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Posts posted by VonDooomm

  1. I unsubbed and quit playing for almost a year after Legacy of the Sith.  There was the buggy Ruins of Nul flashpoint.  There was a herd of force users on the planet and no one “sensed” the datacron.  Sahar picks up the datacron and happily skips away without anyone noticing.  REALLY??  We had waited a year for new content and this was all there was.

    I played a little when Ruhnuk came out.  Shae Vizsla is useless.  You save her life and all she does is yell at you. 

    I resubbed for the Galactic Season.  The rewards were meh. 

    Now 7.3 only took one day to finish.  Voss is my least favorite planet.  The Voss as usual won’t tell you what they know and they act self-righteous as usual.  I liked the character interactions at the start of 7.3, but the rest was meh.  So 7.3 was a lot of busywork with very little plot.  If there is a payoff at the end of this story, it doesn’t look like we’ll see it any time soon. Did Bioware suck all the money out of this game before they had to hand it off?  I unsubbed again.

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  2. I live in North America.  I logged out at 4 pm.  I tried to log in at 7 pm and now I'm waiting for a large download.  I didn't play for a year.  Now I'm feeling kind of stupid about resubscribing.  After waiting 10 minutes, the game tried to start, but I got the blue circle of death.  Second try the game hung up on another downloading screen.  Logged out of my windows profile and back in.  Waited for another game update, then it finally started.  Took 45 minutes.  Not happy.

  3. So, finished Galactic Season WEEKS ago. The new season won't start for two months, apparently. One character in each class has finished all of the content. GSF and PVP suck. What am I supposed to do now? I have actually quit playing this game and have moved on to other games. It's sad, really.
  4. I have a problem with vote kick in general. If you are playing and trying in fps, ops, or gsf you should not be voted out. I've been kicked out of groups because someone didn't like my personality. I wasted 15 minutes or more several times in groups and just get kicked with no chance to defend myself. Sometimes with no explanation and right at the end boss.

    That's just wrong. Makes me not want to group up.

  5. Since Altuur makes his noise (farting into a flute) pretty much continuously I am able to tune him out. It's when I'm minding my own business and Torian suddenly shouts K'ATINI or Corso shouts YEE-HAW that I jump out of my skin. It's also the randomness and inappropriate timing of comments like *rise and shine* or *someone clean up this mess* that also bug me.
  6. I have all the proof I need that the game devs hate me. Makeb GSI dailies for the Galactic Seasons. Seeker droid missions are tedious anyway. Traveling in Makeb is dreadful. Then add all the other players looking for the same things that I am who won't group up. It took FOREVER to finish these. Galactic Starfighter is a walk in the park compared to this. I was afraid to reroll the mission because I might have gotten something worse - lol.
  7. FIXED -- error in launcher config file


    Close the game, then open the launcher.settings file in Notepad. Look for the following line:


    , "bitraider_disable": false


    and change this to


    , "bitraider_disable": "false"

    I guess I should have read this more closely. It seems to be reloading the entire game. NOW I CAN'T PLAY AT ALL!!!! I AM REALLY MAD ABOUT THIS!!!!!

  8. I'm on the Star Forge server. The game is really slow to load. Once I get to a character, it can't do anything at all.


    UPDATE: After logging in 6 times over the last 4 hours, the game finally works. This is not acceptable.

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