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Posts posted by neneaz

  1. hello my opinion about cq and changes is the following


    please reduce the amount of conquest points per toon! 50000 conquest points per toon is very high. You can easily get to the target if you have 150% sh bonus and subscription for ops/warzones/etc. Also most of us have several toons and we want to get conquest on all of them!

    So more sources of conquest if you want to nerf cq kill farm and also reduced amount of cq to be more alt friendly.


    my suggestion for level tier is the following


    Levels 1 - 49 - 5000 cq points


    Mission EXP boosts

    These will be a new type of boost. These will offer bonus experience from Missions only and they'll be stackable with other boosts. They will also have a shorter duration of 30 minutes per boost.

    Companion Gifts

    Credit Certificate (200k)

    Gathering Lockbox

    Equipment Box Level tier 1-5(

    - if i am level 1-10 i get an box tier 1 with full set purple 10

    - if i am level 11-20 i get an box tier 2 with full set purple 20

    and so on till

    - if i am level 41-49 i get an box tier 5 with full set purple lvl 49


    Levels 50 - 70 15000


    Mission EXP boosts

    Companion Gifts

    Credit Certificate (300k)

    Gathering Lockbox

    Heroic Box (Level Dependent Gear) SET



    Levels 71+ 25000


    Credit Certificate (400k)

    Gathering Lockbox

    Solid Resource Matrices

    Tech Fragments

    Small Conquest Equipment Crate


    Clarification about sets! i dont ask for new sets! but for a full equipment for that class, exactly how the set from master datacron was given (the 230 irating ones)

    but for level, level 10 full set rating 50 or how much is it.

  2. maybe you will manage to fix scaling problems for turrets and walkers... pretty big bug. and fix those intrerupts from trash, pretty annoying, i understand if it is a boss or something, but just stumbling into them you get frozen 10s every fight... For what? is not more difficult, is more annoying


    and lvl scalling problems. A lot of people still play the old content, also new players too!

  3. everything can be resolved so easy for difficulty part of casual vs competitive players.


    just make a button that grant a buff


    for people who like content been more difficult

    1. 10% all stats lowered and 10% all rewards increased

    2. 20% all stats lowered and 20% all rewards increased




    x. 70% all stats lowered and 70% all rewards increased. for hardcore fans or even more...


    and for casual, story players

    1. 10% all stats increased and - 10% all rewards

    and so on.


    the buff should reset when changing instance/planet/etc

    the buff should reset when grouping, also the leader should have the option to select what buff party gets


    this buff can also be applied for sm ops,vet fp, mm fm. pretty much any pve content.


    also for hm and nim can be used only the one that lower your stats. for those who think the content is still easy.


    casual and lazy like me can overtime increase the difficulty for better rewards but slowly. using 10% or 20 or whatever we find plesant. maybe some like content easy or moderately difficult. let us choose!


    that is play you way system...

  4. hi


    i understand that community wants more difficulty content and such. What i don't understand is why you messed up the entire game? Let's see


    1. All weekly's area are mostly empty, very rare you see more than 5 players. With who to group to make game more fun?

    2. Join a guild and get people to help you, that just dont work out too much, each person has is liking... the majority is grinding gear or grinding new planets. They dont find fun in doing all weekly's because they are not giving anything real.


    I liked doing solo heroics, solo fp, weekly's, daylies, questing, story and so on. Pretty much solo content. I dont find the difficulty raising in all those above funny. Yes! you can still solo them. But i dont want a second job.


    With gearing and all that i dont comment, before 6.0 i didnt get any char to 258. There was no need to do that. Now, even in 306 game is difficult, mostly all trash becomes annoying.


    Group content - difficulty increase ok, rewards increased ok, getting set items and best items ok

    Solo content/Old content - difficulty increased not ok, rewards increased - no need , getting set items and best items no just tech fragments (slowly getting where everyone goes, while few days for some, few weeks for others)



    btw i just unsubscribed. cheers

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