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Posts posted by twinheadedsnake

  1. I myself haven't quite reached that point in the game, I'll be honest, however if I got my facts right, if you didn't do a quest and NPCs mention it, its assumed you did nothing but dark side choices. Its the same with all the classes, if a quest was important enough to be mentioned and you didn't actually do it, its assumed you did actions based on the factions your in. (Empire classes will do nothing but dark side actions, and republic classes will do nothing but light side actions)


    I think that's how they handled the Eternal Empire and Eternal Throne DLCs for what kind of people the other classes were "canonically". Hope this helps!

  2. Thank you! I personally agree here in the regards that, while for a light sided Sith Warrior it makes sense, or maybe even a merciful grey side Sith Warrior sparing Quinn makes sense. For a dark sided ruthless Sith Warrior, it makes little to no sense. My first Sith Warrior was a ruthless dark side playthrough, and finding out I couldn't kill Quinn was disappointing to say the least (though I'm a fairly new player). To me it just didn't make sense, on top of the fact Quinn was working with at this point your main enemy, the fat traitorous dark lord and our former master; Baras. (Though I do like that little twist, true Sith betrayal there) As for the whole "Quinn's death would ruin the Iokath arc"; True as that may be, but that wouldn't be too much of a problem if they kept that option from the Beta. I do see the point though, make no mistake, but they could have taken other characters from the Imperial side to fill that whole. Perhaps Jaesa Wilsaams, Lieutenant Pierce, hell they could have even done it with a minor or side character, like a random high ranking Imperial officer from the flashpoints or one of those major side missions. There are plenty of other characters they could have used. Sorry if I was ranting there, but it still breaks my immersion if I'm a ruthless evil sith, and I can't kill someone for betraying me (which in the Sith Empire, I'd imagine is a more "reasonable" thing to do as far as the Sith are concerned).
  3. I've gotta agree here. I'm also a little confused about its absence in the first place, it seemed (from what I hear at least) to be marketed ever since those cinematic trailers featuring them years ago (Hope and Deceived trailers I believe) However the set's just missing from the Cartel Market, yet at the same time the helmet for this set is still available for purchase. I just can't understand why you'd still have the helmet for sale, but not the rest of the set.
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