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Posts posted by madarsrikards

  1. I just browsed through the trooper vendor inventory, and everything looks.. average at best, at a glance, for PvE.


    Notorious set? Extra tech override charge for 6piece? Doesn't sound great but better than nothing?

    Stationary Grit? Flat 3% increase while standing still?


    Burning Bright? Boltstorm -> Vortex Bolt does more damage, doesn't say how much. I'm a casual scrub that uses Bolstorm only as filler. but if it's signifcant damage increase, worth using more?

    Overwhelming Offense? 5 stacks, applied automatically in combat, doesn't say how much. Better than rotating buffs from Krall's Accord that I got for completing story for free?


    :rod_confused_g: 1mil credit cost per piece not exactly experimenting friendly for a casual scrub like me, any opinions?

  2. I like to think that I have a pretty high tolerance for changes that I personally don't like but I can acknowledge someone might.

    I can tolerate content drought followed by a 4 hour duration not worthy of being called an expansion or getting a major version number.

    I can tolerate my character, despite gaining 5 levels and lots of higher IP numbers, suddenly getting weaker.

    I can tolerate my favorite class getting nothing. 2 charges of rocket out? The ability I never use I can now never use twice as much, thanks Bioware.

    I can tolerate the gearing RNG fiesta. I can even tolerate the really stupid shop NPC icons.


    What really gives me headaches is the stupid Rep Saboteur story route I had to suffer through. It gets stupider with every new cutscene.

    My Commando and Alliance both have zero investment on the next round of Red vs Blue conflict and yet both sides act like I owe them something. I'm not even getting paid on either side to do their dirty work just expected to nod and go along for the ride. Because reasons.

    I can't stand Rep NPCs. All of them. I can't stand the Diversity Hire "check all Social Justice checkboxes" Jedi. I can't stand the newly added Diversity Hire Jedi Jr. I can't stand tea drinker Dino General. I can neither tell them to sod off or shoot them in the face and be done with their stupid squabbles. Rather than doing something like logical, like I don't know, starting a Merc Corp, like Mandalorians but actually competent, I mean Alliance is already halfway there having no goals after defeating Valkorion, no no no, instead I'm apparently supposed to care if Rep ships get refueled or not. Pfffffft. And at the end of it all, I get a call from Red side. Not from Acina, with whom I previously made alliance deal mind you. No, a Darth Literal Who calls me to congratulate on a couple Saboteur choices I've made. Can I finally join you openly now? No, absolutely not. But you'll be happy to join his convoluted crazy scheme against Blue side. Because if there's something that never backfires and blows up in your face, it's the mad Sith Lord schemes for power, that's totally something my Commando would want to be involved in.



  3. ILiterally the only places in this game you NEED to interact with other players are for things that are completely voluntary and can be skipped if one wishes.


    get a few datacrons, which are optional


    You can get all but 2 datacrons solo. Balmorra warehouse and that other one where you need to be airlifted to a pipe.

    -t player who got almost all datacrons solo

  4. Empire >>> Republic could work for me, but I can't think of any reason why one of my rep chars (and there are quite some lowlifes among them) would ever switch to the empire, where troublemakers are executed on the spot instead of getting a more or less firm slap on the wrist. A dark side Jedi has true freedom, why join the Sith who just crave it?

    Have you tried LS Trooper class story? Republic screw up original Havoc Squad with Tavus. And Dagger Wing. And lets general Rakton go for stupid politics reasons.

    Post-class story, Republic waits it out while Empire offers help and Acina offers alliance. Republic also opens hostilities on Iokath and there's also that thing with Saresh trying to assasinate you and taking over Alliance. And then Republic has the gall to officially condemn you for not rolling over and dying for Saresh.

    I mean, if you're roleplaying trooper with Forex-levels of hardwired loyalty that's fine, but with Senators being douchebags to Havoc at every opportunity, there's enough reasons to officially switch sides.

  5. If I could wait, I'd wait 3 days. OP didn't state the budget and typical workloads except SWTOR and wings 3D, so recommending something is a guesswork, but If it's really burning urgency and PC must be bought today, I'd go for Ryzen 2700 or 2700x. Intels are way overpriced for minimal single threaded gains.


    Same for AIO. There are some legit use cases, like you move case a lot so you don't want to put extra weight on socket, but under a more typical use case, Ryzens already come with decent boxed cooler, on Intel I'd slap on a 90$ Noctua NH-D15 and call it a day.

  6. It's 3 days to AMDs Zen 2 CPU Computex keynote (27th May). I'd definitely wait for that before pulling the trigger until then. AMD has been really good on price/perf for the last couple years, and perf on last Ryzens is also not too shabby, more than enough for SWTOR.


    I think AIOs are overrated. Top AIOs and air tower coolers have close performance, only few degree difference. There are pros and cons to each but air is cheaper.

  7. Geniuses at Bioware decided you need 50! ranked solos per monumental crystal. Sorry. I have nothing against the actual PvPers trying to win. And believe me, I wouldn't touch PvP with a 10foot pole if there was another way for me.
  8. That's some very optimistic forward thinking about Bioware having capacity to make game sweeping changes without breaking more along the way. I've played SWTOR for less than 2 months and I've encountered more things broken than functional.

    Every ranged companion broken and not assisting out of range, no ETA on fix. Much fun in KOTE/KOTF where you're often locked with one comp that happens to be ranged.

    Broken jumping, getting stuck in every tiny crack and getting teleported away, often far away. Wonderfully combined with all the datacron jumping puzzles.

    Disfunctional PVP matchmaking. Every time I queue to get the PVP tutorial mission out of the way on a new char, one side steamrolls the other, literally 50/50 coin flip outcome.


    I've been trying to solo seeker droid quest chain today. I was banging my face into brick wall that is called Corrupted Sithspawn Experiment that has boss channel ability that stuns you for all its duration, does damage to you, and heals him for 1/4 of health. It's on shorter duration than my stun break. Also he can spam it twice in a row if he feels like it. What a brilliant boss design. I finally gave up, took a break to read official forums and came to see this proposal to remake the whole base game, into something better. LOL.

  9. Also just completed the class stories.


    Imperial Agent 6/10 – First you hunt evil Empire psychopath puppy kickers who are also TERRORISTS. But then, suddenly PLOT TWIST, "I'm not saying it's space jews.. but it's space jews" memes. Then you let them capture you because contrived plot reasons, then they let you go because contrived plot reasons. Then you shoot them in the face, credits roll. The plot made my head hurt, it was so stupid and illogical it made Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald look like a well written script. But at least it earns points for not being as cliched as other class stories.

    Smuggler 5/10 - Starts very promising, first it's "Dude, where's my car", then it's a treasure hunt. Unfortunately, halfway trough Smuggler remembers it's a SW story. Suddenly you're Republics underling, hunting down one evil Empire psychopath puppy kicker after another. Oh well, half a story better than nothing.

    Trooper Solid 8 Call of Duties /10 - Near perfection, just needed a little more Doritos and explosions and walking away not looking at explosions. If only other class stories could have been half this good.

    Sith Warrior 2/10 - There is no story. You beat down one evil Empire psychopath puppy kicker, then you move on to the next one. Only saved from complete disaster by some pretty funny Dark Side dialogue choices. I'll admit, the bickering back and forth on who is the bigger evil clown amused me. "Bow down for I am Darth Puppykicker Supreme".

    Jedi Consular 1/10 – There is no story. You beat down one evil Empire psychopath puppy kicker, then you move on to the next one.

    Bounty Hunter 2/10 – The eternal underling. First you're beating down some random targets because contrived plot reasons. After all the good work and winning the coveted underling of the year award, you move up the chain and are now some random Sith Lords underling beating down Republic targets. Ehh, okay I guess, at least they're not evil Empire psychopath puppy kickers for a change.

    Jedi Knight 1/10 – There is no story. You beat down one evil Empire psychopath puppy kicker, then you move on to the next one.

    Sith Inquisitor 5/10 – Huh. Well that was different. I'll admit Ghostbusters was one of my favorite comedies back in the day, and this captures that nonsensical feeling perfectly. Unfortunately, halfway trough Inquisitor remembers it's a SW story, hunting down evil Empire psychopath puppy kickers, yada yada. Oh well, half a story better than nothing.


    * no puppies were hurt in the making of this post

  10. Lightside walkthrough on Empire side is just as weird. IA on Voss, any and all combinations of lightside or neutral picks results in a shotgun wedding to opposite gender voss. Only straight wholesome romances from Bioware! But only for 3 chapters though, they fixed it afterwards. Somewhere around Hutt Cartel things turn so gay Village People burst on the scene and YMCA starts playing in the background. Not that I mind, I found it very funny.


    Another weird thing is PvE class balance.

    Commando/Merc and Gunslinger/Sniper has literally everything, smooth sailing through story content.

    Guardian/Jugg still okay, having to jump to enemies is annoying and AoE is lacking, but the insane burst helps.

    Then there's the other melee classes. They're.. mostly functional. Shadow/Assassin felt really, really weak when I got them through first 3 chapters. Scoundrel/OP kind of works, but first you have to sneak behind the enemy, slowing everything down. I guess I missed the memo rogues were optimized for PvP, kind of makes sense I guess though.

    Vanguard/PT is severely missing sweeping fire for trash clear, and the passives made me scratch my head. So first thing you pick the passive reflect, the 15 movement, and the reflect with the bubble on, because of course you do. After that there's... PvP utilities and pressure override minor buffs. 2m range for 10m filler? 3% heal for rockets? What is this garbage lol, absolutely nothing to pick in legend tier. Also, rocket implementation is so inconvenient I don't think devs ever tried playtesting this class.

    I'm not complaining, I'm perfectly content doing a commando playthrough and call it a day, but to me current PvE balance state feels bizarre.

  11. It's a Bioware game, your choices are which companion you romance in a linear good vs evil fairy tale, as well as lightside vs darkside choice where the lightside choice is finding contrived plot reasons to let the mustache-twirling cartoon villain live.

    Malavai Quinn predictably betrays you. Execute him? Court-martial since he's a ranked officer? Trade him and the rest of the useless cast (a twilek slave that doesn't dance for you, pffft) for Moff Broysc, a better funnier character? How about not inviting him back to your ship. Nope. Good job, carry on Quinn. Stuff like that happens with every class.

  12. .

    High end group content, now the combat engine isn't the greatest focusing so much on rotations, then there is ability bloat I can't think of many games with so many abilities to rotate through, but the engine aside, the big issue is most high end ops are about learning mechanics. There not often intuitive relying on either a guide or trial and error to get through.

    I'd like to say I agree to this part of your post specifically and that the ability bloat affects not just ops and PvP, but even getting through regular story requires far more button mashing than I'm personally comfortable with.

    I'm a total noob that just started playing but my first impresssion is, not every class should have a DoT, a CC, a CC break, 2-3 strong DCDs with short duration, 1-2 active buffs with short duration, 1-3 mobility actives (not counting rocket boots), at least 2 AoEs, and a full bar of single damage that also have proper order because some abilities passively boost others. As far as I'm concerned half or more of all of that noise could be pruned and the game would be better for it, classes could be more unique having things only they do instead of this template, and I could pay more attention what is happening on screen, instead of focusing on my piano performance on quickbars.

    Also seemingly complete lack of convenience features like autocasts that further aggravates the bloat for me.

  13. Yeah, playing the Empire rogue now and having much better time.

    Part of it is better aesthetics, shooting lightnings just feels that much more satisfying.

    Part is wrong spec, picking DoTs for story run was a big mistake. I'm sure it's all dandy in OPs but in story trash should die fast or why bother on sneak class. Meticulously administering 5 different strains of rackgroul plague while trash mob shatters your lightly armored porcelain face over pavement is absolutely terrible, and the one good dot sever force you get is when the story is nearly over.

    And part of it is the meh story with weaksauce villains. Meanwhile the other side enjoys "Mr.Bean trips over emperor's throne and everyone agrees he's the new Palpatine" comedy show.

  14. Also recently started playing, been trying various classes while the double exp event is going.

    First went with the boring lawful good sword and board class. Guardian has lived up to the expectations. The story is boring, the companions are boring, the class is boring.

    The only class weakness seems to be complete lack of range. Has jumps to help but one has long cooldown, second costs resourcepoints and has no range, and third only jumps to your companion in case he needs help. Companions never need help, they're super overpowered and stronger than you.

    Would love to see some ability pruning, staring at 3 rows full of shiny buttons gets depressing. Do we really need 10 ways of hit the thing you don't like in the face with saber, how about two, hit one thing in the face really hard, or hit many things in the face half-as-hard? How about one jump that does all of the above on shorter cooldown instead of 3? How about all those defensive abilities get moved to passives or autocasts and then "It just werks"? I'm sure all the grand piano enthusiasts will disagree but that was my new player impression.

    For new players: recommended. The class NEVER dies. Many buttons! My cat could play it better by randomly rolling around on keyboard.


    Second I tried the sneaky rogue class. Whew, what a change of pace. Also, melee with low to no range, all 4m and 10m abilities, but also no gap closers like guardian, and also light armors no tanking, made of wet tissue paper and gets beaten up by trash mobs. But on the upside can just ignore those trash mobs and walk right past them, nice.

    Felt very weird playing such underperforming class, according to story you're the saviour of the downtrodden peasants against the evil mustache-twirling Sith, the Jedi Master, the Barso.. the Berfa... the Birfinth.. the holder of impossible to remember stupid title only 3 in galaxy!, but at the same time you get beat up at school and taken away your lunch money by trash mobs. Also, picked the AoE subclass in hopes I don't have to click every trash mob individually, but no, they do in fact get huge AoE but it only gives enemies, I don't know, slight indigestion, or minor headache, or something.

    Damn shame too, I normally love playing rogue classes and the double-saber aesthetic is cool as all hell. I'm sure it's all perfectly balanced and not some developers personal vendetta to savagely clobber the class with a nerf-bat.

    New players: not recommended, class highlight is heroically tactically retreating when things get tough.


    By now I'd have gotten tired of:

    "Help, help, Master Jedi, we're being opressed by evil Sith!"

    "Have no fear, I'll for sure save you!"

    "Goody two-shoes companion1 approves.."

    "Goody two-shoes companion2 approves.."

    "Stupid dumb lizardman disapproves. Because he's dumb. Why haven't I spaced him yet?! I'm sure if I tell him there are points outside and Scorekeeper is waiting, the rocks for brains will walk right out the airllock into open space!".

    copy/pasted 1000x. So I picked a more mundane non-space magician class.

    Finally, no more Mary Sues. Smuggler right out the gate botches a simple delivery job, and gets his car stolen. Should have bought that insurance, sucker! It's like playing myself in the videogame, awesome.

    Not sure what's with the abilities though. He kneels down, draws big green circle on enemies, and then anything below elite gets VAPORIZED. No gun reloading, no long cooldowns, just smooth sailing MELTING anything that looks at him funny. Not that I'm complaining, felt like the opposite day after Jedi Shadow.

    New players: highly recommended, a DPS that can DPS.


    Haven't tried fourth class yet. All in all, good times all around. Would still prefer KOTOR3 to this, but better than nothing and all that.

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