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Posts posted by Ludustonalis

  1. Hi,


    This picked my interest when i was amplifying my gear and i decided to go for a few percentages of it, just to check it out:


    Starship Booty - Grants a chance to loot Galactic Starfighter and space mission components from standard mobs


    After a few days of pretty intensive farming, i still haven't seen anything drop related to GSF or space missions. Has anyone else tried it? Can someone make sense of this amplifier? What could it possibly drop?



  2. Yes, but you can have you're flagged changed by accident, just like it used to be, you go to kill some mob (AOE), an opposing player jumps in the way, or gets caught by accident, you're flagged. Or you targetting an enemiy, and it dies, but you pressed the fire button once to often, nd enemy player is close, and auto targets hits them, boom, flagged. If people wanted PVP open world, the pvp instances would be fuller, guilds would organise more events, etc. With the limitations on this engine, I don't think it's viable.


    Wintergrasp in WoW, during WotLK (2008-ish) was a pretty succesfull PvP event in a non-instanced area on the Northrend continent, that happened - i think - every 1 or 2 hours, also on PvE-servers. You had a 15 minutes timer before the battle started if you were PvE farming there and a 'raid warning' if you accidently logged in during a fight. Over time, it became obsolete since it was tied to the WotLK context and gear. I'm not suggesting it as a blueprint (it had it's issues), but as a fair example of soft core organized world PvP, with incentives for both PvE and PvP-players.


    Still easier though to move the planetary PvP-goals to ... the PvP goals.


    *Edit: I just got informed that Wintergrasp has returned as a 40vs40 instanced Battleground in BFA (2019).

  3. Adding them to group finder won't work due to their proclivity to bug out when there are people in there that are not on the mission, and there are so few people on the mission you'd sit in the queue for days. The best solution is to make them solo-able. It was, in my opinion, a mistake to cap off these two mission chains that are solo from the beginning with group oriented missions (mandatory group in the case of macrobinoculars).


    Either make them solo-able or allow us to drop the missions, so they don't take two of our very limited mission log slots, but allow us to keep the seeker droid and macrobinoculars so we can do the GSI dailies, bonus missions on Oricon, dig for treasure, etc. Or, another option, provide another way for us to get a seeker droid and macrobinoculars, perhaps by direct purchase from a GSI vendor, that would allow us to do the GSI dailies, Oricon missions, dig for treasure, etc., without having to even pick up the original seeker droid and macrobinocular missions at all, but leave them there as an option for people to do it they want to.


    Totally in support of this, well said.

  4. I completely understand. I don't play female sith warrior, but a lot of battle shouts annoy me. I've always been a fan of having the option to disable all or some of the combat screams (like randoms, critting, dying, taking a crit ..). Even in old school games like Baldur's Gate you have that option.
  5. I raised this issue a few days ago. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9854178#post9854178 from a slightly different approach.


    I do like the idea of reorganizing world pvp. I kinda 'grew up' on a WoW PvP-server in 2008 :rolleyes:. But it would need some popular incentive to attract larger crowds, sufficient enough to believe you can actually fun-farm for the achievement. Like some open world event system, accessable via groupfinder, leading to titles, gear, XP, whatever.


    And this can also be combined with relocating the planetary pvp-goals to the pvp section.:cool:

  6. As a PvE-completionist, planetary achievements have been holding me back for years. Knowing i would never complete the planetary achievement because of the PvP-goals, i loose my incentive and then give up swtor for a few months. Only to return and bump into the same problem.


    I know its possible to agree with a fellow-player to go take turns in killing each other, but that's just not my definition of gaming. Even if i would do such a thing, i can't imagine doing it for for 30k times. So .. is it possible to relocate those PvP-goals in the achievements list?


    I've read previous posts about this question. Please, don't tell me to go world pvp ;). If i wouldn't have considered or tried it yet, i wouldn't be writing this post.




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