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Posts posted by Ronable

  1. Concealment

    • Percieved by me: Low burst damage and low sustained capability in PvP combat. Attacks to long and cost to much energy.
    • Percieved by others: Extremely weak damage in PvP. Moderate bust but not worth bringing to RWZ's.



    • Perceived by me: Best PvP healer. Highly mobile, strong heals. Maybe needs a boost to Kolto Probe. Ticks are to slow and too weak.
    • Perceived by others: Hands down best PvP healers.



    • Perceived by me and others: Not a viable PvP spec. No ranged attacks proc TA. Weakening Blast range is to short.
    • Good sustained PVE damage.

  2. How do I perceive my class?

    * Incredibly deadly pvp damage. 8/8/25 spec.

    * The most massive single target burst damage in the game.

    * A little squishy because a lack of cooldowns. But doesn't matter in team pvp because my damage is insane.


    How do others perceive my class?

    * Very overpowered burst damage capabilities (and quite rightfully so).

    * Highly sought for RWZ's.

    * High damage capabilities.

  3. The biggest problem with World PvP is faction imbalance. Every PvP server across the board has Imperials outnumbering Republic. The number can be small (Fatman is 5-4) or large (Prop5 is 3-1) but the Imperials always have an advantage due to numbers.


    Until that issue is addressed, nothing else matters.


    This is exactly why I never understand why people want open world pvp...it isnt epic its most of the time a numbers game zerg fest. Sure really elite groups can take out groups with more people but most of the time that doesnt happen.

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