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Posts posted by tmelange

  1. I see lots of people looking for a guild these days, so I wanted to bump this thread. I'm still an active member of both TEAM and ZiRe, and I have a blast with my guildmates every day. Truly, I never thought I'd get any benefit out of belonging to a guild or being social in a game at all, but I have to admit that joining these guilds has upped my enjoyment of this game immensely, and it's valuable in so many ways. For example, just last week I was bemoaning on guild chat the fact that I wanted enough refined isotope stabilizers to make a dark project but they were too hard to get. A guildmate sent me 10 -- out of the blue and unsolicited -- a gift worth over a million credits. I look back on the weeks I spent all by myself on my first planet a couple of months ago and shake my head.


    If you're looking for a small guild filled with great people that's steadily growing and want to be in on the ground floor as we grow, please join us. We'd love to have you.

  2. I'm in this guild, and I hope you consider joining us. Nee-Elder is a great guild master, and everyone I've interacted with to date has been outstanding. I'm a complete newbie, and I've appreciated all the help Nee has provided.


    If you're like me and prefer to be in on the ground floor of a smaller guild that is steadily growing instead of just joining a giant guild, this may be the place for you. :)

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