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Posts posted by Zombiekittz

  1. Huh this is interesting , I know that I'm looking at classes origins and combat styles outside of what is the normal ones (original) and trying to work out what works or could work thematically mostly due to trying to make my own perfect agent


    I really disliked cut scenes showing a pistol when I was using a rifle,


    What are the combos people think work thematically for each class?

    I figure that most force users could change easier for each? I've not really played forcer users at all there so no idea

  2. Basically what the title is, I know that there will be some crew skills that can bring in credits mostly ones like bio which is pretty much always needed but are the others worth while ? Can I make money off them or am i better off just gathering and selling materials for money?
  3. hi .

    can anyone suggest which is the easier healing class to to learn? mostly for pve but with some pvp as well, what with the season missions and all pushing me into it I want to focus on the one character since I don't have the time for more then one I have healed in other games and I do enjoy it even if I need to use mouse over macros and things like that . The healer I'm used to uses heal over time effect mainly but I am willing to learn to use different skills on this game.


    Any advice would be appreciated, I am not looking to see what is strongest or weakest I don't care about that ,As long as it gets the job done I'm happy ,Ideally as I said I want to know what's easy to learn and doesn't feel bloated with skills

  4. I've mostly played imp and while its okay I've never felt at home there. In games i tend to play the good guys ect and even if i choose light side choices it never feels right.

    So I'm wondering if i main rep side will i struggle to find groups for content like flashpoints ect?

    this is mostly as I've heard red side is while not dead but a lot quieter than imp side

  5. The stealth of sin is appealing .being able to move around places where i will and all but im a little concerned with the animations of the duel saber in fights .Is it okay looking? or is it more like im rowing a paddle boat
  6. ive been playing agent op spec, and while its fun its not me, Mostly been playing it for the story. And once im done with it i will jump to making a twi'lek but cant decided on which to go with .I mostly want to just dps and since im not a fan of duel wielding sabres (it just looks a little silly to me) i was wondering not what has the better class story but what is more useful, and more survivable at end game pve?
  7. That's helped a lot and its broken down a lot f my worries so thank you. I think that sorc will be better to put my time into at least to start with as a main ,If I decide to make an alt I can always go towards op
  8. So I have just come back to this game and I enjoyed it when I last played, since I don't really have any high lvl characters, Even though I remember finishing the story for agent, and bounty hunter I plan to make a new character re learn the game.


    I'm torn between these two classes. and while I know some about them I don't know a lot. I want to be able to play in end game things, I want to not struggle to find groups too much I know on other games certain classes aren't wanted at all..


    While I might dip my toe in pvp I really doubt I will ever do it fully/ seriously.


    On other games I tend to play the outsider style character one that sneak around a lot but I do enjoy range combat as well. since I believe they have some of the flashier animations.


    What's the learning curve for each of these classes?

    while I don't want a simple class I also don't want one that is akin to playing the piano to make it work well.


    while I remember being told that the agent story was the best around I worry that in the newer stuff it will feel disjointed in force matters


    how is the sorc's story arc?

  9. I'm a returning player wanting to get back in the game. I never really did much and this time I want to get to end game content, from what I've read people are mostly saying that the later stories (newer stories) are more directed to force users is this true?


    Any advice on a class would be helpful I know its not easy to advice someone, but ideally, I would like a class that's wanted in groups, isn't a dot class, I tend to not do well with those on other games.


    Ideally id love to go empire side, Just something about being bad that is fun.


    melee or ranged doesn't make much difference its just a harder learning curve. knowing when to dodge things or move out of the way quicker of certain attacks.


    As for what sort of content I will be focusing on mostly pve. so I don't mind if the class doesn't do well in pvp. Always believed it comes down to knowing your class and how well you can play it really there. Something that isn't too easy but isn't super harder either, as both can put me off if that makes any sense.


    Something someone once told me about a class in another game easy to learn hard to master comes to mind.


    Amway thank you for reading and any help is appreciated

  10. Hi,

    im new to the game and want to make my first character my main , im torn between sniper and mara, but since im new I don't want one that's too hard, On games I tend more to the melee since I feel they have prettier animations, but if I want to pvp I feel that ranged is easier, same in some dungeons as well, If thre are dungeons on this game.




    any advice is welcome .i know its not possible to say x is best do this but I come to seek advice on what is best for a newbie, Oh I want to be empire side as well

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