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Posts posted by SithFromShinola

  1. If GSI can re-program our brains so easily once, they should be able to do so again!

    For a huge fee of course, which would satisfy one Dev desire to add credit sinks. Since everyone gets a free one, this would not hurt new players.

    This would allow us to adapt to new game developments that we could not foresee when choosing the first time. For instance, you just added the Gaffi stick, but my Tusken is locked into that prior choice so cannot make use of it. My only alternative is to delete and re-roll, and spend a Token if I don't want to grind back up... I'd gladly pay 1B to be able to change again.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  2. Galactic seasons seems to be centered around anteater guy. If you're in the mood for adding companions, I suggest Qarrah, the first Rishii guy you meet. He seems like he'd be fun, and he's got stories like why he's not allowed in cantinas anymore. Plus he likes the player especially after we promised not to eat him :D




    (In before " Well, "I" don't want that so I'm going to say that nobody should have that", or "There's a lot more important things than this" type of comments that seem to be the default responses in this forum. :p )

  3. Hi Dev's, please give some overdue attention to Qyzen:

    - Change his weapon spec off of "Techblade" so he can use some cool swordage instead of the 2-3 designs available in Techblade, since the Aim stat means nothing to companions now.

    - Have the Covert Energy Armor properly clear his default armor like it used to do before Knights of the X

    - Let us romance him!!! After seeing that you can now flirt/marry/bond with Khem Val (:eek:), how about doing the same for Qyzen! With a fade-out scene!!! :p

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