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Posts posted by Reaperortes

  1. Try lowering gfx settings to very low , if the system does not meet the minimum game requirement of 1GB dedicated VRAM then freezing cutscenes is possible in the later content


    edit - try https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/Guide-Texture-Flickering-High-to-Low/m-p/4867480/highlight/true#M70796 it may help too


    okay, so i realized that the settings didnt save. so after saving the settings, i have finally completed the main storyline! thank you for your help

  2. Try lowering gfx settings to very low , if the system does not meet the minimum game requirement of 1GB dedicated VRAM then freezing cutscenes is possible in the later content


    edit - try https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/Guide-Texture-Flickering-High-to-Low/m-p/4867480/highlight/true#M70796 it may help too


    hello, i tried changing the settings like you recommended and it didnt fix the problem. is there anything else you can recommend or should i just forget the storyline and move?

  3. are you guys ever going to fix the issue where when trying to speak to minizar, the game doesnt load the cutscene and it just freezes the game? i havent been able to finish the story in months and im seeing no reason to continue to paying my subscription and play this game.
  4. I still havent been able to play the main story at all, as the minizar cutscene refuses to initiate when i click on him. it just freezes the game and eventually crashes the game.


    Im very frustrated with the devs at how long this has been an issue, and trying to submit a bug report is basically just a complete mess as i have to click a link to go to another link that doesnt ever go anywhere.


    I understand these fixes take time, and but going this long without a fix is unacceptable for games in 2021

  5. playing through the fallen empire questline and i was following a guide on how to recruit shae vizla, only to see that the decisions they said to make did not result in shae vizla joining the alliance as a companion.


    is she not possible to recruit? i made all darkside choices on my jedi counselor and nothing changed except she just yelled at me for insulting her after the factory weakened the clans.

  6. i also have another question:

    does the progress for the quest to get darth hexid stay the same for all characters or do you have to start over?


    because im currently sitting at 27 warzone completions and all of that progress is on my jedi counselor whos only level 60

  7. There have been two *different* ways to unlock Darth Hexid:

    * When she was first available, there was a limited time where you had to run *either* three random flashpoints *or* three warzones (PvP).

    * After that, it became a single achievement called "With A Little Help From My Friends" which involves running a total of *forty* group activities (flashpoints, uprisings, operations, warzones, or Galactic Starfighter). That achievement is still available.


    https://i.imgur.com/n7Kk8WF.jpg shows where to find the achievement - it got moved somewhere along the way, but this is its current location.


    is she any good as a companion?

  8. so i noticed someone running around with this companion and i did some research in how to obtain her as a companion, which requires flashpoints and stuff.


    is the achievement that grants her no longer achievable? because i did a few flash points and the 12 i already before didnt get counted.

  9. the part of the quest that requires you to grab the weapon is bugged as the weapon doesnt seem to spawning at all.


    anyone else having this issue? if so, have the devs stated when this will be fixed? this problem, as far as i can remember, has been around since the launch of onslaught.

  10. idk if something has changed or its a bug, but rooftop rumble daily quest on onderon just handed my butt on a silver platter twice. this used to be a cake walk, but despite using heroic moment, saber ward, and my companion healing, it still just tossed me aside.


    did they jack up the difficulty of this daily and do i just suck?

  11. hello friends,


    my character is stuck in a slow sprint and this occurred right after i finished knights of the fallen empire cinematic, i have no idea how to fix this and its making sprinting in areas where i cant use a mount very tedious.


    anyone have any suggestions?

  12. Be as nearby as possible. Worked for me even tho I played as IA. Also having a deprogrammed skytrooper with you helps a lot.


    i reprogrammed a sky trooper before the boss battle, once i got into the fight, the game decided that was unfair and got rid of the sky trooper. he just disappeared completely and the emp grenades are worthless as a twig. this seems to be one rigged boss battle, as i have found no environmental factors to attack to make the boss spaz out like in some other boss battles

  13. hi everyone, i need some serious help because im losing my collective sanity on this poorly designed boss battle. im a sith juggernaut and senya have proven to be completely worthless in all tank, damage and healer specs. my first shot at the boss got her down to 25% health and then she just walked over senya, followed by giving me the worst display of boss design ever.


    if anyone has any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated as this boss is starting to make me think that they designed this boss just to piss people off.

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