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Posts posted by chiefdano

  1. Most things between RoTJ and NJO are very random, as there were many different writers working on it. This left a bunch of different trilogies and one off books. This was good for variety, but bad for giving us one consistent threat after another. While we had lots of unique stories, these didn't always relate as well with eachother.


    The Imperials had become such repetitive threats, with one aspiring moff or admiral after another. Anything other than the empire was usually resolved by the end of the book or series. Thankfully, the NJO came up with a new longterm threat. Some people don't like the Yuuzhan Vong, but I think they were exactly what the EU needed. They weren't empire, or sith, they were completely new. This long arc also enabled us to learn far more about the Vong than any other species. They had the most detailed mythology, social order and technology of any other enemy before (aside from the empire). Again, though, there were numerous authors, and this led to some disconnect.


    Dark Nest was almost a bit of a return to formula, but in the end it actually does well to tie up some events from the NJO, and set the stage for Legacy. I actually really enjoyed Legacy. I found that the downfall of Jacen was far more believable than that of Anakin Skywalker's (Until I began watching TCW anyways), unfortunately at the end of the series, they killed Caedus. This is a character that they'd been building over 30 years, they had turned him into the hero of the NJO, and people were accepting him as being the most powerful force user of the time. Yet in the end, his legacy is start some forest fires, choke some woman, have a kid, and be a douche to his nephew. At least Vader went on to blow up a couple planets. The series could have done much better to end with him alive, and in a position of victory. This could have easily been another 5-10 year arc. Instead they resolve it too quickly. So the next series they try and recreate the Legacy formula. Unfortunately it fails. We get a story that should have spanned a trilogy, spread across 9 books of filler and stalling. They also take way too long to build the villain. I do have to admit I did really enjoy the last few of them, especially Apocalypse.


    Now they're apparently going back to having more one of books and trilogies instead of long series. It will be interesting to see where that goes, but I hope it means that they'll begin having years take place between novels rather than days again.


    One thing I have certainly noticed though lately, is that many of the best books recently have been the ones that don't even feature the big 3, or other main characters. The Darth Bane, Darth Plagueis and Jaden Korr books were great.



    I agree with this on all points



    I enjoyed the YV villains way more than the Sith/Imp because it was new and unknown at the time. The Caedus build up fizzled, he turned out to be nothing more than another small time, failed sith.

  2. The continuity of the EU would be shattered if the Republic and Sith Empire fought and defeated the Vong. No one in the books has ever seen of heard of the Vong, but we do know that they came to the galaxy before; as mentioned in KOTOR. I don't like the Vong anyway so I don't want to see them in this game.


    People had "seen" them, but either they didnt survive or they didnt know what they were seeing, like a flying rock. And jedi had visions of them, but not what they were



    So yeah, no one knew what they were with one exception:



  3. I disagree. Qui Gon dieing was integral in the Obi Wan story of the movie. All of a sudden, Obi Wan is thrust into the leader/master/father role in mere seconds. When Qui Gon died, Obi Wan became a Jedi Knight and took Anakin as his padawan.



    If Obi Wan was just another Jedi they stuck Anakin with, the whole story behind Obi Wan would be bland.

  4. NJO was one of the best series ever written


    It's all about story story story



    An extra galactic race comes in, after many thousands of years of watching and probing (yes, KOTOR had them, Mace Windu foresaw them, and Sidius knew they were coming, you could say the whole Palpatine/empire thing was to prepare for the invasion), they come in and kick the crap out of everything they come across until the final endgame. And then the story builds up to jacen Solo's demise.



    So much win in those books. But then again, it doesnt have Starkiller or 1337 lightning so the kiddies think its dumb.

  5. it just seemed more flashy and less story than OT. don't get me wrong, i'm not saying there was no story, i'm just saying there was less of a story. but i guess this is due to different film making practices and CGI. i and i think many feel that OT was much more story and character driven then the prequels. and if you got rid of qui-gon, you would get rid of a big part of the story of TPM


    just to be clear i actually liked the prequels, but that doesn't' mean i can't see why ppl complained


    I agree. Nothing was as good as OT. OT had its qwerky moments, but it was better

  6. That's cuz there is no Jedi apprentice, they're called Padawans.;)


    Maul was a Darth, but there was only ever one DLS & that was Sidious. Maul was the apprentice. Trained well? Enough to kill a Jedi Master yea, but still inexperienced/young enough to show such reckless arrogance, which got em killed.


    There were also 3 Sith in that time, Sidious, Tyrannus, & Maul. So the RO2 was void?


    Think there was 4, Plageius was still alive, I think.



    Padawan/apprentice, same thing ;)



    Still not the same when it comes to Sith vs Jedi "apprentice". He is essentially an apprentice until he kills his master. But not the way most think of an apprentice

  7. The Jedi Order then was weaker than I thought. Being killed by an apprentice just makes it hard to remember him seriously.


    Apprentice in the rule of two isnt the same as a Jedi apprentice



    Maul was a Dark Lord of the Sith, pretty bad azz in regards to fighting and force use.

  8. What style was he? I had em pegged for Shien, or Shi Cho. Any Jedi Master, or Knight for that matter should be exceptionally skilled with a lightsaber. Yoda was a Counselor fossil, & he was.


    Losing to an apprentice is.....hard to live down, or not in Jinn's case.




    Form 4


    Oh and:


    In addition to his Force powers, Qui-Gon Jinn was one of the finest swordsman in the Jedi Order, having frequent sparring experience with many of his equally skilled contemporaries; notably Mace Windu. Indeed it was said that he was the only Jedi apart from his own Master, Dooku and Grand Master Yoda, who was able to fight Windu as an equal. Jinn was a master of the fourth form of lightsaber combat, Ataru. In combat, his bladework was wide and powerful, marked by heavy, two-handed slashes, and sudden flourishes to cover his flanks. Jinn's mastery of Ataru allowed him to easily defeat blaster wielding opponents despite the forms weakness to blaster fire.[4] Rather than focus on an overall strategy, Jinn prefered to adjust his technique based on the needs of the moment.[62]
  9. This guy is right. The PT had great story elements and some great action. the romance and dialogue wasn't the greatest but I don't care. So long as there were droids to dismantle and Sith to butt-kick, I'm fine.


    Pretty much. The story, and the purpose, of the movies was to fill in Vader's rise. They nailed it and the visuals were great, which doesnt hurt. Some dingle berry posted a YouTube video of his critique and now everyone is like "OMFUG! I have to be cool like this dude and jump on the hating bandwagon!!!"""



    Love stories always suck but such is life these days.

  10. im not even sure about the pool. i know they never beat the killiks this has all been just one long killik drug induced nightmare


    I'd even go back to the Correllian Trilogy, thats where all this started lol. They just had to kill center point station one way or another and have been trying for 10 years lol

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