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Posts posted by WarinS

  1. House Fiss will be a Mandalorain Rp guild with multiple clans within . At the moment I need a staff to help run the guild. There are only 2 members at the moment, so we are a very new guild. I need a staff that knows the game fairly well, conquests and the like. A discord has been made, a link will be at the end if you wish to talk to me. I will admit, i have very little experience with kind of thing. Anyone that wishes to help will be appreciated . The full description of this guild can be talked about with those willing to help out, any ideas are welcome. Quick update, we now have 5 members and are looking for more to join. Two clans have been formed so far. One more Officer will be accepted and given the option to form their own clan within the guild. The clan leaders are given full control over their clan, may lead them how they wish.



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