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Posts posted by yzaddcinco

  1. The solution for the credit inflation:


    A story update: told exclusively through video cutscenes (like those fancy trailers they did back in the days) about a massive galaxy-wide money scam and on top of that a wicked heist (two different stories happening at the same time, maybe even intertwined).


    This is sooooo huge, that credits as a currency, become completely worthless (due to the scam) and/or get stolen (due to the heist).


    All credits in the legacy cargo will become worthless (scam story). And thus reset to 0.


    All credits in the inventory and in in-game mails will get stolen (heist story). And thus reset to 0.


    The Intergalactic Banking Clan gets ordered by the Republic Senate and the Sith Empire to compensate all their customers with 1.000.000 new-credits (non-subscribers: 500.000 new-credits).


    All listings on the GTN will be reset. Items go back to the seller via mail, so that they can then relist at new prices.


    Problem solved. (Yes, we would all lose all our credits, but we would get a most spectacular Star Wars short movie in return which is totally worth spending billions of virtual currency on it.)


    That is exactly what I have been thinking for years. And you could even improve it , add a story questine where you can hunt down the scammers and get at least revenge and maybe some credits back.


    I really wonder why never any of the hyperinflated MMOs had the guts to do something like that.

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