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Posts posted by Meeth

  1. I use this many ppl will disagree with this build, but i can use it for PVE tanking as well so that's all good.




    i use a similar build. my favorite part about being a darkness sin is that the pvp and pve tanking specs are very similar. the only problem is that you should have 2 full (or nearly full) sets of gear to do both most effectively this is what i'm currently using:



  2. i had a similar problem as a darkness sin starting to pvp at lvl 50. people would tell me pay the 200k or so to get the full recruit set even though i was ending war zones with around 160k damage, during good matches, just using orange gear with the mods i bought with corellia commendations. the problem i was having with the stalker recruit set is that i was sacrificing endurance for accuracy and expertise and doing less dmg overall because i was dying so quickly. it wasn't just an issue of having less total hp, it was also because i did less self healing because that is determined by your total endurance.


    during the time i spent saving up for BM stalker gear i learned that replacing everything with recruit gear is not always the way to go depending on your spec. i did replace some gear with it but make sure you are paying attention to the total stats you will end up with and tell the people that say "if you are going to pvp you need a full recruit set first" to just look at your numbers at the end of the match and then tell you what they think.

  3. well if you are pvping you should use FS all the time as you get it, i don't know off-hand what lvl you get it.. for pve it is almost useless except maybe if you are trying to escape and your best escape abilities are on their cool-down. as far as crushing darkness goes i ditched it as soon as i speced for tanking at lvl 33. as Feign said it is useful for a couple of situations in pvp but i still don't find it useful enough to warrant a spot on my already crowded tool bars.
  4. i leveled my sorcerer to around 25 then got bored and lvled a sinner all the way to 50. i guess it comes down to your preferred playing style although the sorcerer seems to have the advantage with solo lvling speed especially since our first companion is a tank. khem isn't bad as an assassin either (especially a dps speced sin) but i had to wait till i hit 33 and got our healer before i really started to knock out lvls fast as an assassin tank.


    i can't speak personally to how well sorcerers do end-game but the first 2 guys in my guild to hit lvl 50 did so as sorcerers and mostly abandoned them after about a week. their main gripe is that they are too squishy no matter what the spec. one rerolled as a powertech and the other a merc and they prefer their new 50s much more.


    either way an inquisitor and our republic mirror class are the very best classes to roll if you are unsure about what you want to do. we can wait until level 10 before we have to decide if we want to heal, tank, or dps melee or at range.

  5. you can buy the med packs off of the GTN (auction house) but on my server at least they are hard to find because most people aren't willing to pay the amount of money they cost to cover the mats and give the seller a bit of profit. for the highest lvl blues you should expect to pay around 10k each. going with biochem to use the reusable packs is a much cheaper route if you are determined to heal Khem.
  6. Shroud of darkness is not really worth it end game. I have 1 point in it, simply because there was nothing else really good to put it into. I have 25k hp with stim, so an extra 2% = 500 hp.....woop te do. DEFINITELY better to go with the reduced cost on thrash/shock from torment.


    the main reason for taking 3 points in shroud of darkness is because your self healing from dark charge and force lighting is determined by your total endurance. i do agree that going from 25k-25.5k health would not be worth it otherwise.


    to the OP: what build are you using? i have shroud of darkness, thrashing blades, and torment maxed. so i guess the question would be: what would you sacrifice to get them all?

  7. i created a ticket about this but haven's received a response yet. the war hero stalker saber staff requires 1 battle master stalker saberstaff and about 3500 ranked warzone commendations. i have both of these but when i try to buy it i get a message saying that i can't afford it. the only reason for this i can think of is that i swapped out the +crit red crystal the battle master saber came with and replaced it with a +expertise crystal. has anyone else had this problem?


    EDIT: lol i feel stupid, i just had to drag it off my character and into my inventory.

  8. What you should do, is pick up some orange moddable gear.

    There is gear sold by various vendors that sell gear that you can put item modifications in so you don't always have to go look for green gear.


    It makes it much easier.


    what lvl are you? if you are at least lvl 35 you could run flashpoints at his lvl together. if you run them solo they will be more likely to drop gear for your class. of course if you are the same class this would not be a problem.

  9. sounds like you guys need a good tank friend. it isn't your fault that you are dying so much it is your teams fault especially if you are getting killed by a single marauder. i see too many tanks ignoring friendly healers and just going after enemy healers when keeping you alive is supposed to be one of our main priorities if not the only one. killing a healer is a burst dpser's job.


    this is coming from a darkness assassin: unless more than 2 people are attacking you there is absolutely no reason you should die unless your gear and my gear is TERRIBLE. when i guard you i take half your damage and when i use either of my taunts i cut your attackers dmg down by 30%. i can self heal in 3 different ways, not counting a med pack, so you should only have to worry about healing and shielding yourself. plus there is my crowd control. i can force pull and electrocute a marauder which will keep him off of you for at least 6 seconds if his charge isn't on cooldown.


    most tanks i have seen on my server just don't appreciate the value of a good healer in pvp. the republic tanks do and that is one of the reasons we loose to them 9 out of 10 times. i wish everyone would show some love to the healers anyway they can, even if it is just giving a mvp vote to the best one at the end of a match.

  10. You need accuracy so the free cast of Force Lightning don't end Up doing *Miss*


    as far as i know force and tech attacks never miss. they can be absorbed by something like lightning shield but that is it. they also completely ignore shield generators and defense. accuracy is completely useless for sorcerers and almost useless for most assassin builds.

  11. there is a 2 man heroic on corellia (against wookies, i can't remember the name) which you should be able to solo every day and don't forget space missions. up until 50 i did every space mission i had a quest for. it is very nice xp and credits considering that they only take 10 minutes
  12. Yea, Xalek's bug is that no matter how much Shield or Absorb rating the gear you give him has, it doesn't improve. He's the only such bugged companion in the game.


    The numbers below are based upon my gearing of Khem and Xalek a while ago. This is also with me stripping out some of his purple lvl 56 enhancements in favor of blue 49 since the worse ones had defense (which is his only usable stat) instead of shield/absorb. - point being, the difference would be even bigger if I hadn't customized his gear.


    Numbers follow:


    Xalek's Shield generator absorption is 20% regardless of gear

    Tooltip even says "Absorption rating (240) +0.00%"

    In contrast Khem Val gets a 10.59% increase for having an absorption rating of 106 (going from 20 to 30.59%


    Shield rating itself Khem for example is at 33.31% from a base of 5% + 20% from skills and an additional 8.31% from his shield rating of 144.

    Meanwhile, Xalek is at a flat 25% (5% base 20% skill) regardless of his gear's shield rating.


    Khem has a 29.94% damage reduction from his heavy armor while Xalek has only 24.05% from light armor (including the skill to buff it by 42%)


    So with roughly equal gear (mostly Tier 2) Khem has ~24.5% (29.94/24.05) more damage reduction, 33.2% (33.31/25) better chance to shield an attack, and 53% (30.59/20) more absorption of the shielded attack.


    The only thing in Xalek's favor is 1200 more health (only ~6.5%) He's statistically vastly inferior as a tank.


    i was unaware of this bug but Xalek also runs right up to any mob he is attacking and engages them at point blank range when he should stop at 10m at least to engage with his lightning. he is only supposed to engage point blank and use his saber if a melee mob attacks him but i see how that would be a moot point to sorcerers compared to the bug you just mentioned.

  13. the bug with Xalek is that he is supposed to be a RANGED dps/ tank but if you are a sorcerer this will actually work to your advantage. us sinners on the other hand have a real problem with him. enjoy it while it lasts but if he ever gets fixed you will probably be better off with Khem.
  14. Go deception first. Get duplicity, and run around and maul people for a ton of damage. Thats how i did it with khem tanking until i got andronikos then i used him to burns stuff down until i got to Hoth. then i got the healing pet talos drellik. i went darkness spec and leveled with him to 50.


    i did the exact same thing and have stuck with the 31/0/10 at 50 for pvp. i have been very happy with this but again, it depends on you play style. i personally hate depending on deception's backstabbing and lack of survivability.


    as far as your rotation goes it all depends on you your current build.

  15. Im curious about the 8k heath. Lets say my max HP pool is 20000. 20000 x 25% = 5000 HP. I would need a pool of 32000 HP to hit a 8k heal.


    All in all, with that trick of using OS + Rakata is probably worth me to spec into it again even if it is a 5k heal.


    then i guess it is a question of what you would be pulling points out of to get it.

  16. i have had thrash in the first slot of my main bar ( 1 key) for as long as i can remember so it is triggered by mouse button 2. the problem is that my cursor has to be over an enemy for it to trigger and in pvp this can be a bit tricky when my target is running around like a chicken with its head cut off. i have tried to bind mouse button 2 to the first spot on my main bar but it doesn't work. apparently you cannot bind mouse button 2 to anything.


    can anyone suggest a way to work around this besides moving it to another slot on the bar?

  17. Never, ever underestimate how useful this can be. Combine this with a PVP adrenal and you just healed 45% of your health. How demoralizing it can be to a Sent or Smuggler that's blown all his CD to drop your health only to see it jump back up.


    which pvp adrenal do you mean? i don't use them but i can make reusable rakata adrenals through biochem.

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