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Posts posted by qxkloruty

  1. Hello everyone!

    I've been playing swtor for at least two years now and ive pretty much worked my way through all the content with my characters (all planetary story lines,alliance is at level 20,all level 75 with 306 gear), now all i have left to do is to perfect my characters for uncapped level 75 pve content and master mode operations. , all of my characters are dps, Heres what i know so far:

    .I must have above 1213 alacrity and 1590 accuracy and put the rest into critical.

    .Use a set AND a tactical

    .Use a certain amplifier

    .only use a rotation of your best moves and the rest only sparingly.

    Any advice would be welcomed :tran_angel::sul_angel::jawa_wink:

  2. Dear whoever it may concern

    I have been doing space missions on my smuggler for a few days now and every time i get a small scrap item from completing a space mission the fleet reputation bar just stays at the same number and does not go up. Maybe its just a republic issue or maybe its only a problem for me but i would like it if someone could tell me if they could do something about it. I've already reported this via the bug command in game but i wanted to leave a forum message just in case someone didn't see it.

  3. Dear whomever it concerns

    ive noticed that there's a lot of codex (the ingame pokedex) entries that just can't be gotten e.g lord parnax lost recordings,the blade of the sith executioner or the phobias devices of drommund kaas, maybe think about trying to put them back so that anyone who wants to complete the codex actually can.

    please and thank you.

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