the times you're able to do this in, for me the time of day does make a difference, not something to do with skill levels , but, more of the connection quality. , My score board reflects that, seen at the end of the matches.


    particular the hit percentage reflects it, not just damage and kills/assist


    I just read the part someone mentioned being focused on, I've (that I can recall) only been focused on, twice in the past year, just recently with a newer character (not quite a month ago). Not sure if it was a case someone get spanked by me and they got their main type of scenario thing, I just recall the previous games I pretty much dominated, A rare thing for me indeed, I'm just not that good, but it was that rare moment I carried the team .

    no point getting into details about that, just thought I'd mention it has happened to me, even tho they kept me from being on top of the score board I still felt honored, That I had been focused on, and was recognized as a threat to their team.


    years ago I did just play with one character, but , since my latest return, now all my characters fly, but, again, I'm not hard to identify as the same player. Since all my characters have 2 names, and the second name is the same on all of them. It's different depending which account I play on (and server), but still the same ;)


    be interesting to see how long it takes to get 100 matches on some servers, although there has been a increase in GTF with the newer conquest, maybe not, I had played on the German server for over a year once, and during that time only was able to get in a GTF match twice, A few months ago, for nostalgia reason hopped over there with a new character, and no problem getting my introduction and a couple more battles in.


    so looking forward to what your result will read



    Good Luck,


    Now I might get a chance to see what the back on my ship looks like, in one of your videos :DWhen you get to the server I play on

  13. Keep in mind that in the gunship, when you run out of power in the weapon power pool, it fires automatically (as long as it charged to a minimum of 25%).


    oh wow . . I did not know that, thanks for letting me know

  14. Glad to be of service buddy. I learned so much from watching other people's videos. At one point I think I watched every video on Drakolich's channel. His is another channel worth watching if you haven't already, even though he hasn't updated it in some time. Now that he is back be might resume his excellent analyses videos too :D


    As far as power management is concerned, its just practice. Most of my key binds are default. I have my up and down strafes on the mouse, along with my quick looks. But I still use F1,F2,F3 for power management. It was tricky at first but you get used to it. Even once I had power management down, I found it tricky to bank my Scout and change power modes at the same time. Something you don't really get with Strikes. At times if I am flying without feeling 100% you can still see I don't bank my Scout that well, and that is because of the speed at which you need to switch power and bank, constantly back and forth with your fingers. But again its just practice. Some days you get frustrated as things seem too hard, then the next day it just clicks and it all comes together.


    When you talk about how I approach Gunships? I'm guessing you mean not coming at them head on in a straight line? That's so huge, and so simple. But so many people don't realize it. Just do an exaggerated manual barrel roll, and they can't hit you. At close range if you strafe too, it again makes you hard to hit. When you fly a Gunship, you learn what they can and can't do. This is why people should fly all classes, even if they don't like certain ships. One, they might find out they actually do like them (I used to hate Gunships) and two, you learn how to better counter them.

    yeah, watch maybe all of 'em, back then, I can actually be seen in a couple of them, don't play that character any more, don't recall if it was just seeing me fly by in the camera view, of just cannon odder, but I was in it :cool:


    my biggest problem using the F keys, so many times I hit the 3 key and not f3, so many unwanted Self destructs

    the thumb buttons cured that, but hey even tho it's not something you said, it was something you made me think how to fix the problem


    When you talk about how I approach Gunships? I'm guessing you mean not coming at them head on in a straight line? .

    yup pretty much, it hadn't dawn on me (right away) that most gunship pilots are so tunnel vision, it is easy to just come from the side. With my UI changed to see the mini map easier, I can see someone trying to flank me, and keep an eye on victim . . er target

    I am not a fan of the gun ship, only for one reason, I deal with too much latency. It's a frustrating moment, to shoot a fully charged slug , hit your target, on my screen, but they take no damage.

    also think my mouse is worn, sometimes the gun fires on it's own, and I hadn't lifted a finger

  15. I have manage to get the UI set up to be easier for me to see, more, still have issues with the effects icons, I don't think I can place'em to be easier to see., without being in the way.


    watching your videos, has helped me deal with pilots such as yourself, learning how to deal with some of the tactical maneuvers you use , still need to work on that but getting better. I had noticed your approach pattern towards gunships, basically copied that, and getting more GS kills


    One thing I had issues, with is quickly changing where the power is going, you seemed to do it effortlessly , only thing I could think of is like some of the anime's I've watched, you see someone typing with 20 mechanical fingers, figured you must have been surgically altar and had that done to yourself, then after many many matches, I forgot I still have thumb buttons on the mouse I could use, HUgh hugh improvement there.


    yeah defiantly learning and improving, by watching your videos

  16. after reading some of that, now I may understand why, there were 5 hangers , yet only 4 classes to choose from, that fifth was most likely, to have a Infiltrator, if those who wanted one of each class to select from . . just a thought


    Now I would like to see another Objective mode match, like a defend/attack, and have the Infiltrator available to use.

    Be it a Capital ship or some big rock base, that you're attacking or Defending, [Different topic]


    what I was wanting to know when searching for that, was how the cloaking was to work, what was the ships hull, which weapons can be used, stuff like that. Wasn't even thinking of new weapons, but see there were some just for the Infiltrator.

    funny thing, when I found that only glanced, didn't scroll all the way down, to see there were some images of the ships

  17. So for those that are unsure what I am talking about, there is an entirely separate class of ship called the Infiltrators, that already exists. The data and coding for them already exist. They were meant to be introduced years back but it never happened. So for them to be brought in, would be a case of finalizing whatever loose ends exist and insert the coding into the live game. It is not an idea I have come up with, it was a ship the devs designed but never brought live.


    Also as mentioned already, Targeting Telemetry was always meant to force cloaked ships out of cloak. Hence the line in the tool tip for TT that says it "removes cloaking effects from all enemies within 3000m." TT is doing this. Right now. There are just no stealth ships to be effected by what its doing. This is another reason why I want the infiltrators introduced. It would force more people to play Scouts, since TT is the only confirmed way to dispel their cloaking effects (so far). That would be a welcome meta change from all the Proton spamming and would force people to learn some skills beyond... proton spamming. Aside from that, I am just willing to take the plunge and see what these Stealth ships are all about.

    I did not know that, so the ship already exists

    where can I look up the info about this ship?

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