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Posts posted by Freshiefromafar

  1. "You are a damn fool!," Arianna said storming into the room and pushing her sister into a bulkhead. "DARTH MARR? you idiot you are going on a mission with Darth Marr? Have you lost your mind?" "Ari, listen, we don't know what's out there and we need his help," Aerowyn said trembling a little. "I will not listen and you aren't going anywhere," Ari said glaring at her sister, "don't you know what those people did to us? What Malgus and his goons keep doing to us? Everything we fought for, everything we lost and you side with the empire?" "No, listen, we don't know who attacked us and Marr is reasonable please just listen." "I will NOT hear it Aerowy, you aren't going and neither am I end of discussion."

    "Ari, I love you and you are my sister, but I must do what I believe is right. You walk a dark path massacring and torturing anyone you think has a connection to the empire, Ari please consider a different path." "I won't believe this, this isn't happening," Ari said lowering her tone, "if you get on that ship and leave me Aerowyn you and I will never see each other again, don't be a fool."

    "Good bye then Ari, I love you."


    With tears freely flowing Arianna stormed out, then stopped, looked back and said, "please, Aerowyn I'm begging you not to go, please."

  2. "My lord, but I, but I didn't do anything wrong," the young sith said with emotion, biting her lip so hard it bled. Then it happened, 19 years of abuse, 19 years of slavery, 19 years of abandonment and torment erupted into flashes of hot purple lightning. "I didn't do ANYTHING!!" she screamed as she ripped the flesh off of one Sith Juggernaut leaving nothing behind but a black charred corpse where a menacing warrior once stood. "I didn't do ANYTHING!" she repeated crushing the skull of another attacker leaving a red puddle where there used to be a head. "Are you kidding me I did NOTHING WRONG!!" she yelled swinging her purple lightsaber ferociously at her master.


    Noel was 5 when the republic surrendered and her unfortunate family was on Taris when the Jedi gave up the fight and gave 1/2 of the galaxy to the sith, leaving trillions behind who were loyal to republic to a life of slavery. Noel was 5 when she learned how the Jedi treat those who serve faithfully. Noel was 5 when she was claimed as a war prize. Now at 24 years old Noel just learned what loyalty means as a sith.


    Screaming through the pain, the tears, and the disappointment Noel plunged her lightsaber through the heart of her master, "you moron I DID NOTHING WRONG!!?"

  3. "Mayday mayday this is Zakuulan starship Drudge we are under attack!"


    "Where is SHE!?!" Flashes of black and pink sabers carved up a crew member leaving behind the smell of burnt flesh to linger. "Where is SHE!!" A pulse of force power crushes a skytrooper into a wall leaving white armor leaking blood imbeded into the ship. "Where!" Slash another dead crew member, "is" crushing blow blasts another "SHE!!?" Arianna plunges her lightsabers into what can only be described as a frightened boy. "Please master Jedi who are you talking about, please show MERCY" -SLASH "Mercy died on Tython you dogs," Arianna said menacingly. "Now," pointing her lightsaber at the last remaining crew member, "I'm going to ask this one last time, then I'm going to see how many body parts a Zakuulan can live without; where is Aerowyn?!"


    In space, only the dead can hear you scream.

  4. An explosion, an act of kindness, and a journey into darkness.


    "Aerowyn, Aerowyn, AEROWYN, I swear by all that powers that were and be if they take you from me I will kill them all!" With tears in her eyes the young sentinel was struggling fervently to stop the bleeding crying out for help to anyone nearby as she held what remained of the young padawan's face in her lap. Arianna came to this place to finish her trials as a padawan and leave a Jedi Knight, instead her and her sister arrived at a training ground under attack. Aerowyn was beautiful and kind who saw the good in everyone unfortunately for her she didn't see the grenade in the flesh raider's hand that she was trying to treat. "She just can't help herself, she couldn't just let that flesh raider die could she, damn you Aerowyn" the now blood covered sentinel thought as she wrapped what remained of her sister's face in bandages.


    "Padawan, your sister will live," the medical droid said "but unfortunately she has permanently lost her sight." Blinking back tears Arianna left the room, "how, how could this be, she was kind and good and just." Trembling and blinded by tears Arianna uttered 5 words, "I....will....kill.....them ALL!"

  5. I intend to share short stories regarding my 3 main toons. The stories are based on how I play them and also based on the back stories I wrote for them. These are 3 seperate characters who do interract with each other. IE the sage does the KOTFE storyline while the sentinel does not.



  6. "Mayday mayday this is Zakuulan starship Drudge we are under attack!"


    "Where is SHE!?!" Flashes of black and pink sabers carved up a crew member leaving behind the smell of burnt flesh to linger. "Where is SHE!!" A pulse of force power crushes a skytrooper into a wall leaving white armor leaking blood imbeded into the ship. "Where!" Slash another dead crew member, "is" crushing blow blasts another "SHE!!?" Arianna plunges her lightsabers into what can only be described as a frightened boy. "Please master Jedi who are you talking about, please show MERCY" -SLASH "Mercy died on Tython you dogs," Arianna said menacingly. "Now," pointing her lightsaber at the last remaining crew member, "I'm going to ask this one last time, then I'm going to see how many body parts a Zakuulan can live without; where is Aerowyn?!"


    In space, only the dead can hear you scream.

  7. "My lord, but I, but I didn't do anything wrong," the young sith said with emotion, biting her lip so hard it bled. Then it happened, 19 years of abuse, 19 years of slavery, 19 years of abandonment and torment erupted into flashes of hot purple lightning. "I didn't do ANYTHING!!" she screamed as she ripped the flesh off of one Sith Juggernaut leaving nothing behind but a black charred corpse where a menacing warrior once stood. "I didn't do ANYTHING!" she repeated crushing the skull of another attacker leaving a red puddle where there used to be a head. "Are you kidding me I did NOTHING WRONG!!" she yelled swinging her purple lightsaber ferociously at her master.


    Noel was 5 when the republic surrendered and her unfortunate family was on Taris when the Jedi gave up the fight and gave 1/2 of the galaxy to the sith, leaving trillions behind who were loyal to republic to a life of slavery. Noel was 5 when she learned how the Jedi treat those who serve faithfully. Noel was 5 when she was claimed as a war prize. Now at 24 years old Noel just learned what loyalty means as a sith.


    Screaming through the pain, the tears, and the disappointment Noel plunged her lightsaber through the heart of her master, "you moron I DID NOTHING WRONG!!?"

  8. An explosion, an act of kindness, and a journey into darkness.


    "Aerowyn, Aerowyn, AEROWYN, I swear by all that powers that were and be if they take you from me I will kill them all!" With tears in her eyes the young sentinel was struggling fervently to stop the bleeding crying out for help to anyone nearby as she held what remained of the young padawan's face in her lap. Arianna came to this place to finish her trials as a padawan and leave a Jedi Knight, instead her and her sister arrived at a training ground under attack. Aerowyn was beautiful and kind who saw the good in everyone unfortunately for her she didn't see the grenade in the flesh raider's hand that she was trying to treat. "She just can't help herself, she couldn't just let that flesh raider die could she, damn you Aerowyn" the now blood covered sentinel thought as she wrapped what remained of her sister's face in bandages.


    "Padawan, your sister will live," the medical droid said "but unfortunately she has permanently lost her sight." Blinking back tears Arianna left the room, "how, how could this be, she was kind and good and just." Trembling and blinded by tears Arianna uttered 5 words, "I....will....kill.....them ALL!"

  9. Then devote all your utility points to utilities that break stuns or remove / prevent movement impairment and learn to use them when needed.


    If this game isn't fun to you, then find one that is. Experiencing different fight mechanics in different encounters is critical to making the game less repetitive to the average user. If the play-style doesn't suit your taste, then finding a game that does is a no-brainer.


    Again, obviously you didn't read the whole thread, there are boss fights where the stuns are built in and there is no breaking them. Malgus fight, Tython incursion, and the catacombs fight to name a few. You may very well try and utility point your way through a built in stun but it's a no-brainer that they are unbreakable pal.

  10. Last night before maintenance I was on ossus with my sage and the planet was codes and blue! Then the game crashed, everytime I try to log in with her the game crashes!!

    Now the same thing happens with my sentinel. Those are my 2 level 70s and the only reason I play this stupid game! I can log in and create new characters, or play any other character NOT on Ossus! But my two that are on ossus are broke and someone needs to fix this.

    Other players are on Ossus all the time and they don't crash? WTH!!


    I've posted in-game support and no help, I've contacted you on FB, NO HELP, I've reached out to discord support NO HELP!! I called on the phone and guess what, you heard it correctly NOOOO HEEEEELP!!!


    FIX YOUR ****!!

  11. That's what you would call a game mechanic... Removing all stuns is not the answer. I have 50 active toons one server and have never had an issue where I'm totally losing control all the time or thrown off bridges. Yes there are mechanics that will freeze you but that shouldn't upset you, it adds a twist to the boring tank and spank. And a simple tank and spank gets old fast


    There are no mechanics or boss fights that the boss randomly agros or pushes characters away to break a tank and spank outside of unbreakable stuns? Interesting point of view because I can think of several. Again you find the massive amounts of ccs in this game fun and entertaining.... I do not because they get really old really fast.

  12. That's not what Tofu_Shark was saying, and I'm pretty sure you know it. There are ways to avoid or mitigate most of those things(1), but removing them would make fights even easier than they already are. That easiness is what the other post was alluding to.


    What do you propose as alternatives?



    (1) Yes, I *am* saying that this is, at least in part, a learn-to-play issue. Stay out of the enemy floor circles, move *yourself* to avoid being knocked into uncomfortable places (like the air above long drops, fire pits, lava, poison, etc.), and so on.



    I propose removing all stuns that remove the ability of the player to play their character, force push or seismic grenades are fine but I don't play a game to stand still for stupid amounts of time IDC if other games do it. Break the damn mold. "Just because other mmorpgs do it" isn't a good enough argument I don't play those games and maybe you are fine with "standard mmorpg with SWs skin" but I'm not. Especially boss fights "malgus and others" where I'm just floating in the air doing nothing while he 1v1s someone is dumb. THERE IS NO MITIGATION TO THAT!? No circle to avoid, no cleanse, no bubble, it's a built in cut scene of me floating. WHY!? Is it fun? No. Entertaining? No. Does it build suspense? No. It's just a waste of time. Maybe you find it fun but I don't.

  13. Hello, original poster.


    Please play Everquest 1. There's an ice bridge where you'll slip and slide all over the place despite your best efforts.

    Please play Everquest 2. Its frozen-over lake during its Christmas holiday event is also a slippery-slidey mess.

    Please play Skyrim. Rivers have currents that will drag you downstream.


    If involuntary movement is what bothers you, you have it easy in SWTOR.

    I've played skyrim all the way through, never found myself wrapped in cables, spinning in an electric storm, sleeping in combat, or pushed off a bridge. All those things happened withing 3 minutes of SWTOR and it's annoying af.


    Get your facts straight.

  14. SteveTheCynic is ... :confused: confused :confused:.


    Which MMORPGs are these that the player is never pushed, pulled, knocked back, stunned, slowed, crippled(1), etc.?


    (1) Common soft-CC effect in e.g. GW2. GW2 is also prone to allowing NPCs to knock players back over the edge of cliffs, but players can't do that to NPCs.


    Ok, so your argument is that other MMORPG's have this incredibly annoying game concept soooooooo SWTOR should just copy/paste those MMORPG's instead of doing something better or new? Got it.

  15. Nah, even then, I'd say the abilities are just fine. It's kind of funny in a twisted way when you think you've gotten away, and then an enemy uses a grapple ability to pull you back into the maw of death, and they're especially useful in WZs.


    OP, this is an MMORPG. You're going to find those types of abilities in an MMO. Hell, they're also found in MOBAs, and as was already mentioned, FPSs do too. Where would arena FPSs be without the rocket jump? That knockback/knockup can also be used as a form of CC or to send your opponent plummeting to their doom. Some FPSs also have these effects on other weapons. Even RTSs have crowd control abilities. They're not going away.


    The game's been dumbed down enough. Any easier and you'll be watching a movie. Companions' power are also so ridiculously broken, if you don't like or can't handle dealing with CC, you can just send them in to fight while you take a load off in most areas. You're going to take a lot longer to get through mobs though.


    Personally, I think a lot of enemies don't use their CC well enough. They might actually pose a challenge if they managed them better, and some are programmed to keep attempting to use one ability until they get it off before they even use any of their other abilities, which is just plain stupid.


    Watching a movie, exactly my point, I don't play video games to watch characters flop, stun, and stand still. I actually enjoy PLAYING the game not watching NPC's and players control my character for me. These movement controls are dumb and just because they exist in other games doesn't make them needed or fun to play.

  16. Why have a WASD to use if your character is going to be controlled by either NPCs or other players the majority of the time in the game. Maybe stuns, pulls, pushes, roots, and slows are considered fun and exciting to the developers but it seriously makes me want to unsubscribe and go play a game where my character is controlled by the PLAYER not the environment.


    Thoughts on fixing this garbage?

  17. L2P problem. fix it.


    I guess you are so skilled that you can skip arena matches and just play conquest? No? You are forced to play the lame hutt ball just because making it optional is too hard?


    L2P doesn't change that pvp queuing is broke and should be fixed. I can queue to wtv maps I want on BF4, Halo, and many other online games. But forced in this one to do wtv the swtor gods say. No L2P is going to fix that.

  18. Playing a class that has no stun immunity is just stupid imo..


    I always question my sanity when I get bored of fury and start playing anni and carange... :confused:


    Again you are proving his point, whole classes are useless in pvp due to the ungodly number of stuns in the game. Sentinels CD on their ONE stun breaker is 3 times longer than the cd on their 2 stuns..........kinda like the game favors players not playing. Stupid Stun Wars is stupid.

  19. Why can't we select which maps we prefer? Maybe I want to play conquest style maps and think arena is garbage. I pay good money each month to play but can't select maps? Broke. Fix it.


    Why are cooldowns on stuns shorter than stun breakers? I pay good money but spent most of my time playing staring at my character standing still due to the ungodly number of stuns in this game. Broke. Fix it!


    PvP is so broken this looks like a free-to-play mobile sausage fest. Broke. Fix it. Your name is Bioware why is your **** broke?


    Fix it.

  20. In the Conquest Tab under "L" there is a quest for accomplishing certain goals in PVP for a "Guild Group" I've queued with my guild several times up to 4 guild players for PvP yet never seem to get those conquest rewards. What am I doing wrong? How do you form a guild group?
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