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Posts posted by CheeryCola

  1. well tbh I sometimes use them as a lazy way 2 get aggro :eek:


    if a bunch of adds pop then u can click kolto and mostly they come 2 attack u


    I get that its annoying for ppl wanting to practice healing tho :D and I get why ppl r nervous about trying MM FP with the way some ppl talk in here :rolleyes::rolleyes:


    if ure on malgus and want 2 try healing a MM FP with a tank that's rly not going 2 rage then msg me on here or in game :):):)


    most MM FPs r rly ez, just a couple 2 avoid if ure not sure :p

  2. You know, when it comes to trash, a good pair of DPS can trash the mob in the length of their DCD. If instead of freaking out, you work with it, you'll be clearing faster.


    I am very good at all roles, and I see not using some of the reflects and DCD's that DPS have on trash as a waste. I love it when I can get a good DPS that understands this; and can mange their positioning and mob positioning as they do it.


    so cool, I love it when guys who are very good at everything take time to explain stuff to me :rolleyes:


    but all i was ACTUALLY saying was some of the stuff in the game makes ppl not value tanks so much so the FP tanks there are get kind of cheesed off bcos they don't feel needed :jawa_tongue:


    if deeps get to play at being tank I want a mega 1 shot kill skill so I can play at being deeps :)

  3. I mostly pug tank MM FPs so i suppose that means i don’t see other tanks tanking really :)


    I can talk about MY life as a pug tank tho!


    I don’t really like Ops everyone seems to take them so seriously and you don’t really need a tank in most Vets so tbh i feel like ppl groan when they see a tank pop up in GF :). But that’s ok I’m happy just derping about in MM FPs :). (Tho qs are RLY slow on TRE just now tho. Even for a tank :/)


    Things that put me off tanking is people saying nothing in chat except obv “skip” which they pretty much always say after they’ve spent most of the FP doing nothing or standing in ttly the wrong place :D. It takes about 2 secs to say hello and thanks :)


    But most annoying is people pulling stuff or telling me how to tank. I know the pulls RLY well so when someone (its MOSTLY a merc :D ) decides to show off and pull groups before me it just slows things down :/ I have to use my cds to save the healer who usually gets the aggro so it takes longer to kill all of them in that pull and then the NEXT pull takes longer bcos my carbonise is on cd or i can’t use grapple :/


    I know people wld rage at this but id like to see deeps lose their def cds in FPs especially reflects. Its just weird deeps having reflects (or taunt!). I think that way people might appreciate tanks and healers a bit more and be a bit more patient with them learning stuff :)


    I know it won’t happen tho :p

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