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Posts posted by Valentineraine

  1. So, I've been watching the chat on ossus and other planets recently whilst going around doing my thing, and i've noticed several people asking for groups for "WB's", these requests are sometimes met with an invite directly to the group or, the reply of "Start your own group" or well, no reply at all even though groups are running and other people also need them too.


    Now yes, sometimes people do ask for a group at the most rediculous times of the day, granted, but i've noticed so many "shy" people. so shy that they are affraid to speak up because they are new to lvl 70 and/or ossus (and other planets ofc) or simply don't know how to start an ops group or what numbers/classes are needed.

    Oh, and those of you that want/need the group but simply cant be "bothered" to start one. just click "join" or "queue" or what ever in GF.


    So, why not add Wb's to the group finder. where you can select your role, Tank, Healer etc etc as you do with fp's and such aswell as maybe "required" roles. and hey presto, away you go.


    And hey, it might even reduce the ammount of spam in general chat with "LFG blah blah blah" from god knows how many people all looking for the same thing but not doing anything about it.


    Just an idea



  2. Love this idea. some of the sniper rifles i use could certainly use a face-lift. like a winter skin, jungle skin etc etc. adds a little more immersion to your character. and ofc, think of the cartel market sales guys... whats not to love../Kerching



  3. Ok folks, we are beginning the process to try to fix the Stronghold issue. We are rolling out some changes behind the scenes so you should start seeing improvement over the next hour or so as it is rolled out.


    We will continue to monitor though and if this doesn't resolve it, we may need to perform a maintenance later today. I will swing back in the thread with updates!





    Cheers mate /kisses

  4. I'd like a little ice cave on hoth, or perhaps my own padawan living quarters on tython. smaller more personal sized sh's.

    Mainly because ive seen so many people struggle with ideas and obviously funding to decorate the much bigger strongholds so having something smaller, aimed at just a few people (seen a lot of husbands and wives play together etc) would be a real neat idea.

  5. Always a big fan of character customisation options no matter the game, Hair and facial features especially. would love to see some tatoo options for chars reguardless of class.


    Also.. is it me or when selecting black hair color on some hair style options.. does it have a wierd green tinge to it but on others its clearly black..? thought i'd ask.

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