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Posts posted by weapon_x

  1. My smuggler healer doesn't have cover on my skill bars. Cover isn't as essential for Scoundrel/Operatives as it is for Gunslingers/Snipers. While it has some nice applications in PvP, you can get by just fine without it in PvE. Scoundrels do better in melee range for damage so you can safely ignore the cover only abilities.


    That's how I've been doing it. I just wasn't sure if I was doing it wrong by not using cover at all.

  2. OK, I'll bite...


    Isn't there like 4 or 5 different ways to play a smuggler? If you can't find a game mechanic in there somewhere that suits you, I predict a lot of space combat for you :p If you out-level the content far enough, you can just stroll around and let your companions do all the killing while you look at holos of your ship.


    I decided to go with a healer since I don't have one on the republic side. I just hate the whole mechanic of taking cover. It just feels like it really doesn't work in this game. Fortunately, I have several 50's so my companions are really strong. I was able to solo the first FP at level 10 with Corso. I don't think I have the patience to level this guy, so I'll probably move to Consular, which is the last class for me.

  3. Unfortunately, this is correct. Whether or not they'll add more species depends on how well the Cathar does. So I'll be buying it regardless hoping it will nudge the money counter towards making more. Of course that probably has the unfortunate side effect of that if it IS profitable, they'll keep adding races to the cartel market rather than in expansions.


    This right here is the problem. Allowing yourselves to be bullied into buying the product. They've made it quite clear that they won't make any more species if the Cathar aren't a monetary success, essentially forcing people to buy it out of fear of not getting anymore species by holding them hostage. It's disgusting.


    Businesses aren't supposed to control us, we're supposed to control them. We have the money. As soon as it was released that the Cathar would not be free (at least for subscribers), there should have been a mass cancellation. You want to see a business change their policy? Take their money away. It happens all the time when people want to make a statement.


    Unfortunately, the consumer market is full of idiots and betas that allow themselves to be manipulated into whatever the business wants.

  4. So this is an interview that basically answered nothing. Everything is "we'd like to do" or "we love the idea" or "it's on the table." These interviews are like a politician's speech. There's a lot of words, but they aren't saying anything.


    I have zero faith in the ability of EA to do anything outside of the cartel market as has been demonstrated over and over again. Holding all other species hostage depending on how much the Cathar make is a pathetic move. Their hope is that everyone, even those that don't want it, buy it for fear of not getting any other species.


    I'm running through the die hard 2....I mean Trooper story right now. As soon as I'm done with that, I'm out of here. I have no interest in playing the smuggler and completed all the others.

  5. Complaining does nothing when you keep paying for the product.


    I'm trying to wrap up my remaining story lines. I have no interest in the endgame hamster wheel and play only until 50. I've done Inquisitor, Operative and Knight stories and am halfway through Bounty Hunter, which will be my last one. The stories aren't even that good really. They are all 90% filler quest garbage and I'm sick and tired of the same quests over and over again. In my opinion, the voice acting is a complete waste as I spacebar through it all. I read alot faster than they talk.


    I actually just cancelled my account. If I can finish the Bounty Hunter story line before I run out of time, fine, if not, I'm not going to lose sleep over it. If the space revamp is similar to JTL, I'll probably resub, but I doubt it will be. Even if they attempt the same, they will screw it up with their incompetence.

  6. Remember when Luke Skywalker was flying his X-Wing fighter all over the place, doing lots of loops and barrel rolls, making full use of his 3D environment to blow up the Death Star? And not just flying down a trench avoiding turrets and TIE Fighters? Me either.


    Remember when all those rebel pilots were killed attacking the Death Star? Turns out they had no control over their ships.

  7. I started a new trooper and am using the reveler's armor. My FIRST repair bill, around level 7 I believe, was over 3,000 credits? That was almost half of what I had. This is pathetic. Base repair cost on level or something else.


    No, my gear wasn't broken and I have the slots filled with low level greens.

  8. This really needs to be changed now that almost no one is looking for these parts. Put an indicator arrow or something. I was on Taris for over 2 hours looking for this part. I cancelled my subscription for a month because of this. It was not fun. I googled it and researched and it turned out to be well outside the area that was marked on the maps on help sites.


    Took me about 30 minutes on Coruscant to find the part.

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