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Posts posted by OOOYYY

  1. Here's what I've experienced: Two Cloaks does not work on characters that have respecced into Shadow.


    Two Cloaks works fine if your character started as a shadow, but if you were, say a Guardian who chose Shadow as a second class, Two Cloaks does not work. I hope they fix this, as it's pretty much BIS for Kinetic Combat.

  2. First bug: When using "compact" inventory, instead of leaving everything in place and just compacting the inventory, it totally reorganizes the inventory in some way.


    Second bug: When deconstructing gear, the deconstruction window goes blank so you can't see what you've gotten from the deconstruction.



  3. For purposes of stronghold prestige, how is stronghold completion calculated? For example, let's say I have a starship space. I can put one starship-sized deco there, or a ton of small decos. Do I get full completion points for the space with one large deco? Or is it better to subdivide the space and fill it with small decos?
  4. These changes seem reasonable to me. But I'd make one edit. During the grace period, a character who is in a guild that conquers a planet should get credit for that conquest in the achievements.


    If you don't do this, everyone chasing achievements is going to move their alts into the biggest guilds, in order to capture the achievements. It will make the largest guilds even more attractive at the expense of everyone else. So making the change without the above edit will, in the long run, hurt all but top 3-4 guilds.

  5. I started pvping for the first time the past couple weeks, and can confirm that pvp queues for lowbies can sometimes be extended. One day this week, I gave up after waiting 40 minutes for a pop. Plus, 95% of the pops are for arenas, so new players/lowbies can't learn warzones. If this is a new occurrence caused by the changes, then the developers might want to assess it.
  6. Thank you for listening to feedback! These changes are a step in the right direction, but they still nerf shorter activities, making conquest longer and less engaging for most players. Outside of a few vocal folks in these forums, you probably won't find many players who will like the nerfs.


    You asked an interesting question -- will these changes still let you play story, etc? I think the main deterrent to playing story -- or any activity that players like -- are the daily restrictions on earning points. If I want to run through the whole story on a planet, I very quickly stop earning conquest points. So the incentive is to quit playing until the next day. This reduces engagement and immersion in the story. If I want to pvp, I quickly lose the big benefits, so I quit and wait for the refresh the next day. And I can't simply move to another alt because conquest is legacy-bound. I think the solution to incentivize more engagement is to allow more activities to be repeated, maybe not infinitely, but a few times a day.


    Sarfux and Darkbloom have offered some really good and novel ideas above. I would support looking into them.

  7. These changes make me sad. Instead of upscaling the more time-consuming content, these changes heavily downscale the shorter content. Plus, restricting qualifying heroics and rampages will make conquest super-grindy and repetitive. So the overall effect is having to slog through content I don't like before turning to activities I do like. Most likely, I won't be able to make conquest on my alts, so they'll be ejected from guilds that require conquest and go inactive.


    I don't see who asked for conquest to take more time or who benefits from this system. So many of us were having fun with the current system. In my time in the game, this is the first proposed change that I have been sad about.

  8. As you consider the rebalance, please consider rebalancing primarily by boosting activities that merit boosting, rather than reducing some of the easy activities. One reason the current system is well-liked is because it includes a few daily freebies that are alt-friendly. If you nerf the easy objectives, conquest will become more of a slog and result in many of the complaints heard about the original 6.0 conquest design.
  9. I want to necro this thread to say that, after the second run, I continue to think they did a great job on this event. The storylines for each of the factions were fun, the racing is pretty entertaining, and I love the rewards. The tacticals, in particular, are brilliant and a great addition. Keep up the good work!
  10. I agree that this quest is a pain. I searched methodically, in a grid pattern, inch by inch, every corner of the jedi temple repeatedly for an hour with no luck. At that point, I gave up assuming that there is some bug or other issue.


    In general, the scanner quests seem buggy to me. The green pointer at the end of the scan appears to have no relation to the actual location of the target, and points randomly in different directions as you scan.

  11. I know these boards are supposed to be about complaining, but I like it quite a bit. It's totally different from everything else in the game, it's got light-hearted character, and you can pop in and do a few quick races for a diversion. Seems like a perfect event to be in the mix every couple months. I think they did a nice job on it.
  12. I think what happened is that planets are grouped by small, medium, and large yield and the three that are part of the swoop event it just happened that none of them are in the small yield group.


    I think this is right. They went for theme intentionally, which was a good idea, but probably forgot to check the yields. Give them some time. Your concerns are legitimate, so they may correct it in time for the next run.

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