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Posts posted by IamMasterShazam

  1. Hello I am encountering a Launcher problem where my application after Logging in wont start. I am currently playing in the ST mode and already have tried all the options on the customer support site.....even deleted the .xft and config folder but the game still wont start. I am making it past the log-in screen but then the play button is greyed and it says i quote:

    "This application has encountered an unspecified error. Please try this patch again." I have tried to call customer support here in germany but it has been shut down. Any suggestions?


    NVM i found out that in the customer support it said to delete the .xft and config folder of Bitraider and not the full folder.....just found a thread that says to delete the whole bitraider folder and now it works ^^

  2. Hello I am encountering a Launcher problem where my application after Logging in wont start. I am currently playing in the ST mode and already have tried all the options on the customer support site.....even deleted the .xft and config folder but the game still wont start. I am making it past the log-in screen but then the play button is greyed and it says i quote:

    "This application has encountered an unspecified error. Please try this patch again." I have tried to call customer support here in germany but it has been shut down. Any suggestions?

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