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Posts posted by SeraphSWTOR

  1. I'm having the same problem. Up until yesterday, the launcher was working fine, and then it started downloading some 120Mb update. I shut it down, relaunched it and it worked fine until this evening, where it started downloading the 36Gb patch. I'm in EU (France), usually playing on StarForge and my ISP is FreeTelecom. Why is this happening?


    EDIT: Now I also get the "game version not matching the server's" error message, but I can still log on my toon...

  2. I'm in Europe and playing on Star Forge, and every few weeks or so, around 8:30ish UTC, I get insane lag spikes for about 45 minutes to an hour. By "insane", I mean that my server lag shoots up to 360k milliseconds and somehow I never get booted off the game. I know for a fact that my internet connexion isn't at fault because I'm on Discord at the same time and I never get any issue there...
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