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Posts posted by Winbaddon

  1. Is it possible to make Strongholds into player designed flashpoint/raids/uprisings?


    If so, it would draw people to actually visit your hard work and they get to trash it too.

    The decoration feature is there, could be adopted to house guards, traps etc etc.


    Story wise, you could have the player be the final boss or have your Stronghold invaded and you must fight off the invaders.


    It may also be beneficial to server economies preventing inflation as decorating a Stronghold into a flashpoint could cost a lot and that money then goes into the dev wallets out of circulation.



  2. Not sure if this suggestion has been put forward already.


    The suggestion is a question. Is it possible to develop Strongholds as in revamp them into raids or flashpoints.


    Revamping Strongholds into flashpoints/raids. The owner player may design the strongholds to their liking within the an updated framework already available with decorations and setting of the various existing strongholds. I.e. place guards, traps, puzzles etc etc.


    Story wise: Either have the player owning the Stronghold be the final boss defending it against a player raid or be part of a flashpoint/raid taking the Stronghold back from a NPC or player force that is occupying it.


    If possible to implement, this may further the sandbox spectrum and draw more people in if allowed such a freedom. And perhaps best of all; incite other players to come to your stronghold to show off your impressive customizations and then trash it.


    What do you think?

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