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Posts posted by RainEbon

  1. Well, I don't post on SWTOR forums because I really don't see the point (devs rarely listen) but since my subscription is running out soon I might as well use that remaining time to make a post here in regards to the whole Shae Vizsla server situation. 

    I'm honestly surprised to see posters that have been on these forums for years not realize what's going to happen, as if they don't already know Biowares or BroadSwords as they are called now modus operandi.

    Whether its class balancing, new content, PvP, combat styles etc. the story always ends up being the same.

    BioWare introduces something new or old that people are interested in but instead of listening to the player base they release it with a twist. And why do they do it? Because they are developing and adding things with a mindset that they know better and that the players don't know what they want. Call it arrogance or whatever you want.

    So what is going to happen with the APAC server? Same thing that always happens. 

    They will do nothing while making statements on the forums about how they are listening. Only when both new and old players are gone will they introduce transfers/changes that people were asking for but by that point it will be too late and the cycle of 'players don't know what they want' will continue. Say hello to your new ghost town/server, the French server will finally have a friend.

    As for the 'healthy economy' and the 'fresh start' people I have only this to say. LOL, LMAO even. One server isn't going to change anything and its already showing the same sings that other five servers had during their road to a mess that we have now. By the way there are credit sellers on SV already.

    So, BioWare have to ask themselves this - Do they want a 'healthy economy' or a 'healthy playerbase/player numbers' on Shae Vizsla?

    Or maybe they are going to shut down other servers and force everyone to play on SV for the new, better and improved economy. Because you are not fixing it outside of taking everyone's credits.

    edit - Damn, I have 8 posts. So I did post on these forums. XD

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  2. Well I just had something 'amazing' happen to me in a flashpoint.

    Joined a in progress Depths of Manaan (vet) and as soon as I joined I got kicked from a group with someone writing in chat that they were sorry but that spot was reserved for their friend. 

    I'm not even mad about the kick but what baffles me is that I ended up getting a 17min lockout.

    What kind of a logic is that? I didn't leave I got kicked lol

  3. I don't know if this is the right place to write this but I have to share. And in a way it's connected to group finders weird and uninformed people.


    Honest to God I have no idea how many times I've gotten this response 'Sorry we're full on DwT' only for them to proceed to ask for more DPS.


    If you are starting an OP by writing LFM 1T 1DwT 4DPS 2H and someone responds to you by telling you they are DwT/DPS don't give them that we're full on DwT line If you are still looking for people to dps.


    DwT = DPS with taunt

  4. Hello again everyone! o/


    I haven't been playing FPs as much recently, mostly been messing around in WZ and ranked but what little I have played ended up irritating me (which is kind of weird for me since I don't let anything bother me in a online game but hey lol) for some reason that I've decided to leave the FPs as soon as it happens.


    And what do I speak of...


    Hammer Station ofc! More specific, the run to the first boss strat.


    For some reason this happens a lot in Vet, whereas in Master it doesn't or It has been a while since it has happened (mostly because for some reason people in Vet FPs have an aversion towards communicating)


    People have this need to start running mid fight...and only after they have arrived to their destination or once the team has died do they write 'run' in chat.


    It has happened so many times since I've moved from SS to DM that it stopped being funny.


    Just one HS run that I had, the dude mid corner pull started running towards the first boss leaving us to deal with all the trash that he pulled. (ofc the trash focused us after he reached the boss)


    And only after the lowby/newbie and the lvl75 died did he write 'run' in chat prompting me to leave the FP because I just didn't feel like dealing with it.


    By the way, we didn't even realize he had done that. Only after half of the map started attacking us in the first room did we realize what had happened.


    So, yeah. If that happens I'm leaving the FP.

  5. Honestly, the more I read the replies in this thread the more I think how toxic you people you are. :mad:


    People share their views and opinions of the upcoming changes and you dare disagree with them, even going so far as to point out how wrong they are. Jesus!


    Where do you get off?


    Since I'm a subscriber that gives me the right to play the game any way I want and that won't change unless you pay the subscription for me. Why even care about others and what they do in group content in a MMO of all places (are they even subscribers?)


    As for the changes...I for one approve of them.


    I do not have the time, months or even years to learn a single rotation for a class. And what do I even get from learning it? A boring experience of pressing 12 buttons again and again.

    I need something engaging, something new and fresh that's going to pull me in! Like pressing 3 buttons again and again.


    My hope is that one day BioWare ends up getting rid of all those cheaters that are killing me in PvP. (No I'm not bad and I don't need to set aside 10 minutes to read a guide. I never died playing the story content so It's obvious that I know what I'm doing)


    And one last thing I want to add that will prove that the ability bloat is a thing and that BioWare needs to modernize their game.

    Is that during FPs I have to use things like interrupts and DCDs (like what the hell are those?). Being able to just hit the boss and watch him die should be enough. (Here's to hoping they end up adding the ability to challenge Malgus to a drift race because that would be so cool and new)


    At the end of the day BioWare going in this direction is a good thing, hot bar/tab targeting MMOs are so 50BC. And we are going to the future people, whether you like it or not. :cool:



    (this is a joke post, don't take it too seriously and lose your mind)

  6. In all my time playing SWTOR I never had that many run-ins with weird/******e players and here I am yet again writing a post in this thread. :D


    Now this isn't a complaint about someone's behavior or a screw up, just a weird funny situation. (funny to me at least)


    To set the stage, the run is Secrets of the Enclave master mode and we have a...


    Sorcerer healer lvl75,


    myself Merc dps lvl75 and I have no idea who else we had because this run was weird as hell from the start lol.


    So as I load into the fp the first trash mob is gone and so are the tank and the other dps. The only thing to greet me in chat are two messages:


    "Ugh you again" and "u, no way"


    Great start!


    I ignore the messages and continue with the Sorc.


    I put us in que but until the replacement arrives we summon our comps and clear the first camp. During the first trash/camp fights I notice that he isn't healing but it isn't that big of a problem (I have Mako lvl50 as heals so there is no way we would die, unless someone screws up royally)


    Second camp, he is still going for dps and to make thing even more interesting before the camp is cleared he is already attacking the other trash group.


    By the third camp the new tank and dps arrive but as soon as they arrive the tank just leaves and the dps writes...


    "**** no, you again" (or something like that, can't remember)


    At this point I'm curious as to what's going on so I ask the dps what happened before and he tells me that they had this dude (Sorc heals) before and that he sucks. As he's writing that, the Sorc is already pulling two groups of trash in front of the cave before I even had the time to write more in chat or clear the third camp.


    After that I left because I had a feeling that the fp wasn't going to be fun (the other dps left also) and I left with a suspicion that he was actually dps but just eneded up queuing as heals. But who knows I didn't check his gear.


    So there you have it, a healer so good he managed to scare away five people before we even fought the first boss.


    Again wish you all a great day. :D

  7. Let me start this post by saying that BioWare made a mistake by adding Kaon and Lost Island to Vet group finder. (now, you might say that this gives new players a chance to learn but oh boy is that wrong)


    So, our story begins with Lost Island Vet run.


    Me as a Jugg lvl75,


    Assassin lvl75,


    Sorcerer lvl60 and Marauder lvl63.


    I started the run as I always do, by greeting everyone and in response only Sorcerer lvl60 said Hi back and wrote that she was new to the FP.


    No problem as I expected that most people running Vet Lost Island were new, I wrote that the FP was easy and that I will explain all the strats/shortcuts etc. as we go through the FP.


    But the run started with a wipe to trash.


    Assassin lvl75 decided to aggro 5 trash mobs and then proceeded to rage in chat how we didn't wait for him even though he didn't write anything or that he didn't know the FP. ( I decided to check his achievements and he had completed all the usual Vet FPs expect Kaon/Island/Colicoid)


    After that wipe I showed them how we can skip the trash and at the jump two of them died (just a fun little info, nothing bad).


    The mini boss after the jump starts, Assassin lvl75 dies after standing in the bad (circle) and blames me for not telling him he shouldn't stand in it. (we didn't wipe)

    FP continues as usual, they aggro every thrash mob and we're constantly at low health (In part because Marauder lvl63 and Assassin lvl75 don't heal outside of combat) but I somehow manage to pull us through with the help of a Sorcerer lvl60.


    First boss was a pain with 1 wipe.

    I ended pulling the boss to the corner for an easier battle and asked the Sorcerer lvl60 to stay near the kolto just in case after explaining to the rest of the team what to do. (kill adds take the circle away from us). The wipe happened because the Assassin lvl75 wouldn't move and kept the circles on top of us. (fun times lol)


    They die few more times to trash after the first boss. (the charge mini boss)


    We have finally reached the one and only mr.Wipe (Sav-Rak) and oh boy did everything go south from there.


    I explained everything in detail but the Assassin lvl75 and Marauder lvl63 just would not stand under the boss no matter how nicely I asked them to.

    After 7 wipes they ended up listening but a new problem arose, they wouldn't go to the burners after Sav jumped and we ended up wiping 2 more times.


    After that wipe Assassin lvl75 was raging how they shouldn't listen to me and that they should just DPS the boss and the boss would die faster.


    To paraphrase: 'Just keep attacking and don't listen to his ******** advice. The boss will die'


    I wrote LOL to his comment and the kick was initiated. Reason for the kick 'He is telling us how to play the game' lol


    Sorcerer lvl60 protested but at the end I was kicked from the FP. So all in all it was fun.


    And with this story I came to a conclusion that I prefer ******e vet players that know what they are doing.

    Because with them you are going to finish the FP and all you have to do is ignore the constant toxicity in chat while with newbies you will deal with people not listening, constant wipes, raging in chat and being called toxic after that.


    Not to mention the whole community being called toxic and not welcoming to new players even though they were the ones being ******es.


    I wish everyone a good day and I'm out :D

  8. -Clear the whole FP

    -Deal with people pulling the whole map (I'm okay with this, it happens, maybe they are newbies)

    -Wipe on the robot boss (kuat)

    -Tell them to please deal with adds first

    -Get kicked

    Out of curiosity I asked why. They answered, because I wasn't helping and always in the back when I should've been on the front lines.

    By the way, I was playing a sniper lol

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