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Posts posted by Eoinol

  1. For that you have to start a new char from level 1.



    If you use a Master's Datacron, you can use THAT character to start the Story from the beginning, ( or carry it on from whatever level you used it on.


    It is the Outlander Character Token that will not allow you to do Story.



    No, story end is Ziost (and level 60).


    Partially incorrect, you can finish earlier than level 60, depending on what you do on your journey.

    To get Legendary Status credit for a character, Chapter 3, it ends on Corellia.

    The FULL Story ends on Ziost, which is the question that Semiramis was answering.

  2. Pub side : team up with 2 to 3 people( 1 companion for healing) run Balmorra and Nar Shaddaa heroics, if all have 21/2 hours then run as many Heroics as you can, then head to Cz-198, Black Hole and Yavin 4 for the daily/weeklies there.

    last 2x XP/CP 3 of us level 30ish ran 30 heroics then CZ-198 and Black hole and pulled to lv 60 in about 2 1/2 hours then next day grouped up for Revan story line then ran Balmorra for level 70 cap



    AHH I'm not trying to be smart, but you could have actually read my post.

  3. As the subject says, where is the best Republic only XP farming for double XP event?


    The Imp side is easy, bug hunt and I know I could;

    throw snowballs at overheated droids,

    do heroics

    do dailies

    do Galactic Starfighter

    do flashpoints & OPs


    ... but there has to be a location that I've missed, over the last few double xp events, nothing has worked on the Rep side, as good as the Imp bug hunt.




  4. With so many players having multiple Alts, it would be beneficial to have a Legacy Conquest Reward.


    This way players in Guilds with multiple Alts would have more reason to do the more of the Conquests, passed the personal 15,000 limit, as it would keep tracking the Legacy points.

  5. The Senya Holo Trainer is an item you can activate to make a holo npc appear and you click on it to update your skills as you level, instead of having to go back to your skills Trainer


    It's free from the Anniversary Vendor at the moment, along with other stuff.


    Once you have it, store it in Inventory and drag it to your quick bar if you have space.


    The anniversary vendor can be found in the stronghold section of the fleet, in the inner ring, the same section as decoration vendors, in the right corner.

  6. I started a few new characters in the last few weeks, Imp & Pub.


    I have turned off chat for my other characters by selecting "other", but I put it back on for these characters.


    The behaviour in chat was horrendous, if I was new to the game, I don't think I'd stay, as it is, I have too much invested.


    This is a multi-server problem, why is SWTOR attracting the sewerage, I just don't get it.

    We had issues before, it came & went, but this is constant.


    we need Ingame chat Mods, just ban them from General chat, let them "talk big" in guild chat.

  7. Part 5 , last one


    Leveling Up



    One you get to level 55, you can start checking “Activities” and see what you can do.


    As soon as you can do Section X, Black Hole & CZ-198 you need to add them to your weekly routine.


    These have big bonuses and reset every Tuesday afternoon.


    Once you have good gear, jump into Flashpoints etc, whatever you like to do, jump in.




    The best way to find a Guild is to watch players as you play, note the guild names and any one guild you see a lot of is worth trying out, as at least they have players on.


    That's it, I hope you learned at least something new ;-)

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