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Posts posted by PupPupandAway

  1. 7.0 was delayed and currently on January 20th 2022..


    Incorrect - the original pushback (in December) was to 15 February and that's still the only news they've released.


    I 100% agree with you that this game isn't ready to release, and I fully expect a PTS update and then at least 2-3 weeks...but whether EAWare chooses to do that or not, the release won't happen until 15 February.


    I'm having trouble finding an official source that isn't a frigging video, but the quote from Vulkk and others is:


    (project director Keith Kanneg: )


    “We have made the difficult decision to delay the release of Legacy of the Sith to February 15, 2022."

  2. Unlocks on PTS itself can (AFAIK) only be done with Cartel Coins or "play an race available on Background A through end of basic story then you can create in any other Background").


    Cartel Coins do not exist on PTS, so....

    If you want to play a Chiss from level 1 on PTS in a background (base story) where they show as locked, then the only other option is to transfer a character from Live to PTS, where that character is in a Legacy that already has Chiss unlocked.


    Good luck...

  3. Amplifiers are total bs. [...] Don't get me wrong, Amplifier system is a really neat idea but it needs so much more tweaking and actual stats that are gonna matter in both PvE and PvP. I dunno who thought about all of these pointless bonuses/stats but they need to rethink it.


    [...]For all I care Bioware can even delay the expansion just to fix everything, that could have been avoided if PTS launched like 2-3 months ago, and not like what, 2 or even less months before official Onslaught launch? I would rather have good launch rather than something close to Shadow of Revan launch.


    I'm not sure I even have anything left to say after this. Amplifiers are completely RNG and could be anything from "greatly affects gameplay" (people who re-roll to get combat-related amplifiers at high percentage) to "does something?" (What the heck does "Unlucky" even really DO?)


    Why in the world is this even on the PTS without any real attempt to make it something players would want? Who thought this was something we *would* want, in anywhere near its present state?

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